
Well-Known Member
This is thee worst idea of a thread on marijuana forums ever.. Just saying.

But you may be surprised. I used to post quite a bit on a different drug forum that was as active as this one before it shut down, and that site had a similar thread. Nobody ever got busted or anything because of posting their picture. But with that being said, I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to post pictures of yourself.


Well-Known Member
I would think it a terrible idea as well for anyone that is growing in a state that doesn't allow it. (and yes I know the feds don't agree with the states, thanks)

Now the worst idea for a thread would be "Picture of the building my grow is in Thread" with bonuses to those who take pictures of all entrances, exits, and nearest street signs.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful plants and Padawan- CUUUUUTE x Not what I was expecting.. So innocent looking. Would love to see what your hair looks like a little longer.

And it's been brought up 100 times.. people who post their picture know the risks and /or don't give a shit. It's crazy a bunch of growers being on a forum in the first place.
