taco bell thread


Well-Known Member
How dare you lol and no its not dog food howevr at one point the beef was graded as low as dog meat ill give u that but that was quite awhile ago my friend. Wish I could put hot and mild sauce in your eye for dogging taco bell <<<<< c wha I did there. Lol if not taco bell what would u say is the best stoner friendly fast food resturant<<<< jacked tha word up.
I Dont eat fast foooood, Even though im baked half the time i still rather get my lazy ass up and Cook what i like the wayy i likeee it.



Well-Known Member
.....I can eat that shit, vape, talk on r.i.u.,and work, all while driving!.... fuckin multi tasking motherfucker today!


Well-Known Member
.......but I never drink and drive anymore. Not that texting, eating, smoking, working, jammin kid rock, and doing 75 is any safer........ I just feel for the reflector bumps for navigation.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
And if i told you half of what i know about the hotel industry youd never stay in one again :)
I was involved in a study for the hotel industry. They put timers on the vacuum cleaners that the maid used without their knowledge. The average time the vacuum cleaners were turn on in an 8-hour shift was 15 to 20 minutes. Ever since then whenever I stay at a hotel/motel I wear my slippers or flip-flops at all times even in the shower.


Active Member
Good I Had friend get n an accident. Hurt himself and his gf real bad and messed up is s2000. All over a text I haven't done it sense. There ok today but was hurt for some months after the accident


Well-Known Member
Taco bell and white castles don't go threw me like that.... it's the heartburn that torture s me for hours.