bleach in rez water?


Active Member
i believe i have read smewhere that you can put a small amount of bleach in your rez water to help kill bacteria. is this true and if so ho much. i have heard about the heinsburg tea and voodoo juice but just dont have anymore funds at the moment. i have invested everything i make over the past 3 months into this and its getting discourageing. any help is super super freakin appreciated

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

why do you make me use comic sans? why do you make me hurt you?

bleach is for laundry not cannabis!

if you have funk growing in your reservoir, handle it by emptying the water, cleaning it thoroughly with bleach, then RINSE THE BLEACH AWAY! after that, black out your reservoir, so no light gets in. use metal foil, mylar, several coats of paint, contact film (shelf paper that's not paper) or several layers of dark cloth (not in the water please)

after the blackout, dont put any sugar, molasses or other food for bacteria in the water, ever! just use plant nutrients and keep that shit aerated with a bubblepump.

hydrogen peroxide works but NOT the shit from your druggist or the shit your grandma uses to bleach her facial hair. that shit is deadly to plants.

if you are broke, clean your shit. there is no cheap way to fix a funky reservoir except elbow grease and proper care.


Active Member

why do you make me use comic sans? why do you make me hurt you?

bleach is for laundry not cannabis!

if you have funk growing in your reservoir, handle it by emptying the water, cleaning it thoroughly with bleach, then RINSE THE BLEACH AWAY! after that, black out your reservoir, so no light gets in. use metal foil, mylar, several coats of paint, contact film (shelf paper that's not paper) or several layers of dark cloth (not in the water please)

after the blackout, dont put any sugar, molasses or other food for bacteria in the water, ever! just use plant nutrients and keep that shit aerated with a bubblepump.

hydrogen peroxide works but NOT the shit from your druggist or the shit your grandma uses to bleach her facial hair. that shit is deadly to plants.

if you are broke, clean your shit. there is no cheap way to fix a funky reservoir except elbow grease and proper care.
Sounds about right to me


Active Member
I always hear people talk about not putting bleach in your rez OR ELSE but never seen any proof from anyone of any damage caused by using small amounts of bleach to maintain a sterile rez. Some people swear by using it as a cheap alternative to 30-50% H202. I recommend using it to clean during rez changes and you can use it in an emergency like when white goo is in your rez you can add about 8 drops per gallon and it will work but a full rez change is always preferred. The way it suppose to work is Bleach is used for its active ingredient Sodium hypochlorite or NaOCI

NaOCl + H2O -> HOCL + NaOH Then, The hydrochlorous acid reacts as follows HOCl + H- +2e- -> Cl- + H2O allowing for the chlorine ion to be an oxidizer.

I have used small ammounts of bleach with no ill effect though only use when needed and in as small an amount as possible. h202 is a safer oxidizer for the plants but is more expensive and needed in larger amounts.


Well-Known Member
Jus clean you rez between changes with bleach water. Rinse thoroughly. Dont add it to your rez with nutes and water to feed your plants... yea bleach in small increments added to water might not kill you but would you drink it anyway. Probably not. Dont do it to your plants... just my opinion btw.


Active Member
Jus clean you rez between changes with bleach water. Rinse thoroughly. Dont add it to your rez with nutes and water to feed your plants... yea bleach in small increments added to water might not kill you but would you drink it anyway. Probably not. Dont do it to your plants... just my opinion btw.
Im sorry but have you read the directions on Clorox? it specifically states it can be used to disinfect drinking water go check it out. Im still waiting for proof that small amounts of bleach harm plants in any way. I'm not saying everyone should use it but I do question the reasoning behind not using it for emergencies.

Straight off the Clorox website and I believe this is stated on the back of the bottle as well;

When boiling off water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, disinfect water by:
1. Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom. Pour clear water into a clean container.
2. Add 8 drops of Clorox[SUP]®[/SUP] Regular-Bleach to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart).
3. Let treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat and wait another 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times.


Active Member
well i cleaned my rez with bleach today but the roots still have brown gunk on them thats why i asked this question. pretty much if i put them back in there even if the water is clean the problem just persists right?

why do you make me use comic sans? why do you make me hurt you?

bleach is for laundry not cannabis!

if you have funk growing in your reservoir, handle it by emptying the water, cleaning it thoroughly with bleach, then RINSE THE BLEACH AWAY! after that, black out your reservoir, so no light gets in. use metal foil, mylar, several coats of paint, contact film (shelf paper that's not paper) or several layers of dark cloth (not in the water please)

after the blackout, dont put any sugar, molasses or other food for bacteria in the water, ever! just use plant nutrients and keep that shit aerated with a bubblepump.

hydrogen peroxide works but NOT the shit from your druggist or the shit your grandma uses to bleach her facial hair. that shit is deadly to plants.

if you are broke, clean your shit. there is no cheap way to fix a funky reservoir except elbow grease and proper care.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but have you read the directions on Clorox? it specifically states it can be used to disinfect drinking water go check it out. Im still waiting for proof that small amounts of bleach harm plants in any way. I'm not saying everyone should use it but I do question the reasoning behind not using it for emergencies.

Straight off the Clorox website and I believe this is stated on the back of the bottle as well;

When boiling off water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, disinfect water by:
1. Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom. Pour clear water into a clean container.
2. Add 8 drops of Clorox[SUP]®[/SUP] Regular-Bleach to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart).
3. Let treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat and wait another 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times.
I didnt say it you cant do it... but if you had a choice of drinking perfectly fine water or bleach water which would you choose. And like i said its just my opinion. Quit trying to be a smart ass cause you got google and a bottle of bleach.


