TGA Subcool Soil Is Not Organic!

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Well-Known Member
Organic certified and organic chemical structures are completely different things. Organically certified gardens can only use non-synthetic products on their gardens. This does not necessarily mean safe though. Take nicotene as an example; it used to be a pesticide sold as 'nicotene sulfate'. It was taken off the market because of its toxicity to mammals--hope nobody smokes...Rotenone is from roots the several plants in the pea family. This is sold for organic gardening, but they don't tell you about the suspected carcinogens, and parkinson's connections. Also its toxic to fish. Although these are bad there are also synthetic organics, which means it contains carbon but it synthetically made; NOT FOR ORGANIC FARMING. These are sometimes even worse, like chlorinated hydrocarbons; which are very stable do not break down even in lifeforms. This builds up in the food chain and can be deadly. Worrying about these certifications is a complete waste of time, its all in the soil food web. If you are not harming your soil food web, and not spraying your plants with chemicals then you are growing what should be called 'organically certified'.

And to the person saying growing in pots isnt a long enough time to develop microbial populations...that is not so true. Look into aerated worm casting teas.


Active Member
Wow water isn't organic lol that really fucks with the hippies there.

To me an "organic" grow that's not feel good hippy shit is allowing and encouraging a friendly micro herd in to the medium rather than stifling it with incompatible mediums or even nuking it off with additives -h2o2 being an obvious one for that.

Who cares if it's "natural" or not- especially when cannabis is wholly unnatural after being bred by man for thousands of years- 'landrace' or not.


Well-Known Member
Dude has an interesting video on compost teas, not aact though.. he lets it rot outdoors w/ no airpumps. I like a few of his vids, I don't mind egos.


Well-Known Member
okay, well who the fuck are you to decide that sub isn't the best or that soma is better than sub?


Well-Known Member
I don't care if you think sub is the best their is the best their was and the best that their ever will be go ahead buy all his shit your not gonna get top dollar on the east coast nobody on the street ever heard of him you'd have to lie about the name to get top dollar I would rather grow kush,ak-47,sour diesel now if I had jacks cleaner, jilly bean,vortex or jack the ripper nobody would know what the fuck I'm talking about sure you can sell it on the west no problem but the east you'd have to say trainwreck or somthing popular or you aint getting top dollar


Well-Known Member
clearly you do care if people believe sub is the best otherwise you wouldn't be trolling threads about sub.
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