anyone else hate trimming?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't hate it. I love the smell and the stickiness. It's so satisfying to work on the product you sprouted, grew, and harvested yourself. But, to be perfectly honest, the most I've had to trim was four plants. One was a scary sativa bitch that took over my grow area. Indoor mix indeed. Liars. I can't imagine having to trim 50 - 100 plants.

scary sativa bitch.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the part of destroying (in my mind) something I've worked and cared for, for so long, but then again, it is satisfying in a way, just feeling your buds and knowing that YOU made it, and its paid off.
But it is a pain in the ass, just having to do it, haha.


Well-Known Member
Trimming is awesome up until you get done with the 1st branch and realize you have 50 more to go. As I get more harvests under my belt, I find my concentrate pile gets bigger and bigger. :grin:


Active Member
If you have enough patience to grow, trimming is a pleasure. Works like this for me. Till now I harvested my first two plants and it was quite easy ( autos with few leaves ).
So trimming is fine. While you do it, talk with your plant and think about the funny moments spent with her :)


Well-Known Member
While you do it, talk with your plant and think about the funny moments spent with her :)
This would be my conversation:
Man I can't believe you finally finished, I missed my vacation waiting for you.
Maybe tonight I'll get to sleep thru the night w/o having to get up to check out the house every hour.
When this is done I have to bleach the entire grow room and hope I finally kill those pesky mites!!
And darn I have to replace my lights their getting old, not that you could tell by the power bill,
I mean damn the ol lady is still pissed over that!
Next year I gotta grow some of that Blue Dream I heard about.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i never thought the day would come when i said i hate trimming marijuana but i do
the best tip i ever had came from FDD, trim one brach at a time, that way you can take a break and won't have braches lying around waiting. thats what i do, one branch at a time.
just finished 2 master kush girls btw :eyesmoke:
Same here man! :lol:

I do the same thing, from the same tip, from the same cool ass dude! I also cut some room for a handle, as per his suggestion.. One branch at a time, perhaps a few joints and a weed nap every 10-12 hours.. Just leave the rest on the plant for when I wake up from my weed nap :lol: :peace: :).


Ursus marijanus
This would be my conversation:
Man I can't believe you finally finished, I missed my vacation waiting for you.
Maybe tonight I'll get to sleep thru the night w/o having to get up to check out the house every hour.
When this is done I have to bleach the entire grow room and hope I finally kill those pesky mites!!
And darn I have to replace my lights their getting old, not that you could tell by the power bill,
I mean damn the ol lady is still pissed over that!
Next year I gotta grow some of that Blue Dream I heard about.
You grow ... old wives?? cn

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i hate trimming so much that i do a shitty job just to get it over with. it's just for me, so i have no problem snipping off a bit of leaf just before smoking. i'm already breaking it up any way so a couple snips isn't that big of a deal. i also trim it up nice if i'm bringing it someplace to share. trimming loads of weed sucks, though. i hate it i hate it i hate it.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i trimmed for 10 hours on saturday. i love and hate it. i bought a couple pair of shears last year that dont freeze up when they get caked up. i trim while its still in the container. take off all fan leaves then trim from the top down. i then cut the main stalk, turn upside down and shake a little and hang. then for the best part is to scrape off the scissor hash and smoke it before the next plant.

its a great feeling when your done and see them hanging. they looked alot bigger before the trimming tho lol


Well-Known Member
trimming is dreadful but its worth it, depending on if ur selling or even just smoking ur prob trimming at 500 dollars an hour so even know its mind numbing and enduring, the fruits are worth the labor. Recetly I have been able to recruit some lovely trustworthy helpers that is like a blessing from god because I really don't think I could sit in my house for another 8 hours straight trimming bud after bud anymore but I would if I had too :)