They bash Christians, because we are the largest and most oppressive religion ther is. Ever heard of the 100year war or the Crusades. I am a christian who believes in evolution. That's a sin according to the Bible. But why should I believe in anything written by men and then changed by other men to assist their goals. I believe in very little of the bible. I believe and have excepted Jesus Christ as my savior. Now according to the bible, I just have to be a good man, and good to my fellow man. Dont rob or steal, no murder no rape, love my parents and neighbor and i will live for eternity. No virgins, besides I love my wife and would be happy to spend eternity with her. That people is why they hate me, a humble christian who fears his God, but not his son, because he has forgiven me and he will be sitting next to God when i am judged. And when we are done, I will ask Jesus, "Where's the good shit, my lord."