trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
According to you Zimmerman was "chasing" Martin, now you say Zimmerman was in front of Martin? One or the other could be true, but not both.
zimmerman spotted martin near the northwest part of the complex initially. zimm was leaving his home in the SW part of the complex headed north to the north entrance. martin was coming through a gap behind the houses from the 7/11. he was coming from that area because the gates close at 7pm there. martin got back from the 7/11 after 7pm, evidence shows.

now, a black male coming out from behind some houses in the rain and the dark wearing a hoodie might look suspicious. we can all admit that.

so they meet for the first time, with zimm noticing martin coming out from behind the houses, on martin's direct path home. maybe a look is exchanged, maybe zimmerman is suspicious and gives young martin the stink eye, maybe not. but something prompts zimmerman to make a call to non-emergency dispatch for a suspicious looking fellow.

zimm starts to react. he picks up his cell, calls non emergency dispatch (likely on speed dial or recent contacts, waits in queue for a minute or so, and parks his truck at a location that he describes as past the mailboxes, make a left.

we can deduce from what he says on the call and the location of the clubhouse and zimmerman's self-described location that zimm stopped and backed up and turned around to face the clubhouse.

martin is coming from the NW to the SE to get home. he walks down the sidewalk either in front of or behind the clubhouse towards where zimm has parked his truck. zimmerman is parked right in martin's way home. remember, these two had some contact previously.

this is the part in the call where zimm says "he'c checking me out" (paraphrasing) and "he's coming towards me", "he has his hand in his waistband", "there's something wrong with him"...and other such assessments/profiling.

martin was just a little high. he was on the phone, he had ear pieces. he was not holding the phone to his ear. he had his hands in his pockets, talking on the ohone, carrying some skittles and iced tea. he was trying to talk to his girlfriend, and had some guy seemingly following him.

he eyes this guy up, his girlfriend tells him to run. he runs. zimmerman even says so. "he ran", "i've lost him", "i don't know where this kid is"...

martin ran to the south, "down towards the back entrance" as zimm describes it. in previous calls like this, all featuring exclusively black males, he has described the back entrance as just a passage for them to go steal from the other subdivision.

so martin's home is in the SE part of the complex. martin is running south, or walking quickly at first, until zimm gets out of his truck. martin could have run off to the east or west. if he ran to the east, towards home, he lost zimm just after his girlfriend called back and told her so. ditto if he ran west.

in any case, a few minutes pass between martin losing zimmerman after the first chase and the second chase/third and final contact. in this time, zimmerman sounds all confused and fucked up, and tells the dispatcher not to have the police meet him at a certain location. he wants the police to call him for his location at the time, because he does not want to be at a fixed location.

so zimm hangs up and does some hunting. or maybe he just starts walking back to his truck, looking for martin along the way behind the cut throughs behind houses.

whatever happened, the final confrontation happened in a location where it is impossible that zimmerman was simply returning to his truck or looking for an address. all of martin's possessions were found in the grass. witnesses all describe the scuffle happening in the grass.

so there was a scuffle, but it was not a big one. it was over in 30-45 seconds, and we hear 45 seconds of screaming for help before the final shot.

smart money is on zimmerman trying to detain martin, martin getting a few hits on zimm, but ultimately being held at gunpoint by zimm. zimm, in a state of mental overload, mistakes martin's screams and squirms as a reach for his weapon, and fires. or maybe zimm was just an asshole deep inside and lost his mind for a moment.

who knows.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
you're so fucking dumb it hurts.

"ultimately avoidable by zimmerman"

everything refutes zimmerman's "testimony" (more accurately, 'story' since they will not put him on the stand). even zimmerman's story refutes zimmerman's story. the prosecution has already let this be known.

you can't repeatedly chase someone down and claim self defense.
Why has the prosecution said there is no evidence that Zimmerman provoked a fight? If you have the guts to stay with me on this, I'll show everyone who is fucking dumb. But I suspect they already know.

And fo course you can chase someone down (even though that didn't happen" and claim self defense IF they attack you. being followed )or even chased) does not create a right to attack your follower. And if the follower is attacked, there is nothing that magically strips him of his right to self defense.

