The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
so its statrting to mae sence to me now this scrog.... but lets say theres a dominant cola thats getting in the way.... what then just chop it out for benifit of the others or ???
Occasionally you will have a stretcher that decides that she wants more light than the rest of her friends. This often happens when the branches are competing for light.
Here is a little tip i picked up when i spent hours upon hours reading..
If a large cola gets out of hand there is a simple solution to taming her back into the fold of the others and possibly giving her a burst of growth. Reach under the screen and find her stem. Half way up her stem start to pull her back through the canopy till she is even with the rest. Now where she is bent. Crush her at the bend with your fingers. Don't smash it in half. Just crush the stem so as it would not be able to support itself if it were to stand alone.

Problem solved, the plant will heal in no time at all with the possibility extra bud growth.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good fix.. i`m along ways off trieing it but its in the K.I.S.S way of thinking....(Keep It Simple Stupid....KISS)....... so i should remember hahahaha....

oh and i`m not stoned if theres some letters look like there missing from my posts..... keyboard is wanked ....


Well-Known Member
I think i pulled a muscle in my chest digging today, its painfull to take a deep breath and even weird when i eat like the food is going down very slow and painfull, lol if it wasent for bad luck...


Active Member
wel jay im starting a scrog meself in a week or 2, tent is 900mm square and was goin to make the screen 800 square, was thinking of doing 1 big bud with a 5/6 week veg. do you reckon 1 plant wil fill the screen or should i go with 2.
Occasionally you will have a stretcher that decides that she wants more light than the rest of her friends. This often happens when the branches are competing for light.
Here is a little tip i picked up when i spent hours upon hours reading..
If a large cola gets out of hand there is a simple solution to taming her back into the fold of the others and possibly giving her a burst of growth. Reach under the screen and find her stem. Half way up her stem start to pull her back through the canopy till she is even with the rest. Now where she is bent. Crush her at the bend with your fingers. Don't smash it in half. Just crush the stem so as it would not be able to support itself if it were to stand alone.

Problem solved, the plant will heal in no time at all with the possibility extra bud growth.


Well-Known Member
wel jay im starting a scrog meself in a week or 2, tent is 900mm square and was goin to make the screen 800 square, was thinking of doing 1 big bud with a 5/6 week veg. do you reckon 1 plant wil fill the screen or should i go with 2.
Yeah sounds good Smokey...

Id say it would be a shorter veg time with 2 plants to maybe 4 weeks, where as 1 plant could take 6 weeks.. depending on growing conditions..

Myself, Id try and get the screen to the full 900mm and use the 2 plants this time round..


Active Member
cheers man,the only reason im going 800 square is cause im in a rented gaff thats for sale so there,s always a chance il have to pull the whole lot down at a days notice, im growing nft so i was going to make up a frame that the nft tray sits in and the scrog screen is fixed to the frame, so if i have to move everything il be able to pick up the whole lot without distubing anything. i know i would probably get alot more bud in a shorter time with 2 plants but it,s just current circumstances, 6 weeks veg dont sound to bad,
Yeah sounds good Smokey...

Id say it would be a shorter veg time with 2 plants to maybe 4 weeks, where as 1 plant could take 6 weeks.. depending on growing conditions..

Myself, Id try and get the screen to the full 900mm and use the 2 plants this time round..


Well-Known Member
Genius, for my next grow they're all gonna be let grow through a screen then they're gonna be topped and tied down to it...hopefully I'll have my other 600 and potentially hydroponics gear to compliment it :D

Thanks man.

In other news I chopped a Big Bud and a Skunk#1, bad news is this place is dry as a ducks arse... so I'm staring at all this weed, and can't smoke a fucking bit of it.

The Bubble Bags will be out tomorrow I tells ya!
Sorry, i missed this earlier Har.....

