how is my plant doing for 28 days of flowering???


my plant is 28 inches tall and is 18 inches wide.i have over 50 bud sites on her. i am using scotts professional soil no added nutes. i have been using
MG 15 30 15 during flower. i mixed cow manure with my dirt when i planted in the 5 gallon bucket.
i would like to get some followers with me until i finish so i can get some help from the pros. this is my 1st grow
and i was wonderin if my plant was u sativa or indica? my camera is a p.o.s and i will get some better pics. i have white
hairs coming out of all of the buds!!!! when i squeeze a bud my finger tips are real sticky... i am really excited
to harvest this lil lady and i will need help with that to but we can get to that later.

anybody can feel free to post i just wanted to know how im doin and if thers anything i could be doing better plz
let me know. thanks alot in advance RIUSDC10755.jpgSDC10753.jpgSDC10752.jpg


i have 5 seedlings started also, they are about two and a half weeks old. some grass hoppers got ahold of two of my seedlings (S.O.B's). so i should get atleast 2 ladys out of those that produce some kind of yeild right?
all of my plants get full and direct sunlight from 10 am until 5 pm. is this good or no?


Well-Known Member
How long have u been growing that thing for? Looks like a stick figure lol... U needa give her some nutrients. And also it seems a lil too early to be flowering where do u live at???


Well-Known Member
I had grasshopper problems last year and I just used neem oil around my grow area and on my plants and it kept the bugs away


I had grasshopper problems last year and I just used neem oil around my grow area and on my plants and it kept the bugs away

i started this plant like 4 months ago and i sold it to my buddy and then bought it back off of him only to find out he had her in like 2 gallons
of backyard dirt that was compacted really tight. when i finally bought the plant back all the leaves had fell off of the bottom branches.
he dnt know shit about growing but thinks he knows it all and i cnt tell him nothin. ( not that im an expert or nothin but i know enough to get by)
so i planted her in good dirt and im feeding her MG 15 30 15 for flowering and i know thats a lil high in
nitro for flower but the best i have at the moment. she is flowering bcuz i started her inside under light for 24 hours a day for 8 weeks! =)

can u recommend any good nutes to feed her to revive her and get good yeild that is inexpensive??? or is it to late?
i live in Tennessee smoky mountains any fans of this area?


kinda looks like some reveg action is or has happend

what do u mean? to much sunlight?
i cover her up at 8 pm with a black 50 gallon trash can and put blankets around the bottom so no light
should be leaking in? but u could be right bcuz its only june and in reality my plant should be veggin right now
but like i said i had her inside under fluros for 24/0 for 8 weeks. iwanted her to bud early btw so i could have some smoke
early. but thanks for stoppin by i hope u continue to check in.

thanks for ur help decepticon let me know what you think buddy! this is my first grow and i will take all the advice i can get.


Well-Known Member
i would let it re veg if you let it flower all the way through you'll be lucky to get an ounce off it...


Active Member
really an ounce???
Probably not dude. Next time don't pawn a plant and expect to get anything good back from it. Start out new and take care of them yourself. Wouldn't lend your old lady out for a few weeks would ya'. By the way, let it finish budding. Don't bother revegging that one. Give her some nutes and hope for the best. Just don't overdue the nutes at first. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they do look like stick figures, may 1 and half month old babies more busy then that and I grow in Maine.....can you say what the fuck? haha


Active Member
The red stem ussually means nitrogen deficiency or the ph is locking it out. I suggest switching to all purpose MG as it has higher nitrogen. The leaves having three fingers could be an autoflower trait but I've also seen it on rootbound and reveged plants. Either put it in the ground or a bigger pot.


Active Member
i have some seedlings 3 weeks old. do u think i could have some nice lookin plants if i baaby them?
Do you mean by breastfeeding them and reading them stories? You could ph your soil for optimal growth and full sun helps but you can't physically force it to grow faster than it's genetics allow.


Do you mean by breastfeeding them and reading them stories? You could ph your soil for optimal growth and full sun helps but you can't physically force it to grow faster than it's genetics allow.

to test do i just collect the run off after a watering??? and do i use those ph strips like for a fish tank? thanks


ok RIU i decided to reveg since last time we talked. this is the same plant i have been feeding her veg nutes and a treatment
or 2 of superthrive... i can tell a noticable difference in size and i transplanted into a bigger bucket
i took that stupid ass thing off the bottom of the bucket that is supposed to store water as well since i read that is a no no lol...

well my wife is hounding me about being on the computer right now so im gonna post some pics and tell me
what you all think about her revival!SDC10808.jpgSDC10809.jpgSDC10810.jpg