Atheists Are Going To Hell


Well-Known Member
I'll play along ....

Assuming that there is in fact a heaven and a hell, and heaven is the place where good Christians go, I'm not so sure I want to end up there anyway. Think about it. This god of yours seems like a bit of a prick. He gives us the ability to think and reason, and then instructs us to blindly believe in him and all of his rules. He allows children to suffer and starve, women to be raped and abused, minorities to be chastised and discriminated against, associates of his to fondle little boys and blow billions of dollars on materialistic buildings of "worship" when all of the aforementioned suffering could be wiped away with these very dollars.

I don't know all of the particulars of hell, but I can't imagine it being much worse than your heaven. And, as an added bonus, I don't have to hang out for eternity with a bunch of delusional theists cramming their nonsense story down my throat! :-)


Well-Known Member
Well if there is a hell, then yes it stands to reason that the people that don't believe in it would end up there...
I think the bible should be rewritten to be more modern, because then more people would be apt to follow it...
It is hard to keep arguing for a book that has been proven wrong my science, that they just didn't have when they wrote the bible, that to me it is impossible to believe...
I don't mind the message...or the idea that there is a god...but the God in the Bible can't be right...I mean he is supposed to be all knowing and all really couldn't he have at least overseen the Bible while it was being written by "his people"? Could he have not being omnipotent and all, could he not have said, "hey! Don't put that in there, because in 400 years nobody will believe this drivel?"


Well-Known Member
I'll play along ....

Assuming that there is in fact a heaven and a hell, and heaven is the place where good Christians go, I'm not so sure I want to end up there anyway. Think about it. This god of yours seems like a bit of a prick. He gives us the ability to think and reason, and then instructs us to blindly believe in him and all of his rules. He allows children to suffer and starve, women to be raped and abused, minorities to be chastised and discriminated against, associates of his to fondle little boys and blow billions of dollars on materialistic buildings of "worship" when all of the aforementioned suffering could be wiped away with these very dollars.

I don't know all of the particulars of hell, but I can't imagine it being much worse than your heaven. And, as an added bonus, I don't have to hang out for eternity with a bunch of delusional theists cramming their nonsense story down my throat! :-)

In the Bible it says that there will be false Christians, and False Christian leaders...and I feel that perhaps the whole catholic church is the antichrist, if we follow the Bible...
So Catholics are technically satanists....
I mean it was Catholicism that created Satanism the cult...
They told people that Scientists were in league with the devil and they danced naked, and killed babies, had sex and did drugs under the light of the full moon...And Bam! Satanism the Cult was born...They made it up, and then it became a whole nother religion that people started to follow based on the lies that the Catholics at the time told them...The Scientists weren't satanists the way that the Church called the satanists, but because they put the idea in people's heads it just took off...


Well-Known Member
I'll play along ....

Assuming that there is in fact a heaven and a hell, and heaven is the place where good Christians go, I'm not so sure I want to end up there anyway. Think about it. This god of yours seems like a bit of a prick. He gives us the ability to think and reason, and then instructs us to blindly believe in him and all of his rules. He allows children to suffer and starve, women to be raped and abused, minorities to be chastised and discriminated against, associates of his to fondle little boys and blow billions of dollars on materialistic buildings of "worship" when all of the aforementioned suffering could be wiped away with these very dollars.

I don't know all of the particulars of hell, but I can't imagine it being much worse than your heaven. And, as an added bonus, I don't have to hang out for eternity with a bunch of delusional theists cramming their nonsense story down my throat! :-)

Well in heaven there would be no need to cram anything down anyone's throats...because every one there bought the story already...But the idea that there is a giant lake of fire somewhere with many different rings of torture seems a little fanciful to me...
Perhaps all this has already happened, and we are in hell now...perhaps this is why it seems like everyday is slightly worse than the last...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Tell me something, if god were to be proven through our tiny, limited knowledge of science
Then i would not be required to believe in god... because it would be proven to be true. And then i would know it to be true, rather than delude myself by telling myself over and over (because that's what is required when believing an idea without proof) that god exists, god exists...

You think i don't want god to exist? You are wrong. You think i do want god to exist? Wrong there too. I really couldn't give a damn, if it does exist, it probably wants nothing to do with us feeble humans, or any other lifeforms in the universe. Most likely if there is a god, it created the known universe not for us, not for life... but for the sake of existence... for existences sake.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Suns are extinguished or become corrupted, planets perish and scatter across the wastes of the sky; other suns are kindled, new planets formed to make their revolutions or describe new orbits, and man, an infinitely minute part of a globe which itself is only an imperceptible point in the immense whole, believes that the universe is made for himself...

