Fedral judge lol's at Obama Florida voter purge is legal


Well-Known Member
Voter fraud in one state was so rampant it amounted to almost .00023% of elgible voters. In all 7 cases. It was felons who had not had their right to vote restored yet and didn't know it.
That is the number of convicted frauds, not to number of fraudulent votes. You're basically lying.


Well-Known Member
How many cases of voter fraud have been successfully prosecuted in the last 30 years. If it is such a problem their should be a massive amount of evidence to support the assertion
There is a lot of evidence. Liberal lawsuits have prevented prosecution. You're lying again.


Well-Known Member
awesome list. out of the 110,000,000 or so people that voted last election, how many cases of voter fraud can you find? tell me. i want to know just how non-existent of a problem we are trying to solve. LOL!
How bout you prove all those votes were legal? You're the one that wants to know.


Well-Known Member
the point is that losing your ID should not disenfranchise you no matter what side of the aisle you fall on. proof of residence should be sufficient.
You can get more than one ID. One vote per household WOULD be voter suppression.


Well-Known Member
In Las Vegas in 2008 ACORN was registering voters by filling out the forms. They registered Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck, etc. Where was the Democratic outrage when the black panthers were intimidating voters with clubs? Oh, that's right, Holder declined to prosecute.
Holder is a racist.


Well-Known Member
How bout you prove all those votes were legal? You're the one that wants to know.
that's not how the burden of proof works. you guys are making the claim of rampant voter fraud, so you guys get the burden of proof.

you'd think someone who worked with nobel prize winning colleagues would know that.


Well-Known Member
You can get more than one ID. One vote per household WOULD be voter suppression.
more than one person can live at a household, ya know :lol:

they send us two ballots: one for me, one for my wife.

more of that nobel prize winning logic, i see. :lol:


Well-Known Member
No, that was Holder. Don't lie. Why do you keep asking for ridiculous details. If you want them, look them up yourself. He never said a word about "darkies". You never have anything to support your case but claim your opposition is racist. You're a lying, moronic, bed wetting, pants shitting, homophobic, racist, parasitic loser. Even the little kids in your neighborhood steal your pot because they know you're to much a pussy to do anything about. So stop pretending you're a big shot here.
so much anger for me simply asking you guys to premise your assertion.

and it was bush's DOJ that declined to prosecute. why? no evidence of voter intimidation, despite the claims of a racist that there were and that his black friends tried to hide it away for them.


Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez testifying that the Bush Justice Department "determined that the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal statutes"; a civil lawsuit was filed in the last days of the Bush administration


Well-Known Member
A cartoon of current events is racist? LAME
except that what was depicted in that cartoon is not a depiction of current events.

letting children who were brought here illegally stay for a couple years if they meet certain requirements is nothing like what was depicted in that cartoon. these kids often don't even know they are illegal until they go to get a job.


Well-Known Member
and even the title of this thread is spelled like a 14 year old would spell


there is also a missing comma.

nontheist is a kid who just got out of school for the summer, this much is evident.


New Member
well, maybe you shouldn't make racist statements and i would not point out that you are being racist.

it wasn't a last resort, i'm not even past my first resort, which is asking you guys for evidence of the problem.

out of the 110,000,000 or so million votes cast last election, how many were fraudulent and could have been prevented with an ID?

you guys have not even established this as problematic. you're putting the cart before the horse.
It wasn't the slightest bit racist. Do you know what the word means?