White hairs but no "buds", 3 weeks flowering under cfl's.


Well-Known Member
if your spraying them down and leaving them under the light you will burn them up. Looks good though for an overferted plant at 5 weeks of flower.


Active Member
Dude how are they over ferted? Youre right that I sprayed them, but seriously ive been very careful on feeding. Maybe not careful enough. I dunno but what makes you say that?


Well-Known Member
Plain H2O on your leaves will NOT burn your plant, salts and chlorine in your water can though. If you're going to leaf feed tap water, it would be wise to let it de-chlorinate to be totally safe, though I never have outside for any of my non-mj plants. That's why foliar feeding is tricky. Your plants seem to have been bouncing back just fine in regards to the burn, it looks like you got it in check before things got out of hand. What are your temps in the room nowadays?


Active Member
It stays close to 80 degrees duri ng lights n. Lights off its prolly down to 70 degrees.. They reyally arent overfert'd, I was giving them 1/4 strength of super bloom, then I thought I was over feding so I flushed, and fed 1/8 strength a week ago. So plz stop hatin,.


Well-Known Member
I use hose water for my outdoor plants, both mj and otherwise, no problem, Boiling isn't really needed. Sitting out is optional in most places too in my opinion. Unless you got some heavily chlorinated stuff, your plant should be fine. Ignore the snarky attempt to raise his post count.


Active Member
Yea, its crazy the outdoor non-mj plants dont mind the hose water, but any indoor plants die from it. Ive always hust lwft out the water overnight ever since a chinese guy told me to when I bought a bamboo plant from him. Ever since then ive been able to grow inside plants. I only recentl uuy tried boiling it as well.


Active Member
When helicopters fly over, are they using heat sensor, and does it have to be alarge amount of heat, how does it work? The closet isnt even hot really...


Well-Known Member
When helicopters fly over, are they using heat sensor, and does it have to be alarge amount of heat, how does it work? The closet isnt even hot really...
You need a warrant to use FLIR on a house in the US. It constitutes a search otherwise, at least according to what research I had done on it. Provided, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know your country of residence.


Well-Known Member
When helicopters fly over, are they using heat sensor, and does it have to be alarge amount of heat, how does it work? The closet isnt even hot really...
either way the amount of heat your 150 and cfls are producing wouldnt look out of the ordinary,the dudes with 6 1000s in their garage and an epic electric bill should have worries.your straight


Well-Known Member
When helicopters fly over, are they using heat sensor, and does it have to be alarge amount of heat, how does it work? The closet isnt even hot really...
It's too expensive for them to be doing it now and that was in the 90's. Don't worry you only have a 150 watt bulb not 100 1000 watters


Well-Known Member
either way the amount of heat your 150 and cfls are producing wouldnt look out of the ordinary,the dudes with 6 1000s in their garage and an epic electric bill should have worries.your straight
not true, was working with a dispensary last year and had 12 lights in a house and the electric bill was $4000 every 2 months. It's when you steal power you have a problem.