trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
While I agree there is no case against Zimmerman, I do not share your confidence that he will walk. Imagine a jury of 9,11,12? UncleButts. It would not be the first time justice has been denied by ideology.
see, you're as biased as most people here. you feel if the jury comes back with guilty, then justice has not been served.

yet, you don't even know all of the facts that are available, much less what's not available yet.

ya hack.

the only person i've seen reserving opinion is cannabineer. others claim not to be biased but their words tell a different tale.


Well-Known Member
So the admitedly poor investigation done on the scene is acceptable because, but the more complete investigation done after the fact is crap. again, we have to make quite a few leaps of faith to buy into the conspiracy. The original investigation was done with assumption of Martin being guilty, they (police) obviously didn't believe Martin was from the area. the second one was not.

this isn't about left and right, but there seems to be this blind defense of Zimmerman that is served with a side of "there tryin to take our guns" BS which this also isn't about.

I'm not anti gun and believe we have enough gun laws on our books on both sides of the argument, so I don't believe we need shoot first ask later laws to enhance a gun owners rights, I don't believe they should be allowed in bars or alchohol serving establishments. Do a little research on how we came to ban guns in bars, why the fuck would they be trying to change that?

It's no doubt a tragedy for both families but it's also abvious which family is suffering more.
Snore!!!!! We already went through all this before, in only 8% of the states can you legally take a CCW permit and take your gun in a bar, that's 4 states for those of you who are math deficient (8% of 50=4) ( there are 50 states, not the 57 Obama stated, oh and 1 more) and those laws have only just recently been changed. A non sequiter if there ever was one.

Where do you see this thread having a "they are trying to take our guns away " flavor? Site specific posts not just vomit out your opinion, we aren't interested in that.

I am sure a innocent man in prison would suffer far more than a memory.


Well-Known Member
how so? i am pontificating on possibilities, unlike you, who is asserting as fact that things which can not be verified happened.
how so? i am pontificating on possibilities, unlike you, who is asserting as fact that things which can not be verified happened.


Well-Known Member
see, you're as biased as most people here. you feel if the jury comes back with guilty, then justice has not been served. yet, you don't even know all of the facts that are available, much less what's not available yet. ya hack. the only person i've seen reserving opinion is cannabineer. others claim not to be biased but their words tell a different tale.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


Well-Known Member
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
i've already said that a trial to examine what happened is all it will take to satisfy me.

my gut tells me zimm is guilty of manslaughter at least, same conclusion serino reached and he gets paid to sniff out bullshit and has been doing it for years.

you won't be satisfied, however unless no trial happens or zimm walks. bit of a difference.


Well-Known Member
it sure isn't, but he is the one that had the most exclusive interview anyone will ever get, not to mention he's a professional rather than an internet speculator.
Yeah, he did a initial on site interview, then let a couple hours go by and then did a 3 hour interrogation. Story never changed one detail.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he did a initial on site interview, then let a couple hours go by and then did a 3 hour interrogation. Story never changed one detail.
so you've got access to zimmerman's stories?

i guess you must be working the case, because no one else does. it's blacked out last i checked.