Asvanced nutrients PH perfect?????

kbo ca

Active Member
Haha truth is AN is the best nute line i have ever used lol and i have used alot of them! To each his own
i agree that if you have something that works for you, and you're happy with it, no need to change anything up. From what you say, you and i are in the same boat. I have ran and tested every nutrient brand i could get my hands on (even made some of my own). AN wasn't for me, i found that it grew some of the prettiest nugs, but the taste and high that went hand in hand no matter how long the flush, was a lack luster. But as you said, to each his own, if it aint broke don't go fixing it.


Active Member
dont add ph adjuster to any line ph perfect nutes u can alter the peformance of the buffers inthe nutes causes imbalances they spent millions making this stuff and 100%iron clad money back if ur gonna grow this way trust ur nutes man


Rebel From The North
Well i disagree cause i personaly know tom at AN and i have asked him just that, and it is ok to add ph adjuster.
Yes your nutes are made to allow a more open ph range but if it goes bellow 5.6 or above 6.5 adjusters are a must.


Active Member
THIS IS NO WAY A KNOCK TO THIS NUTE LINE OR ANY OTHER TO EACH THIER OWN , THIS POST IN NO WAY REFLECTS THE OPININ OF THIS STATION OR SISTER STATIONS 2012 LOL then TOM IS A COMMY LOL RELAX man i personaly dont use any hyped products u really dont need then(general hydro 3part flora tweaked out to the max ive used this for years, NPK and macros H202 420 all day long over any so called ph mircle mix for less than experinced growers my shock is i know its a buis but be honest with newbs no offence guys we had to start out same just this TOM LOL and every company hyping thier juice is preying on the few that do minium reserech then in some pipe dream throw money at the garden thinkn of pro results and falling short of what i know is capable in hydro rockwool slabs ebb n flow 2.0gpw but thats not on topic even if the newb only got 10 oz from first room at least he got real growing experise not counting on miracles Tom just cant deliver iam sure i newb could get gettr with these type of nutes iam just sayn thier not really learning are they?because if they were really ph perfect Y add ph up/down thier be NO BENIFIT BUT PH PROBLEMS due to hyped products label i quote water 4.5 -8.0 no needs for adjustment iam just saying miss leads newbs robbing them of true growing bliss


Rebel From The North
Dude you are clueless! Tom didnt and doesnt run the advertising of an hes in the lab and development!
But of corse there will always be trolls! I have run gh crap and most nute lines out there lol and an does
Good, way better than your dirty gh flora crap! Dude this is a sre sub and your a an hater its cool! Better
To move on.


Active Member
ofcousre i dont know tom guy that a jk man guess u missed it lol i been growing 18 years guy i also ui tried tons of new products before in stores even tester for a veggie mag u know the one im sure no trolls here guy whatever nutes to doesnt really matter as meticuless records for all grows and in way iam i saying the line u endorse is the best but its the best for ur needs aslo so called crappy gh nutes i can outperformed expensive h s fill in blanks im not here trash any line guy so dont trash mine


Rebel From The North
Well i dont just like AN! I like technoflora and dyna grow! So im not endorsing anything here! My grow exp goes past 20+ years
When all you could get was gh flora series, yah it works but there form havnt been change sinse it was develope! Fact it theres
Better lines out there.


Active Member
technoflrora was nice n tweakable for newb to master great line guy (also the reason iam use ghflora line i do very large scale grows and just easy n right for my needs as boss had years worth on site (my personal grows i love ormi approved organics in hydro so sweet n tasty peace


Active Member
technoflrora was nice n tweakable for newb to master great line guy (also the reason iam use ghflora line i do very large scale grows and just easy n right for my needs as boss had years worth on site (my personal grows i love ormi approved organics in hydro so sweet n tasty peace
Ah, the AN debate goes on.

Look, you either like it or you don't.

I LOVE em. They've never let me down - especially the pH Perfect® technology nutrients.



New Member
Smokesafely... why do you promote AN? have you tried another lines? Did you know that most of the people with nutrients unbalances posting in this forum are using whether AN or Miracle Grow? PH perfect, really? almost all nute lines have Ionics elements buffering the PH, it's just an advertising scam!! I'm not saying they don't work but certainly are not one of the best out there. I tried the sensi Line with poor results compared to other lines like Vitalink that gives you good yields and great tasting buds as well as canna which takes it a little further and it's one of my favorites along with botanicare's PBP line that's is sweet, balanced and easy to use. Dyna-Grow allows you to feed at the perfect ratios and GH is really forgiving and very newbie friendly. All of these nutrientes buffer PH and can be run in any recirculating system.... So, again... what's your deal?
Maps... did you know most people here don't understand nutrients? They either buy the cheapest shit on the market(M.G.) or they buy the most expensive and best and do not have a clue what they bought or how to use it or why. Which one are you?

