Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;8oV0-pgUctw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oV0-pgUctw[/video]Apropos for the holiday.
Interesting perspective. I have been at ground zero many of times...and the view there SUCKS other than for the explosions. Some of the shows I have done, that camera would not of survived. It kind of looks like it took a near miss.


Ursus marijanus
That Hair Shirt Guy ... if I ever needed him to sign a confession, my chosen instrument of persuasion would be a case of bikini wax. cn

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I never would have caught that. Had to replay a couple of times too.
I would not of caught it prior to knowing a lightning strike was going to happen, just an after the fact observation as there was zero wind. I have been near lightning strikes. I have seen the St. Elmo's fire prior and hit the dirt. There was also a time where a over bearing smell of ozone just happened, then BOOM. I am a storm chaser so sometimes we do stupid things but learn interesting things in the process.


Ursus marijanus
I stood in a thunderstorm once. The bike had foundered in Continental Divide bentonite, and I watched a flash flood form to the right&left of me. It was quite a storm, and two bolts of lightning struck within 50 yards. That I am still here is somewhat amazing, if not exactly cause for celebration. cn


Well-Known Member
At about 9 i was standing out in the back yard during a rain storm, not an uncommon thing for a fool kid.
Lightning struck a tall oak in my neighbor's yard. The tree split in two and I received splinter shrapnel to my right eye.

in hind sight i never saw it coming.:?