How inconceivably arrogant, egocentric, and above all else... pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Then i would not be required to believe in god... because it would be proven to be true. And then i would know it to be true, rather than delude myself by telling myself over and over (because that's what is required when believing an idea without proof) that god exists, god exists...

You think i don't want god to exist? You are wrong. You think i do want god to exist? Wrong there too. I really couldn't give a damn, if it does exist, it probably wants nothing to do with us feeble humans, or any other lifeforms in the universe. Most likely if there is a god, it created the known universe not for us, not for life... but for the sake of existence... for existences sake.

you got some shit going on in there! well put.


Well-Known Member
This is the most intelligent thing i have ever heard you say. If you really meant this in the way it sounds, i would plus rep you... but unfortunately you hold a certainty that god does exist, from which delusion will eventually envelope the thought process.
It's not sincere.. I have a feeling that he's just mocking me.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
"Believing" is what you do when you don't have the facts, you don't understand the facts, or you simply don't like what the facts must compel you to conclude.


Well-Known Member
In heaven there is no beer....

That's why we drink it here.
I'm sorry sir but you are mistaken. If you believe in the flying spaghetti monster as your one true god then you will be blessed with a heaven of beer volcanoes and stripper factories. Repent now!

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
lol.. So you don't believe we're young gods that live for eternity?
I dont believe anything, I know and understand ;-). Then butt hurt science lovers say "How can you know something that science doesnt? Your experience was subjective and says nothing about reality". Though I dont know where to draw that line of subjectivity since I know more than 10 people that experienced what I've experienced.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Then i would not be required to believe in god... because it would be proven to be true. And then i would know it to be true, rather than delude myself by telling myself over and over (because that's what is required when believing an idea without proof) that god exists, god exists...

You think i don't want god to exist? You are wrong. You think i do want god to exist? Wrong there too. I really couldn't give a damn, if it does exist, it probably wants nothing to do with us feeble humans, or any other lifeforms in the universe. Most likely if there is a god, it created the known universe not for us, not for life... but for the sake of existence... for existences sake.
I'll ask the question again then. If god were to be proven through our tiny, limited knowledge of science, what would be the better source for information, science or spirituality? Do you honestly think god cannot be found through spirituality?... Also... LOL! man you are way off on describing gods intent.


You do realize this is not a threat to true skeptics. We don't care what your imaginary friend says, nor do we waste our time worrying about anything but the issues facing the world around us. Life is too beautiful to waste on thoughts of death.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I know right? Because you know exactly what god wants, needs and desires right? All you have to do is think suuuuper hard, just meditate right? All of the answers are within right?

No, they are not. All of the answers you acquire within are neither truth, nor fact... mere wishful thinking, merely what you want.

Like computer viruses, successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one, the chances are that you won't know it, and may even vigorously deny it.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I know right? Because you know exactly what god wants, needs and desires right? All you have to do is think suuuuper hard, just meditate right? All of the answers are within right?

No, they are not. All of the answers you acquire within are neither truth, nor fact... mere wishful thinking, merely what you want.

Like computer viruses, successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one, the chances are that you won't know it, and may even vigorously deny it.
How does the above statement not apply to you? Because you're a skeptic, right? lol I'll ask my question again... If god were to be proven through our tiny, limited knowledge of science, what would be the better source of information, science or spirituality? Do you honestly think god cannot be found through spirituality?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You do realize this is not a threat to true skeptics. We don't care what your imaginary friend says, nor do we waste our time worrying about anything but the issues facing the world around us. Life is too beautiful to waste on thoughts of death.
Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condenses to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... Heres Tom with the weather!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Dude... i have already answered your question. If science proves beyond reasonable doubt the existence of a god or gods, i will not have to believe... for i will know the truth. This has yet to happen, but maybe someday it will.

God was invented to explain mystery. God is always invented to explain those things that you do not understand. Now, when you finally discover how something works, you get some laws which you're taking away from God; you don't need him anymore.

But you need him for the other mysteries... So therefore you leave him to create the universe because we haven't figured that out yet; you need him for understanding those things which you don't believe the laws will explain, such as consciousness, or why you only live to a certain length of time — life and death — stuff like that.

God is always associated with those things that you do not understand. This brings me to a sad disposition of the ignorance of humanity, and the lack of motivation to go out and search for the truths and laws that govern the reality of the universe... rather than persist in delusions that merely originate from the mind, and nothing else.