Active Member
I didnt say it you cant do it... but if you had a choice of drinking perfectly fine water or bleach water which would you choose. And like i said its just my opinion. Quit trying to be a smart ass cause you got google and a bottle of bleach.
Don't see how that makes me a smart ass, I think 99% of the people here have access to Google and a bottle of bleach.

But yes if I had a choice I would pick perfectly fine water but that is a stupid point because Im sure OP and everyone would prefer to run perfect water in their systems but that just isn't going to happen. If I had to choose between bacteria infested water and bleach water I choose bleach water hands down. Remember the bleach breaks down into Chlorine (which is in your tap water to begin with and you drink and use it to water plants all the time) and salts. The salts are bad for your plants but with weekly or biweekly rez changes they are not an issue at all and if you feel they are you can use drip clean to take care of that.


Active Member
well i cleaned my rez with bleach today but the roots still have brown gunk on them thats why i asked this question. pretty much if i put them back in there even if the water is clean the problem just persists right?
You can Try H202, good bacteria (hygrozyme, Great White) or you can add bleach. For more information on the subject you can check out this tread. His dropper is 22 drops per 1ml mine is 16 drops per ml or .065ml per drop so according to his information I can add Clorox at 1 drop per 2.66 gallons of water. This will not harm your plants.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
any concentration of bleach that would kill bacterium or algae will kill your fine root hairs (the part of roots that does the work)

eliminating the bacterial food supply and monitoring temps will allow your roots to heal, and frequent changing of you water, with good reservoir hygiene will allow your roots to lose the staining and become bright white again.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but have you read the directions on Clorox? it specifically states it can be used to disinfect drinking water go check it out. Im still waiting for proof that small amounts of bleach harm plants in any way. I'm not saying everyone should use it but I do question the reasoning behind not using it for emergencies.

Straight off the Clorox website and I believe this is stated on the back of the bottle as well;

When boiling off water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, disinfect water by:
1. Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom. Pour clear water into a clean container.
2. Add 8 drops of Clorox[SUP]®[/SUP] Regular-Bleach to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart).
3. Let treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat and wait another 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times.
When I go backpacking for several days I do like the website says, but I run it through a charcoal filter after I disinfect it and it removes the odor of chlorine.


Active Member
i looked aound and 1/2 a mil per 10 gallons is the standard measure for your rez. this has been tested by a very experienced grower who used h2o2 for a very long time. he uses aquashield normally but he has tested the bleach method for an entire cycle with no ill effect.


I used to buy the 20$ bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the hydro stores then commercial greenhouse growers saved me a fortune on my car insurance.
No but seriously I used to sanitize and prevent algae and all the good stuff with H2O2 then I learned the powers of Bleach.
I have tested it from rooted clone stage to harvest 3 times now with amazing results.....

my personal battle between which was better

- rez's tend to get funky and buds tend to taste like their enviorment they were grown in.

h202 has a naturally funky odor in itself and tends to do better as an oxidizer than a algae/root rot killer
Bleach keeps the rez very sterile and fresh even 2 weeks into a fill, also has proven to be 100% effective in ELIMINATING root rot at the right dosages (see this thread

h202 leaves burns on your skin with even the slightest splash you never seen coming
bleach leaves a nice stain on your new black shirt you never saw coming

h202 can burn those fine hairs on roots when roots submerge long periods of time (dwc)
bleach has produced some amazing white clean sterile roots in my experience

equal evaporation time inside of a solution

H2O2 $20
bleach 69cents

I tested it obviously on a smaller scale but i pump a lot of bleach nowdays when things get funky and have never ever seen a side effect...... as a matter of fact chlorine is in some way an essential to plants i read somewhere you will always have debates 24/7 vs 18/6 ........ indoor vs outdoor........1000w vs 600w...... but for some reason bleach has been a eternal enemy of the hobby growers due to a bad rep and the debate is very lopsided ...... but trust me when i say I can run 30mil of bleach in 50gal rez everyday for a week to treat and have no side effects I have heard of some people using twice that to effective kill off pythium ... I add .25 ml per gal everydayto my rez and never get any problems

I use R/O also go figure the things I initialy was convinced to buy the R/O system to remove I now add...... sigh

I've been using Clorox bleach in my bubble buckets and ebb and flow systems for quite some time now. Why do people freak out about it? I really don't understand.

You do go swimming in pools right people? You do take showers using municipal water right people? You do cook and make ice cubes with that some water right?

Why is it okay for your bathing, swimming and consumption but not your plants?

Just thinking out loud.


Well-Known Member
I've been using Clorox bleach in my bubble buckets and ebb and flow systems for quite some time now. Why do people freak out about it? I really don't understand.

You do go swimming in pools right people? You do take showers using municipal water right people? You do cook and make ice cubes with that some water right?

Why is it okay for your bathing, swimming and consumption but not your plants?

Just thinking out loud.
bc they want you to spend more money
if you alrready tested it out and your method works fuq erryone else and their more expensive ways

bc they want you to spend more money
if you alrready tested it out and your method works fuq erryone else and their more expensive ways
LoL...Oh I know. Seriously though...I've gotta wonder if all these people remove chlorine from every other part of their lives.


Well-Known Member
i used h202 done the job and tbh i have read by Jorge Cervantes that you can use bleach in a res and growers have done for years but didnt want to risk it and brought h2o2