Help needed..this shit is sad..


FFOF in 3 gallon buckets transplanted from 6" pots 20 days ago. Time from sprouts busting through soil to now..34 days. everything was good to go (white widow, super skunk and wonder woman) up until a few days ago when it looked like they were 'hungry'. So I feed them with 2 tbs per gallon bio thrive grow. Holy shit, the skunk plants are blastin off and looking great!! The wonder woman and white widow..well see pics. Same room, same soil same everything. I hadn't checked the ph in water or soil..i use a Pur brand water filter (have since soaking the seeds in glass of water before germin on paper towels) and 27-28 days the plants were good.

I flushed them with distilled water saturday and just put them back in tent. I had 4 ph testing strips and the color was off the chart below, which only went down to 6.5, so idk wtf.

First time growing and read a lot of 'dont kiil them with kindness', and from some 'add cal mag, lime, root enhancer, back off nutes, add different the Marines'!!

Man I know there are learning curves for first timers, but Im not learning sht except super skunk....not hurt..wonder woman, white widow..bad shape. Anyone here that will do more than a one post reply? Meaning, work with me on here and keeping an eye on a glog of some kind. I really want to salavge/heal/help etc as much of these that I can. I have 24 plants, 7-9 are showing signs of, this whatever it is.

Temps are 77F RH is 55 when lights on, when off (just flipped them to 12/12 yesterday) 79F RH 59-61
I have recently stuck the ac hose that goes to the bathroom in top of the tent to blow in cool air. Ol lady is NOT friggin happy, but it's a temp thing ;) I have a 16" oscillating fan that stays on all the time.

I'm not looking for someone to hold my hand and skip or put a tit in my mouth, but I really would appreciate some semi 'dedicated' help/advice with my issue/s. I do not have endless funds, but can buy a few things here and there. Anymore details needed, just ask here or a PM or both. I'd like to keep most of it public because whatever is discussed or done, may help someone else with similar problems.

here are a few pics. Peace

Just an fyi...I have not blasted them with half a bottle of nutes every 5 minutes. I slightly watered them once with the lowest amount on the bottle of bio thrive a couple days ago 2 teaspoons per gallon. Nothing on leaves, all went in soil. Also, 600watt MH has been 4' above plants and temps never got above 81F Like I said, this came out of pretty much nowhere.



Well-Known Member
It was hotter than 81 before the a/c. Very bad heat stress, are you exhausting old air?


Well-Known Member
I feel as though it is Nitrogen toxicity...with the curling leaves and burnt tips, unless of course ONLY the top of the plant is affected, in which case I would have to go with heat...


Well-Known Member
Dammit does look like it is only on the top of the plant...usually with N toxicity you get burns on the bottom leaves while the top leaves get very light green and might curl down...but it looks like they get too hot, and too dry just on top there...I would probably just cut all that new growth off and leave the bottom good looking growth to start again.


Ursus marijanus
(*Buds) - Combined with nute burn. The Widow is famously nute-sensitive, and OF is on the warmish side all by itself. i rescued a Widow into Happy Frog and she did great then, no nutes needed for two whole months.
TwistedEvil, since you have severe nute burn already, replant into a positively chilly mix like Light Warrior ... is my advice. cn

<edit> you're right - it IS just the top. Disregard my nute rant.


Well-Known Member
too strong a feed......... for them there at least. you say yer ph is low too. again..........the nutes. the upper clawing............not the clawing of N abundance alone but reflective of the "overwatering" of the flush. a different claw in my mind. multiple issues.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Cold Stress!

if you have an ac duct blasting right on top it could be cold stress. a really good central air system can chill the fuck out of some shit. sudden and drastic changes in temp can really fuck up a plant. if you keep your house comfortable, just suck in household air, and vent hot air to outside the house. if temps climb inside the tent, increase ventilation.

piping in straight ac register air is a bad idea. when the ac if off, temps will rise in the tent, spicules will open, and the plant il start pumping water out the leaves to cool off. then when the house temp hits the trigger point the ac will blast an arctic wind down on them. with spicules open, and water evaporating on the leafs they will chill down at an alarming rate and the result will look almost like an early frost (like you got).

if you intake household air the temps will stay more even, and there will be no lethal north wind nipping at their noses. vent the hot air outside and your ac bill will stay lower too.


Thx for the replies so far guys. a couple of things,..if the temp got higher, it would mean this reader I have is wrong because it has highs and low recorded and saved. Nothing over 81F I'll buy a new one at wally world asap and compare.

another thing is, I didn't hook up the ac to the top until last night, so the 'damage' here was already done. I see what your point is, and will take it out due to the tent is in my basement, (partial underground) and it is 70F. So lifting up the 8 flaps towards the bottom of the tent sides and letting the 160 cfm inline fan help suck in the air, may help with the temps. I will give it a go.

I will make a trip to the hydro shop for that light warrior and see what it does for these few that are 'ill'.

I do have some craziness going on at different lvls of the plants. I will get a few shots of a couple. Using my phone cam, so pics aren't gonna be super fantastic. Here is one that may show different lvls of the plant and it's 'damage. Hit me up for more angles, etc that may give better insight to this.

