What are helicopters looking for when they fly over?

i've heard of equip they use that looks for hotspots in houses that can show growlights n such through the roof. may be a scare tactic tho. xD
Hot roofs, streams of exhaust, hot foundation. Meth lab in the ugly camper in the backyard,
tweakers scattering like cockroaches. You know the usual.
I have also heard that outdoors marijane gives off a different heat signature than surrounding
foliage. Who knows really?
Hot roofs, streams of exhaust, hot foundation. Meth lab in the ugly camper in the backyard,
tweakers scattering like cockroaches. You know the usual.
I have also heard that outdoors marijane gives off a different heat signature than surrounding
foliage. Who knows really?

envisioning tweakers scattering from a trailer into the surrounding forest as the chopper cruises put a tear to my eye, thanks for post 4:20 chuckle
Heat signatures and heavy wattage can be sensed by their tech. Also if you have a window they can use lasers to measure vibrations in the room to hear exactly what you can hear, yes including conversations.

to be frank though, if you know about them...they know about you. So by the time you figure out they are taking thermal scans or listening to your convo, you should be already destroying any evidence because you are about to be boned by our boys in blue.
They buzz our hills and houses yearly around here. Pretty rude actually. They get low and fly everyone's perimeter
like we are up to no good. Never had a problem it is just obnoxious and a gently rumbling reminder to be a good little citizen, lol
Yeah they get access to military shit so they can pretty much do way more than we prolly know.
I'll be happy to add to the speculation and paranoia :)
Once they establish high wattage use and a heat signature, they can use listening devises to detect the hum frequency of your ballast(s). That's why I use Lumatek electronic ballasts that have suppressed the hum. We all know how painful a suppressed hummer can be.....
I have wondered how a room with air cooled hood vented under a house and an insulated ceiling and the ir film would look during
the day from the top.
learn stuff.

Law enforcement agencies often monitor certain wider areas, particularly areas of countryside with a significant history of outdoor cannabis cultivation. In helicopters, they use infrared cameras and other equipment that can detect cannabis by measuring the heat and reflective signature of the vegetation below. Cannabis has higher reflectivity at certain wavelengths than other rural crops, such as corn. Law enforcement agencies have found that the use of this technology has become necessary in their detection efforts because many growers hide cannabis among other plants, making detection with the naked eye difficult even from the air. These techniques are effective and difficult to defeat because a plant's reflective signature is difficult to change or mask. It has been said[SUP][who?][/SUP] that if the cannabis plant is planted by a pine or cedar tree, the heat from the tree overlaps the cannabis plant heat, making it harder to detect from helicopters, although cedar trees turn the soil acidic due to the low pH of pine needles
Dude cops are idiots, always! I think their ego blind sides them and gives them a false sense of security.
The law makes them feel smart, wel-rounded, like good olboyss
I dont think they can sense heat from outdoor they only catch bigger paches of weed if you space them out good you should be fine indoors your best of in the basement they cant see your heat under ground but if they here about you their going to run through your entire life with a fine tooth comb as soon as they catch a drift of you your best off shutting down and leaving state somewhere noobody knows you and make your hook ups come to the state you moved not to your grow cause that would be stupid if they tell one friend where your grow is more will find out and you'll be putting your self at risk of robbery cause the cheddar brings jealosy and envy they think their intitled or some shit I know first hand on jealos envyist punks that call themselves your friend I don't trust nobody but my wife and my dogs your dog won't never turn on you and always protect you plus you get bigger charges for owning a gun but if you have 3-4 big dogs nobody will fuck with you if they do you won't be the one killing them so no murder case just make sure you have a beware of dog sign and if you keep a fence around the house the cops won't be coming on your property for a closer look wich they will do and right in front of you I've seen them do it trying to find evidence fuck the police fuck em all
Dude cops are idiots, always! I think their ego blind sides them and gives them a false sense of security.
The law makes them feel smart, wel-rounded, like good olboyss
Yea, but don't forget even a blind squirrel will find a nut every now and then..
Regardless of what opinions are of them, they're not all stupid, just mainly the dumb ass 1s we see on the streets. It's usually when someone gets that false sense of security they get popped.
How can outdoor growing have ANY heat signal? The only heat outdoors comess frpm rhe sun fool!

Every organism that performs metabolic function gives of heat from the reactions taking place. Cannabis is one of the only shrubs that give off a heat signature liking to that of a full grown tree. Heat is determined by photosynthesis, obviously the bigger the plant the more CO2 it needs, yet cannabis converts the same amount of co2 to oxygen as a full grown tree even though it is usually quite small in comparison. This is what prodides heat sig to be noticed, if it is a small shrub converting lots of co2 then its probably cannabis, also the heat gives off a glow that outlines the shape of the foliage. A plant that give off similar heat sig but not equal to cannabis is the tomato plant. So if you wanna grow guerrilla then try planting in a tomato crop