No sex indication

Sam Diegro

Newbie here. Take it easy on me. I have an Amnesia White growing like crazy it's about 5 feet tall. It's about 13 weeks old and has yet to give any indication as to it's sex, no flowers, pods or anything. Just new growth growing like a weed(hehe). I'm patiently waiting, but would like some idea about what's going to happen. Is this normal? Anybody familiar with this strain? It is taking up prime real estate. I don't want to keep waiting to eventually see little green nut sacks.


bud bootlegger
at 13 weeks or so old, you should definitely be seeing some signs of sex ime.. i usually start to see either pistils or balls at around 6 / 8 weeks or so from seeds...

preflowers are pretty easy to over look if you don't really know what you're looking for imo..

start at the top of the plant, and count down about four or five nodes, where the branches meet the main stem, and look closely for 2 lil white hairs comong out of the calyx for a female.. the calyx will look like a small lil green v, and out of the top of it will be 2 very small hairs growing from it..


Well-Known Member
Pics..I gather it's inside on 12-12. Freaking sativas can do that. Drop the time to 11 on 13 off.

Sam Diegro

I'll take a closer look but pretty sure I'm not seeing anything. No it's actual outside. Gets good sun all of the day, but direct sun about 7 hours. Going on vacation for 10 days. I hope to see something conclusive when I return. I'll post a couple of good pics if nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
No you see some preflowers sooner..but its growing by season time table.


Active Member
13 weeks of veg, and no sign of preflower it very well could be male. Not saying it is, but a female should show at that age where a male won't show till flower time. I have yet to see a male "preflower" during veg timing. Don't do anything drastic till it can be confirmed either way though. Maybe take a cutting to induce flowering to see what you have.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 plants that have been out since march, 5 month's old 8 ft tall, so signs of pref-lowers, no sacks, nothing. I guess some plants don't wanna show till mid august..

Sam Diegro

Chickenpoop, mine looks exactly like yours. I'll remain cautiously optimistic. It is taking up valuable real estate, but I'll just ride it out and see what happens. Thanks for all the replies.

Sam Diegro

I don't have a ton of experience, but it seems like my regular seeds are a bit more vigorous. I'm 0 for 2 getting a female plant though. I'd definitely do fem if I'm doing indoors.


Active Member
Can you get a closer shot of the branch to the right (same as above just concentrated on that node on the right branch). I think I see female calyx. Could just be new growth, but goes blurry when zoomed in.

Sam Diegro

LOL. Don't tease me. I just thought I saw new growth, but I'll take new pic and post tomorrow. Hey Chickenpoop, how did you get that pic to show so big? What are the dimensions and resolution and size?