Too potent pot?


Well-Known Member
but like i said the problem seems to be plant count they would be very mad to find 400plants 2ft tall crammed in several small tents in 3 gal pots with a drip or table setup.... hell i could hand water if use enough compost in the soil mix lol.


Well-Known Member
thats how i be feeling every time i give my customers some... wouldnt be a big deal to me to charge less given i can run SOG efficiently so long as plant numbers werent a problem, not that i really give a fuck, but i do around 50 and do alright, right now my profit margin is out the roof, but im still broke with the way things are right now. but what i mean is if i could run 4-5 flower rooms 50 plants in each SOG 4x4 x2 400w and x2 veg rooms 3x3(whatever fits) and a mother room 3x3 2-4 moms. the profit margin compared to the elec used would be enormous(ea. flowering room would run about 60$ a month and the veg rooms 20-30 ea. and the mother room 20$ maybe) im just saying if they do full out legalization and get rid of these "restrictions" theres gonna be plenty of room for these home growers.
i honestly would just do a couple vert grows and get every last cent of energy i was paying for, or id just buy a house with an enormous balcony, i honestly like outdoor more than anything. restrictions are bullshit though, just another way to fit the government into something they have absolutely no business in. and yeah, im pretty sure youd get your card revoked, or if it was legalized they might just take a few plants for the hell of it, pigs always gotta find a way to be assholes.


New Member
okay so i have been growing for a while and i grow some good stuff too(not the best like some of the callie ive seen) but recently i have come across a strain that even gets me buzzed(my tolerance... well i could judge the cannabis cup by myself in one day, if i wanted too.)

anyways i have given some out and everybody thinks it the bomb shit, didnt have much so those who did get some only got like a bowl, but i gave half a blunt to my stepmom when she was out (she smoke schwag, about a quarter to a half a week, so not a light weight)

so she smoked and then came to me a day later, this is what she said;" damn (insert name) that was some of the best pot ive ever smoked! i felt like i was in 70's again on acid, it actually made me puke!" ans so on, then "got anymore?" but alas not at the moment.

is it possible to have a strain be too strong for some people? and acid, damn i wonder what it feels like when weed does that?lol.
another thing i should point out this blunt was rolled with the top most bud.

i find that when ppl dont smoke for a while like 2 days or more, that next high gets them real fucked up. maybe they just had a low tolerance at the time. if you dont smoke often and then get high as fuck, it is almost like a trip. it can have some similarities to acid. i remember years ago when i was 16 or 17 my friends and i smoked 3 bong loads we didnt smoke all the time cause we were young and didnt have money so we had low tolerances. we went for a bike ride after and holy fuck, i was high 100s of times before this but fuck i felt like i was tripping. everything on the side of the road looked 2D almost like i was in a video game. i kept hearing these weird music sounds in my head which didnt even exist. the funny thing is, is this wasnt even home grown. just some good commercial.

so i betcha tolerance had something to do with it. cant say its the same as acid but some similarities i guess. all i smoke now is top notch home grown and the only time i get really really fucked up is when i quit for a while, smoke a LOT, or eat edibles but i also dont eat edibles very often.


Well-Known Member
I consider it too strong if I accidentally give myself a panic attack or other nervous-type fit soon after smoking it...I have had that happen a couple times.


Well-Known Member
I consider it too strong if I accidentally give myself a panic attack or other nervous-type fit soon after smoking it...I have had that happen a couple times.
shit is it a specific strain that has that effect on you? i have friends who have that happen but its like all weed does it to them, they tell me they had a really bad experience last time they smoked so i guess it sort of takes toll on them.