Look, the product stands alone in the market no matter how many haters are out there. All products sold today are of execellent backgrounds and will all produce high quality product. For people that just want to grow weed thats fine but for some of us understanding why and bettering the last crop is half the fun. If you are talking about defeciencies when using any AN products then you either fucked up, cheaped out or just plain and simple do not understand what you are using.

I'm going on thirty years and Have tried many of the products you mentioned. I gave them an honest try (who doesnt want to save money) but when you see increases of 40-50% in yeilds across the board its definelty not all the grower.

Maybe AN is not for you. Have you tried Miricle Grow, I hear they have a liquid now its gotta be better too.


Well-Known Member
Maps... did you know most people here don't understand nutrients? They either buy the cheapest shit on the market(M.G.) or they buy the most expensive and best and do not have a clue what they bought or how to use it or why. Which one are you?

Look, the product stands alone in the market no matter how many haters are out there. All products sold today are of execellent backgrounds and will all produce high quality product. For people that just want to grow weed thats fine but for some of us understanding why and bettering the last crop is half the fun. If you are talking about defeciencies when using any AN products then you either fucked up, cheaped out or just plain and simple do not understand what you are using.

I'm going on thirty years and Have tried many of the products you mentioned. I gave them an honest try (who doesnt want to save money) but when you see increases of 40-50% in yeilds across the board its definelty not all the grower.

Maybe AN is not for you. Have you tried Miricle Grow, I hear they have a liquid now its gotta be better too.
I'm trying sensi line in soil as we speak, although I don't have the AN additives so I compliment with Calmag, Hygrozyme, liquid Karma and gonna give them sweet, some Overdrive and big bud at the end of flowering. So far it's good but I did used half the dosage the label says as recommended in the forums, I'll be upping the ppms a little every week. I'm also running a DWC bucket to try it out in hydro where it's supposed to shine. I currently use Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro line and I'm quite unhappy with it... maybe I haven't dialed in things right yet or Chem is the way to go for ultimate yield. About me just wanting to grow weed, well that make's no sense.. you should see my nutrient cabinet and I haven't found my favorite yet.

Btw I wouldn't buy MG ever


Active Member
I'm trying sensi line in soil as we speak, although I don't have the AN additives so I compliment with Calmag, Hygrozyme, liquid Karma and gonna give them sweet, some Overdrive and big bud at the end of flowering. So far it's good but I did used half the dosage the label says as recommended in the forums, I'll be upping the ppms a little every week. I'm also running a DWC bucket to try it out in hydro where it's supposed to shine. I currently use Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro line and I'm quite unhappy with it... maybe I haven't dialed in things right yet or Chem is the way to go for ultimate yield. About me just wanting to grow weed, well that make's no sense.. you should see my nutrient cabinet and I haven't found my favorite yet.

Btw I wouldn't buy MG ever
Yes for the love of all that is good and pure in growing. DO NOT USE MIRACLE GROW.

I know not everyone can or wants to use Advanced Nutrients, but I do it because my grow is worth it. I think spending a little money on yoru grow is a good thing.

Otherwise, you'd spending your money on teh good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna stop being an idiot. Dyna Grow gives me the more control over ratios. Next batch that's gonna be my nutrient line. My AN plants are doing perfect btw, I'll start flowering tomorrow, this is a crucial time for the nutes to shine


Active Member
I'm gonna stop being an idiot. Dyna Grow gives me the more control over ratios. Next batch that's gonna be my nutrient line. My AN plants are doing perfect btw, I'll start flowering tomorrow, this is a crucial time for the nutes to shine
Nice. I tell everyone, AN is what works for me and its certainly something that you should try just once. The whole idea of 'don't knock it til you try it' is what I think more folks should abide by.

good luck on the rest of your grow!


Active Member
in my opinion nutrients are nutrients, if you know the biology of the plant your growing then you measure what it needs in n/p/k calcium, magnesium, maganese, sugar, carbohydrates. blah blah blah you get my drift. a name is a name but a chemical is a chemical. as far as the ph perfect thing. lastnight i used the ph perfect in 2 seperate rez with no additives, hmmm for some reason one is reading 5.9 while the other is reading 6.1 so even if my meter is outta whack there is obviously a differential in the two readings which means to me that the solution is not stable. anyone care to comment?

tree king

Well-Known Member
guys im switching to ph perfect 2 part and im about to buy like 5 tds continuous meters and they only measure tds and nothing else. can i do this and not worry about checking ph ever again? just a heads up my water comes outta the tap at around 7.0 ph. can i never buy another ph meter again or am i taking a risk? im paying half the price compared to a meter that also includes ph readings


Well-Known Member
AN is over hyped and will not increase yields. All hydroponic fertilizers are made from the same group of chemicals. There is no magical NPK ratio that will increase yields. Yield comes from sound growing practices and lumens per sf.


Well-Known Member
Sound Lumen practices like 3000 watts in a 4x10? who's the one wasting money ?
Look at my grow journal. :) Almost 6 lbs from 3k watts. Oh, what a waste that was! If I add a fourth light, I would increase yield even more, oh what a tragedy!

AN is STILL over hyped and will not increase yield.