Good to hear a nice plan, so does this mean you're a fellow scrogger..?

cheers man,the only reason im going 800 square is cause im in a rented gaff thats for sale so there,s always a chance il have to pull the whole lot down at a days notice, im growing nft so i was going to make up a frame that the nft tray sits in and the scrog screen is fixed to the frame, so if i have to move everything il be able to pick up the whole lot without distubing anything. i know i would probably get alot more bud in a shorter time with 2 plants but it,s just current circumstances, 6 weeks veg dont sound to bad,
Ahh.. I get you... Sounds a nifty piece of kit...NFT too... Im a few leagues below that... be sure to get a few pics when up and running bud.. Sounds great..

More and more people are joining the scrog gang...!!


Well-Known Member
Your tobacco plants are doing alot better than mine but my tomatoes are better than yours lolol are you feeding the baccy plants anything?
yes am feeding them am sures ures will start to get bigger plants i bought was pretty good /ye my tomotoes just starting to flower lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i missed this earlier Har.....

Good to hear a nice plan, so does this mean you're a fellow scrogger..?

Ahh.. I get you... Sounds a nifty piece of kit...NFT too... Im a few leagues below that... be sure to get a few pics when up and running bud.. Sounds great..

More and more people are joining the scrog gang...!!
Next run will hopefully be a faux-scrog with 2 600's, 8 big bud and two atami wilma "big 4's".

Ae86, I can't smoke it cos it's not dry yet, Iv had a few tiny samplers but "wet weed is wasted weed" is my philosophy. Just got a nice bag of proper lemon haze...Im getting high like a motherfucker.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
I think i pulled a muscle in my chest digging today, its painfull to take a deep breath and even weird when i eat like the food is going down very slow and painfull, lol if it wasent for bad luck...
i feel your pain kang- literally. im getting the back garden ready for rotovating its needed it for years. im movin loads of shit out of the way. oh me back!!!!!!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well i`m joining the scrog gang i just need a female now....

so even when i find the mother it will only bo for clones, so clones taken reduces me back to the two or three week mark grow wise....

so female clones under lights and screen i think i`m looking at around 2 months before its all up and running...

ah i`ll figure it out as i go.... have the old homemade hood took down and disassembled. working on mark2 now, to hold an extra 3 bulbs just to raise my wattage too the 600w mark and round out the shape as i think this time it will be flat with bulbs hanging as normal not on there side, this will allow me to lower some bulbs where needed in the canopy and as there cfl`s they`ll be really close anyways.....


Well-Known Member
Whats the crk lads, aint bin on properly in ages - too bisy smoking the last harvest, all gone now :(

I read a couple of pages back some of ye were talking about scroggin, from my experience which isnt much, iv only done 1 and it wasnt that good, every body should scrogg. Easy to manage, Good for height restrictions, better light penintration and uniform buds, i am fully converted to scroggin. the next plant i start will definetly be scrogged.

Now next plant should i go for G13 purple haze purly to have purple weed or White widow x big bud for better yeild.?? Choices choices choices, and i cant pick and mix and get both because i have space to scrogg only 1 plant.


Well-Known Member
Genius, for my next grow they're all gonna be let grow through a screen then they're gonna be topped and tied down to it...hopefully I'll have my other 600 and potentially hydroponics gear to compliment it :D

Thanks man.

In other news I chopped a Big Bud and a Skunk#1, bad news is this place is dry as a ducks arse... so I'm staring at all this weed, and can't smoke a fucking bit of it.

The Bubble Bags will be out tomorrow I tells ya!
Alright Har, How long did you let the big bud go for, Im at about 6 weeks flower and still look about 4 weeks off


Well-Known Member
na dude it not there all i can find abotu avatar is

Join Date 06-02-2009 Current Activity Viewing User Profile Last Activity 07-03-2012 09:41 PM Journal Entries 0 Avatar

but no way to change it

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
should be there smiffy, click my rollitup then should be there on the left third box down in my settings click on edit avatar...


Well-Known Member
sound for the link dar, i just could not find it, now my internets just too slow to upload a new 1 ha,

im liking the updated look of the site,

fuck we need some sun, my ice in the greenhouse has only grown like 3 inches in the last month, very disapointing