seriously, there are some people who take urine and waste very seriously and they have every right to post about their findings too, just trying to give them a place to do so, be respectful and dont be jerk, take this seriously or you may find your posts deleted.
i have heard of using aloe vera instead of yucca as a wetting agent and nitrogen source when making your own soil you can find more about it here vera juice????
apple cider vinegar???
anybody use these? and how much should you use???
and probably spread disease ha
This is a common practice in many parts of the world/cultures. My buddy pulled a quick switch this spring because his daughters tree didn't make it through the winter. He timed it right and she just thought it got a slow start that spring! Its ok IMO all life comes from death with microbes doing the magic transition! Its just like planting a corn kernel in a fish carcass back in the day.Redbird1223i knew someone who had a kid and saved the afterbirth to bring home. they buried it, planted a tree on top and called it the "Macayla" tree.
alright here it goes (I can't believe i'm posting this) I had a dog that had a litter of pups, she had about three that died..fat bitch layed on them and suffacated them,,oh well anywho I burried them in this hole cause i had grown a plant in the hole years before (soft dirt)...the following spring I planted this cheesewreck ontop of the well composted puppy carcases...fuckin' nasty I know...I would never do this today.