LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Hmmmm, gets ya thinking that's for sure. Hyroot do you have anything to add?

Fonz, I think you will want to read the entire thread before RIU pulls the link (I have it copied) to the info that hyroot posted.

SX has taught me a lot. Wish he hung out more often. I suggested that he write an e-book on the subject
I've been considering the benefits of Inda-Grow lighting once I got that I spend ~ $200/year in bulb replacement, then I read this:

I don't think i`d want to be spending a lot of time in the near field of what is effectively a 2.65mhz transmitter/antenna operating at several hundred watts ;)
Fonz, I think you will want to read the entire thread before RIU pulls the link (I have it copied) to the info that hyroot posted.

SX has taught me a lot. Wish he hung out more often. I suggested that he write an e-book on the subject

I read part of it. I guess what really confuses me is why the UFO company pulled their 460/630 light when people said they were having piss poor results and switched to the UFO's with 660 instead if 630 really does work by itself. I know HPS works and there is pretty much no 630 or 660 but it's also not running of only 1 wavelength either.
I've been considering the benefits of Inda-Grow lighting once I got that I spend ~ $200/year in bulb replacement, then I read this:

I don't think i`d want to be spending a lot of time in the near field of what is effectively a 2.65mhz transmitter/antenna operating at several hundred watts ;)

I emailed IG.

Here is IGs reply

I don’t know where he got that information. We’re running the drivers @ 240 kHz. To equate that with AM radio bandwidth; @ 560 kHz we operate at less than half that bandwidth.

In lay people terms what it really means is that when compared to 60hZ magnetic or 50kHz digital ballasts we simply operate at a much lower current but a higher frequency to excite the gasses via the two coils that wrap around the glass bulb. The driver, cable and coils are all insulated and we meet all FCC standards for EMF suppression which without the use of electrodes is exceptionally energy and PAR efficient when compared to electrode style lamps.

Hope that helps

Darryl Cotton
I read part of it. I guess what really confuses me is why the UFO company pulled their 460/630 light when people said they were having piss poor results and switched to the UFO's with 660 instead if 630 really does work by itself. I know HPS works and there is pretty much no 630 or 660 but it's also not running of only 1 wavelength either.

Sounds like they are as flaky as we are lol There could be any number of OTHER reasons, but they blamed it on the spectral balance
I emailed IG.

Here is IGs reply

I don’t know where he got that information. We’re running the drivers @ 240 kHz. To equate that with AM radio bandwidth; @ 560 kHz we operate at less than half that bandwidth.

In lay people terms what it really means is that when compared to 60hZ magnetic or 50kHz digital ballasts we simply operate at a much lower current but a higher frequency to excite the gasses via the two coils that wrap around the glass bulb. The driver, cable and coils are all insulated and we meet all FCC standards for EMF suppression which without the use of electrodes is exceptionally energy and PAR efficient when compared to electrode style lamps.

Hope that helps

Darryl Cotton
I have an Associate that employed 4 400 watters for 3 grows. He had MORE heat problems and lower production than from 2 600 watt hps with UVB attenuation. IMO just a glorified fluorescent as well as no way to put ballast heat outside of the grow environment.
Hello. I was one of the Pr0fesseur's early adopters with the aquarium lights. Been gone from the thread for awhile. I need some knowledgeable advice from those who know...

I currently have an 8 bulb T5 setup. For VEG, I used : KZ Purple / UVL Red Sun / KZ Purple / UVL Super Act 420........./ UVL 75.25 / UVL 454 / Red Sun / KZ Purple.

I am now in BLOOM using........................................ KZ Purple / UVL Red Sun / KZ Purple / Wave Point Coral Wave / UVL Red Sun / UVL 454 / Red Sun / KZ Purple.

One of the Red Suns just died. What should I replace it with? Another Red Sun ? One of the new UVL 660's ? Something else?

Also - should I be using a Flora-Sun instead of any of these? Or are there better lights to use in any of the slots for VEG or BLOOM ?

AlrIght I have gotten 4 pages in and want to try this. I've got a 2 foot 6 bulb fixture i use to veg and flower. Someone for the love of god please show me what I need. The people who have been doing this a while now are the people I would love some quick help from

What 6 bulbs for veg

Then what 6 bulbs for bloom

Then where to get all these bulbs online

I really appreciate your time
Hello. I was one of the Pr0fesseur's early adopters with the aquarium lights. Been gone from the thread for awhile. I need some knowledgeable advice from those who know...

I currently have an 8 bulb T5 setup. For VEG, I used : KZ Purple / UVL Red Sun / KZ Purple / UVL Super Act 420........./ UVL 75.25 / UVL 454 / Red Sun / KZ Purple.

