did I prune too much? pics in thread


Active Member
should have waited. i understand you're excited to do it as we all are. but those fan leaves were providing key food for the plant. no need to prune that young with the plant.


Well-Known Member
u manily just prune to like thin out the plant. to completly take out all the bottom layer is not needed


Well-Known Member
yes you did prune way to much. in my opinion pruning ANYTHING is too much. especially that young of a plant. those fan leaves that you cut off soak in the light, then during the night cycle they disperse the energy to the rest of the plant. that plant is for sure stunted now. but its all good it will live. but just to let you know, when growers talk about pruning, its alot later in the flowering cycle. and its only to let more light get the the flowers.[buds]


Active Member
you went nuts there mate! quick question, is pruning needed? or can you just leave it to grow, what benifit do you get out of it?


Well-Known Member
pruning helps concentrate energy on the buds later in flowering, and allows more light to hit lower branches


Well-Known Member
yeah. u really hurt its growth rate, and that whole section wont make bud unless u are real lucky and those branches grow back


Well-Known Member
well i pruned the lower branches so that light can get to the inner layer which i thought was a good thing. also i pruned just the big fan leaves. the stems that will grow buds are there and now they have the chance to get alot of light. and i run the light 24/7 so the big fan leaves serve really no purpose right?


Well-Known Member
yeah. u really hurt its growth rate, and that whole section wont make bud unless u are real lucky and those branches grow back
dont mean to sound rude. but you shouldnt be answering questions. your confusing people. judging by a couple of your threads i just found. asking how to break up buds. but anyway, bud will grow on the spots still, even if the fan leaves are gone. i dont know what branches your talking about cause he didnt cut off any branches just a few sets of leaves. read the grow faq:mrgreen: it helps alot


Well-Known Member
dude i responded to u in the other thread. the purpose of that thread was to help people who don't know that u just break it up. i've seen a couple of people asking in other threads (one guy repeatedly) and no body was answering them, so i thought id help them out.

and i was wrong about buds not growing u are correct


Well-Known Member
quick question cause when i've cut branches later in growth. the buds didnt form, is taht only cause i cut them all the way to the stem?


Well-Known Member
dude ppl can start smoking at any age. sure they could be 14 year old kids whose balls havent dropped, but they could also be college kids who are just starting smoking, hell they could even be 40-50 year olds who just started up. no one can judge age purely on experience. but yes, that advice i gave was not correct/

also could u help me with what i said in my last post. i need a more experienced growers advice

when i've cut branches later in growth. the buds didnt form, is taht only cause i cut them all the way to the stem?


Well-Known Member
ya you probably cut the preflowers off if you cut it to the stem. good advice: dont prune at all