300 pull a damaging flash mob at a WalMart


Well-Known Member
there was one white guy 14-15 seconds in he only show for one second might be a mexican but he looks pretty white to me. lol i think that was my local walmart that is some fucked up shit... but fuck walmart i only feel bad for the employees.


Ursus marijanus
while i agree walmart are the devil incarnate, i don't condone this type of behavior.. simply do what i do, shop elsewhere.. if everyone stopped shopping there, they would no longer have the power they have now..
Living where i do, Mall-Wart is the 800-pound gorilla. I wish i had a viable choice. i generally prefer target but the nearest is a good hour away. cn


Ursus marijanus
are there any white flash mobs like this?
Oh my. I just googled "white flash mobs", and the first two hits were Occidental Dissent and Stormfront, sources that are, uhm, interested, to put it with excessive kindness.

But I also found this, from a less fraught source. They happen but are apparently less common. It soothes me to think that race isn't the determinant so much as a high density of bored young people. cn


Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't know about anyone else, but the term african american drives me completely insane.. first of all, not all black people in america have come from africa..
and secondly, do you see any irish or french people calling themselves irish american's or french american's?? hell no, they're simply american's... ugghh...
i completely agree. it's one of the most presumptuous pc labels i can think of. pretty ironic for a term that's supposedly "specific". it's also a separatist term designed to point out differences rather than promote and celebrate unity. it's an odd choice of label to "fight racism" imo.


Well-Known Member
I understand all life has come from Africa but only the clever ones moved to Europe if you disagree tell me what the darkys have given to the world that has benifted man.
George Washington Carver gave us Peanut Butter... YUM... stay high

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I don't agree with your opinion. The surgeon that saved my nephew was black and the sweetest human being you would want to know.


Active Member
Shoot Looters

Especially when they are the size of a small battalion. This is not free speech, its terrorism.


Active Member
i thought the same thing, and i tend not to be the least bit racist, but i didn't see one white person in that video..
i don't think a simple observation is being racist though, facts are facts..
People would claim that because you noticed is proof of racism. Of course, these people are idiots as well.


Well-Known Member

stay high