You really know nothing about this case, you just open your mouth and shit falls out. Amazing.


Well-Known Member
Why has the prosecution said there is no evidence that Zimmerman provoked a fight? If you have the guts to stay with me on this, I'll show everyone who is fucking dumb. But I suspect they already know.
it's you, we know that.

the prosecution did not tip their at that there is no evidence that zimmerman provoked a fight, they tipped their hat that they don't know WHO started the fight.

you partisan douche.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
it's you, we know that.

the prosecution did not tip their at that there is no evidence that zimmerman provoked a fight, they tipped their hat that they don't know WHO started the fight.

you partisan douche.
"There is no evidence we know of that Mr Zimmerman provoked a confrontation or fight."

I guess you read that differently, eh?

ps name calling is the effort of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcefully


Well-Known Member
"There is no evidence we know of that Mr Zimmerman provoked a confrontation or fight."

I guess you read that differently, eh?

ps name calling is the effort of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcefully
so, where does the prosecution say that they know WHO started the fight?

smart money is on the guy who repeatedly chased the kid, not that it matters. you don't get to chase someone down repeatedly and call it self defense. angela corey has already established much harsher standards as precedent.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
so, where does the prosecution say that they know WHO started the fight?

smart money is on the guy who repeatedly chased the kid, not that it matters. you don't get to chase someone down repeatedly and call it self defense. angela corey has already established much harsher standards as precedent.
Nobody knows who started it and nobody ever will. It's not even relevant to the case at hand. Don't you even know a lawyer who could give you a few basics so you don't keep making such a fool of yourself?


Well-Known Member
Well, if nobody even knows who started the confrontation, where do you get murder 2? You don't have any idea what murder 2 requires do you?
the main thing that separates it form manslaughter, which this is clearly a case of, is disregard for human life.

show me when zimmerman gave any regard for martin's life. he straddled the kid after chasing him down twice and shooting him.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
the main thing that separates it form manslaughter, which this is clearly a case of, is disregard for human life.

show me when zimmerman gave any regard for martin's life. he straddled the kid after chasing him down twice and shooting him.
Yes, if Zimmerman had only cared for Martin's life, he would have done the right thing and let Martin kill him without fighting back. If nobody knows who started the confrontation, where do you get murder 2? How does the prosecution prove it wasn't self defense? How does it even go to trial? It won't.


Well-Known Member
17 years and 21 days is actually closer to 18 than to 16. Our schools are failing to educate.
how do you work that one out? i always thought you stayed 16 untill you turned 17? i.e he was 22 days away from the time where he was technically 16 and 344 days away from the day when he would be called 18?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
how do you work that one out? i always thought you stayed 16 untill you turned 17? i.e he was 22 days away from the time where he was technically 16 and 344 days away from the day when he would be called 18?
I can't stop laughing at that. Please tell me you meant that as a joke!


Well-Known Member
Yes, if Zimmerman had only cared for Martin's life, he would have done the right thing and let Martin kill him without fighting back. If nobody knows who started the confrontation, where do you get murder 2? How does the prosecution prove it wasn't self defense? How does it even go to trial? It won't.

yep, the kid who ran away twice was just trying to kill zimmerman the whole time. yep.

yep, in 30 seconds or so, martin put such a vicious beating on the armed creep who chased him down that he was sure to be dead in seconds.

yep. you can just chase down innocent kids and kill them and never expect it to go to trial. yep.

you are the douchiest partisan hack imaginable.


Well-Known Member
No evidence? You're still ignoring the wounds to Zimmerman's face and the back of his skull. Also, statements of witnesses. Surely you've seen the photos. So are you blind, retarded, or a bigot? Since the malice in your writing is plainly evident, I'm guessing bigot is the term that fits best.
wow so the discussion we were having about trayvon not doing anything wrong up until the moment zimmerman followed him has just gone out the window right?


Well-Known Member
They might. But it wouldn't cancel my right to self defense if one of those people attacked me.
you couldn't say you were standing your ground.

and you would be held to a higher standard as the aggressor, not the defender. especially if you are an armed adult and your victim is an unarmed, innocent child.