Well-Known Member
<----this tread was a decent debate... Now let ol uvk get in here.... Too strong? Never that!!! Ok i been doing my own thing for awhile now working on my own blend... I smoke a for-real quart to half a day... The strain my have just been picked at the right time... may have been the soil medium or just downright a genetic defect.... I yes have a strain on the way it has taken me yeaRs to cross and breed what is now know as UVKings Aussie Bluehound.... not going into genetics but simply... my buddy smokes from a dispen. In mich. And he hit my personal...abh....and spewed for about... ten mins... it isn't the grade swagg medical.... its how the strain you're smoking reacts with the chemicals in your brains... and just for note the aussie bluehound is the closest strain to the KingsBlend by the kings.... suburbannoizerat....UltraVioletKing


Well-Known Member
<----this tread was a decent debate... Now let ol uvk get in here.... Too strong? Never that!!! .... its how the strain you're smoking reacts with the chemicals in your brains... and just for note the aussie bluehound is the closest strain to the KingsBlend by the kings.... suburbannoizerat....UltraVioletKing
i would have to agree, and no offense, but with a name like that what kind of UV are you running? you new here? talking about big breeding stuff got some proof. im sorry to say despite your valid points your coming in talking big stuff, and not to say that im a somebody, im just curios about you i guess would be the best way to put it. but yeah man its gonna effect everyone differently but some are definitaly more potent than otheres to say that some po cant make a person hurl is a lie, even the most experienced of smokers still can get actually high(not just the "buzz"us daily smokers get), sometimes i do its rare but a nice experience when it happens.
New to this site nute journal feed guides lots of spent medium... I didnt mean at all strains dont differ on potency only that if i smoke some thays.5% then smoke some that has 21% yes id be "higher" but on the other not if the medicinal value doesnt work with your brain youll spinout and be sick... Its what the genetics do... They differ person to person


Well-Known Member
New to this site nute journal feed guides lots of spent medium... I didnt mean at all strains dont differ on potency only that if i smoke some thays.5% then smoke some that has 21% yes id be "higher" but on the other not if the medicinal value doesnt work with your brain youll spinout and be sick... Its what the genetics do... They differ person to person

agreed it is strain dependent but which strain has the most potent chemistry? obviously some are better than other, and we know it is determined by 3 things, plants condition,genetics and enviroment.

cmon dont tell you couldnt smoke some SSH and some Afgan and not know the difference, GIVEN they had the same thc levels. i mean those ar 2 good buzzes right there but exact opposites. i would know and not just because of the flavor, but because of the buzz, im referring to it as buzz because well like i said i dont get "high" at least if i do its a 5min thing.
When I was out there I noticed in the highers elevations that my trichs would be like 3 n 4 times more dense... aupon further trial n error.... I foung giving the girls more uv rays that they grow imense amounts of trichomes and spew out that good amber and smoked looking resin glands... never going to tell my secret of what spectrum works best but a little trial n error and boom.... uphoria.... she's only 4 weeks in 5 or 6 to go.... uvk


Active Member
When I was out there I noticed in the highers elevations that my trichs would be like 3 n 4 times more dense... aupon further trial n error.... I foung giving the girls more uv rays that they grow imense amounts of trichomes and spew out that good amber and smoked looking resin glands... never going to tell my secret of what spectrum works best but a little trial n error and boom.... uphoria.... she's only 4 weeks in 5 or 6 to go.... uvk
why not share your secret? This site is about knowledge not competition. If it really works then spread the wealth.


Well-Known Member
why not share your secret? This site is about knowledge not competition. If it really works then spread the wealth.
im pretty sure the whole spectrum thing isnt a secret, more blue spectrum(6700K) in flower causes more trich output but less weight. but i agree with you, this isnt a place for secrets, if it was i wouldnt post any of my grows.
When I was out there I noticed in the highers elevations that my trichs would be like 3 n 4 times more dense... aupon further trial n error.... I foung giving the girls more uv rays that they grow imense amounts of trichomes and spew out that good amber and smoked looking resin glands... never going to tell my secret of what spectrum works best but a little trial n error and boom.... uphoria.... she's only 4 weeks in 5 or 6 to go.... uvk