I cut the hell out of this one..the leaves I cut had close to at least 60% damage *EDIT(not same plants in pics)



My quick run down..

600watt digital apollo ballast with a HPS bulb that is about 4' above plants with an open winged reflector, babies are 30-34 days old from popin up from soil which is Fox farms ocean forest, average 17" tall, in 3 gallon buckets, water is from a Pur brand water filter, the nutes are General Organics Bio Thrive grow and bloom (I used once at 2 teaspoons per gallon because I thought this was happening because they were hungry. Have a 6" 160 cfm inline fan and a 6" filter from HTG, Temps are 77F RH is 55 when lights on, when off (just flipped them to 12/12 yesterday) 79F RH 59-61. Tent is 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 mylar reflecting inside. In my basement with surrounding temps at 70F


Well-Known Member
Well if it isn't temps it has to be the nutes...there is no way it isn't somehow nutrient related...I mean they just looked cooked in a way that too much nitrogen is known for...but that manifests at the bottom of the plant and goes up...but yours is at the you got me stumped...I don't know!


Well-Known Member
And even overwatering won't make just the top of the plant go will start at the bottom and work up... Do you happen to know what your humidity is?


And even overwatering won't make just the top of the plant go will start at the bottom and work up... Do you happen to know what your humidity is?
Yes, Temps are 77F RH is 55 when lights on, when off 79F RH 59-61.

Would it be possible that the ph buffers in the fox farms depleted due to me not checking the ph of the water I have been using since day one? So now, since this 'issue' came out of nowhere on me, this could be from the soil now being over/under ph'd? And the plants (the wonder woman and white widow) not being able to absorb a balanced amount of nutes, get burnt?

haha, ur stumped?? first grow and I'm ready to just stick with the less 'foo foo' of the bunch, super skunk..and be done :) Just water and go!

Here is one of my best ones.. one day with 12/12 and is this what I want to see?

Color on right is coming from HPS light


Well-Known Member
Ur ursing the FFOF soil right, I use that same stuff and I usually add some dolomite lime to the soil before I ever even grow in it just as a precaution, most other growers I know usually add some lime when using the OF stuff cause its a lil hot and I personally dont think they add enuf calcium to the OF soil. And by adding dolomite it helps control ur ph so it won't become to acidic.


I hope so, thx Cindysid. What would the next step be..just sit back and watch them for a few days?

hahaha, very kool cn! That's what i was thinking, just heard it would take about 10 days into flowering before I could sex them! This is the only one, so far, that is screaming 'I'm a girl'! ;) Think this will b the mother plant. I grow a lot of hot peppers/pepper hybrids and the ones who sprout first (most aggressive) I keep their seeds to plant the following year ;) Not sure how it works with cannabis though.

dvs1038, yea bro it's FFOF. I didn't know to add anything (chic at hydro didn't say anything and she was plugging this stuff hard! Still, some are not affected and some are :/ If what cn said is true, some strains are more 'sensitive' to ph lvls than others, then I will need to balance out my soil pre planting. I heard about the dolomite and bought this...but also heard it takes awhile to become effective. Is this even the right stuff? What if I smashed the pellets up in a baggie and sprinkled that on top of the soil? Would that 'speed it up'?



Ursus marijanus
Oh definitely crush the dolomite. Other option: soak the pellets. They're powder&binder. They'll fall apart, and you can knead the paste into the soil wet ... or rinse it a few times (add water, stir, let setlle, pour off. rinse; repeat.) or dry the paste and use the powder. Adding it wet before potting up is easier. cn


Well-Known Member
Yeah u got the right stuff, and yeah I take the powder and add it to my soil every once in awhile, but not too much a lil goes a long way with that stuff. And yeah it does break down with time thats y u wanna use it in ur soil in the beginning but its ok if u add some to ur top soil too. I've done it both ways and I also threw some worm castings in there with the lime sometimes.

seed to flower

Well-Known Member
Yeah...trees look sad. Can you barrow or get some tools PH & TDS Meter?
Collect and check the run off: PH 6.0 to 6.5, TDS no higher than 1400 ppm
consistently. Are the containers heavy- too much water, stagnant smell-flush,
are they getting enough calcium magneceium if using reverse osmosis water.


kool, I'll crush up a little and add the powder on top of the soil and see how things go. They all are pretty good and soaked since Saturday's flushing. The wally world distilled water was under 6 ph. I ended up using about 3 gallons per pot to flush. I'l add this lime and in about 3 days or when they aren't so saturated, water it in.

I have a 16" oscillating fan that has been on them since day one (well a week after they were above the soil) and it's on low. I heard it's good for making the main stalk more sturdy and able to support the buds better among other things. Could that fan really be causing the problems? It's not all of my plants, just some. I not only rotate my fan to each of the 4 corners each week, but I move plants around sometimes as well.

I have flushed really well, so I'll add this lime and wait a few days after it is watered in so I can get an idea of what 'helps'. If I do too many things at once, it could backfire/make this worse OR I'd never know which 'thing' I did was the one that helped.....for future grows ;)

All advice is appreciated.bongsmilie