robbed for an oz


Well-Known Member
What would u do if some1 robbed u for an oz? Basicly it was me and my buddy and dude and his buddy I was wit dudes buddy and dude pulled a pistol on my buddy and took it I could send troops to get him but I don't wanna bring all the violence to my town over something so small but I could have 5 aks dropped off to me whenever we beat the fuck out of his buddy because they were seperated at the time like a said I was with his buddy and we were waiting for my buddy and dude to come back and I got a call saying he pulled a pistol so I started beating his buddies ass n then my dude came back around the corner and we stomped him but dude who pulled the pistol got away with the weed but I was thinking break him hands Wat would u do and also dude who got stomped said he didn't no but we gave him his wallet and phone back after the fact and had a run in with the cops right after cuz some kids called the cops and kid went to the hospital and didn't snitch either his buddy was a g I have to say myself for getting fucked up and not snitching


Well-Known Member
And kid who pulled the pistol said we were bogus for stomping his do lol very loud at that and i don't believe he didn't no I think he knew but it just wasn't him doin it but that's Wat happens I'm not about violence but when people want it they can get it


Active Member
His buddy was g for sure. He probally didnt even know. I would have done the same thing you did dude. The buddy that got stomped should choose better griends


Active Member
was it a $150 ass whoopin?

if so i would just let it go... even can be even, even if paid in different currencies.

if not you can always take one of his family member hostage and demand ransom. The trick to a good kidnapping tho is you can't be afraid to dispose of the hostage if they wont pay. you don't want to be stuck with the dude and have to feed him and have him sitting around looking at you and listening to you.


Well-Known Member
Exactly like we were nice about it we stomped him but we could have left him a lot worse and we even told em that like idc if u didn't have anything to do wit it its just because he was with him that it happen n we told em like look how bogus ur friend did u he left u out to dry to get stomped but I'm gunna catch the dude who did it but Idk to Wat extent I should get him like he is def getting stomped when I catch him or any of my dudes but should I break bones u think or Naw I just want to get my point across that when u rob me or anyone for that fact its not like people just roll over and accept it like wtf did he think was gunna happen to his buddy and to himself also but the main point is when people hear about this they no not to fuck wit me or my dudes ps were not a gang just a group of guys getting money and laying down new laws around town cuz honestly in cook county jail r town is known as snitch town n also rob a nigga town and I want to change that n I have already started and its called snitch town cuz hand fills of people get caught up n snitch and no1 does anything nor care but I am doing shit and I care lol


Undercover Mod
Exactly like we were nice about it we stomped him but we could have left him a lot worse and we even told em that like idc if u didn't have anything to do wit it its just because he was with him that it happen n we told em like look how bogus ur friend did u he left u out to dry to get stomped but I'm gunna catch the dude who did it but Idk to Wat extent I should get him like he is def getting stomped when I catch him or any of my dudes but should I break bones u think or Naw I just want to get my point across that when u rob me or anyone for that fact its not like people just roll over and accept it like wtf did he think was gunna happen to his buddy and to himself also but the main point is when people hear about this they no not to fuck wit me or my dudes ps were not a gang just a group of guys getting money and laying down new laws around town cuz honestly in cook county jail r town is known as snitch town n also rob a nigga town and I want to change that n I have already started and its called snitch town cuz hand fills of people get caught up n snitch and no1 does anything nor care but I am doing shit and I care lol

That's just my sentiment


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm a bad speller and also don't use periods and shit I'm out of skool and its not like I get graded and I never said I was a gangster ? I'm not a g and have no intentions to be one


Well-Known Member
Idk wats so stupid and if its so stupid no1 needs u to comment on it and again I never said i was a g I'm a suburban white boy


Undercover Mod
Sorry I'm a bad speller and also don't use periods and shit I'm out of skool and its not like I get graded and I never said I was a gangster ? I'm not a g and have no intentions to be one
Educate yourself. The only thing the streets are gonna get you is prison or death.


Well-Known Member
And sorry I grew up wit the kid really didn't think he was scum but now I no and I'm def not scum so Idk wtf ur talking about

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
it doesnt matter if you are in school or not. you still shouldnt type like that. you probably talk like that since you type like that. it makes you come off as uneducated or dumb. dont worry about an oz. its like what couple hundred dollars. if you can afford that you can afford others and you will make that money back. thats what happens when you deal with the black market. you know now not to fuck with him anymore or people that are like him and you also know to know people better. dont trust people and come prepared for something like this.


Active Member
When I sell to those black or mexican gangster types I ALWAYS bring my nigger friends wuth me and at least one of them is always packn. Only if I'm givn an ounce or more. I hate dealing and I wsh I didn't have to