When you start getting into psychology (and maybe psychedelics) you will find that reason. Its very obvious, and very not obvious at the same time. More obvious with courage, lets say
I would advise you to read this same book I`ve been given about basic psychology. 'What do you do after you say Hello' by Eric Berne. Its certainly not a hard to understand book, a 6 year old could understand it. A book I would call medicinal
It outlines something called 'Transactional Analysis'. When two people say something to each other, that is 1 unit of social action. And there is a transaction between the two people, with a certain psychological payoff. The book will help you find out which payoff`s you seek, and why. The answers are usually hidden somewhere between the ages 2 and 6.
Also, the more complicated your mind is, the more intelligence you need to sift through the thoughts fast enough in social scenarios. With pot slowing your head a little bit thats the cause of anxiety. Its a matter of focus and attention directed at the right places to solve it.
Maybe its time to put the herbs aside and take on some self exploration buddy! Life is a journey of self development, don`t forget