I am now in BLOOM using........................................ KZ Purple / UVL Red Sun / KZ Purple / Wave Point Coral Wave / UVL Red Sun / UVL 454 / Red Sun / KZ Purple.

One of the Red Suns just died. What should I replace it with? Another Red Sun ? One of the new UVL 660's ? Something else?

Also - should I be using a Flora-Sun instead of any of these? Or are there better lights to use in any of the slots for VEG or BLOOM ?


A 660 would be a nice addition. When the 454 & 75/25 or KZ dies you can replace with FS

The UVL 660nm are grrreeeat lamps you guys. I don't know why anyone says they are a whitish color because they are definitely not whitish at all. They are very nice deep red color. Much redder than the Redsun lamps and quite a bit less orange. Right now I am running a 4 lamp T5 fixture with 2 Zoomed Ultra Sun white lamps and a Giesemann actinic plus and UVL 660nm in the middle. Lamp placement is Ultrasun, 660nm, actinic plus, Ultrasun and it's a bluish purple white overall color. I like what it's doing to the plants. They have been nice and perky and no strange looking growth. I was starting to see some crazy looking twisted, dark green, not normal looking growth on the Sour D's and Blueberry with the actinic plus/660nm 50/50 setup. Bulb order was actinic plus, 660nm, actinic plus, 660nm and although it was a super deep purple color I am willing to bet that there was to much 420nm light or blue overall causing the strange growth. As soon as I added the 2 Ultrasuns the growth went back to normal. I really prefer a full-spectrum type of light with an emphasis on deep blue and deep red since regular T5 full spec lamps do not have the deep blue and red in them. I would recommend this setup for veg most definitely.

For flowering I am thinking 2 Flora Suns(one on each side) and an actinic plus and 660nm in the middle. In other words, switch out the Ultra's for the Floras at flower time. Otherwise I may replace the actinic plus with a 75/25 since it has less blue.

Here is a shot of my fixture with my current veg setup. I had to ditch my plants because they got infested with thrips and other shit. So now I am starting over from cuttings. I will take new photos in a few weeks. Current lamp setup, ultra sun, actinic plus, 660nm, ultra sun T5 HO 4' lamp.
lamp setup.jpg
The UVL 660nm are grrreeeat lamps you guys. I don't know why anyone says they are a whitish color because they are definitely not whitish at all. They are very nice deep red color. Much redder than the Redsun lamps and quite a bit less orange. Right now I am running a 4 lamp T5 fixture with 2 Zoomed Ultra Sun white lamps and a Giesemann actinic plus and UVL 660nm in the middle. Lamp placement is Ultrasun, 660nm, actinic plus, Ultrasun and it's a bluish purple white overall color. I like what it's doing to the plants. They have been nice and perky and no strange looking growth. I was starting to see some crazy looking twisted, dark green, not normal looking growth on the Sour D's and Blueberry with the actinic plus/660nm 50/50 setup. Bulb order was actinic plus, 660nm, actinic plus, 660nm and although it was a super deep purple color I am willing to bet that there was to much 420nm light or blue overall causing the strange growth. As soon as I added the 2 Ultrasuns the growth went back to normal. I really prefer a full-spectrum type of light with an emphasis on deep blue and deep red since regular T5 full spec lamps do not have the deep blue and red in them. I would recommend this setup for veg most definitely.

For flowering I am thinking 2 Flora Suns(one on each side) and an actinic plus and 660nm in the middle. In other words, switch out the Ultra's for the Floras at flower time. Otherwise I may replace the actinic plus with a 75/25 since it has less blue.

Here is a shot of my fixture with my current veg setup. I had to ditch my plants because they got infested with thrips and other shit. So now I am starting over from cuttings. I will take new photos in a few weeks. Current lamp setup, ultra sun, actinic plus, 660nm, ultra sun T5 HO 4' lamp.
View attachment 2234635

Nice array Fonz. Although, for flowering, I'd definitely swap out that actinic plus for a coral wave.

Also, where did you purchase the UVL 660?
Hey Professor,

Are the uvl 22" the same as regular HO 24"? I noticed that they list the lengths on their website and are 22" 34" or 46"?
yes. not profesuer but yes, the measurements for t5 bulbs are slightly shorter then t12 or t8 bulbs(IE 48" t8 is 48" but a 48" t5 is 46")

Hey everyone, I just recently started my first little project, I decided to use fluorescent for certain advantages and lack of money for a nice LED system.
I just ordered an eight bulb t5 system.
My main question is what bulbs should i use within the Veg and Bloom cycle?
veg: uvl 660?
Bloom?coral wave,
