Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Well-Known Member
I'm not forcing anyone to use or not use BC. I don't even believe the use is immoral. I would prefer more people used it. So how am I forcing my religion on others?
when you refuse to treat this form of preventive medicine like all other types of preventive medicine based on your religious beliefs, you are imposing your religious belief onto the health care decisions of others.

not a tough concept, virgin boy.


Well-Known Member
I didn't assume a damn thing. I said that your statement was a true as the immaculate conception. This is retardedly retarded so incredibily fucking retardedly retarted I stopped ignoring this thread full of chumps: BaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa the evil greedhead fucks have so much wealth and land and pay no taxes but it shouldn't surprise me so that you are so ignorant of that fact! Isn't the sand mighty hot this time of year? Maybe pull that over sized melon on out for a bit? Might do you some good. :blsmoke:
" retardedly retarded so incredibily fucking retardedly retarted I stopped ignoring this thread full of chumps:" Wow, why so bitter? Obviously "mellow" doesn't describe you at all. Where did I say they paid taxes? You might want to look into anger management.


Well-Known Member
At least I work, parasite.
i just spent 6 hours in the hot sun staking plants, tying branches, and spraying with BT while you sat on your ass making sure we all understood how stupid we were for wanting birth control pills to be treated like all other preventive medicine and making misogynistic remarks.


Well-Known Member
Still on that lie? Where was this confirmation? Nadda. Searches by several here proved I was not a member, as you well know. You can't say I didn't give you a chance. You just can't stop lying. You're much like a child. A bigoted, bed wetting, pants shitting, lying, foul-mouthed, lazy child.
[h=3]insurgents owned - BBS post summary | BoardReader[/h]

Stormfront - White Nationalist Community - 8 Stormfront - White Nationalist Community: site profile .... Started 1 month ago by Red1966.


Well-Known Member
i just spent 6 hours in the hot sun staking plants, tying branches, and spraying with BT while you sat on your ass making sure we all understood how stupid we were for wanting birth control pills to be treated like all other preventive medicine and making misogynistic remarks.
Maybe if your plants weren't all weak and malnourished you wouldn't have to stake them. Its just like a liberal to band aid the problem.


Well-Known Member
i just spent 6 hours in the hot sun staking plants, tying branches, and spraying with BT while you sat on your ass making sure we all understood how stupid we were for wanting birth control pills to be treated like all other preventive medicine and making misogynistic remarks.

sorry you suck at gardening.... lol unless you have 2 acres wtf lol

you should hire a Mexican..................... oh i get it now


Well-Known Member
If they're between a patient and a doctor, why does someone else have to subsidize it?
the vast majority of cases, nothing is subsidized. the patient pays the insurance company for insurance, sees a doctor, that's it.

the question here is whether or not birth control pills should be treated like all other preventive care medicine. although bible thumpers may object, they can fuck off as they don't get to put their religion between a patient and their doctor.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if your plants weren't all weak and malnourished you wouldn't have to stake them. Its just like a liberal to band aid the problem.
lol, they're falling over from the weight of their own branches, actually. don't make me repost that same old pic i took a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
when you refuse to treat this form of preventive medicine like all other types of preventive medicine based on your religious beliefs, you are imposing your religious belief onto the health care decisions of others. not a tough concept, virgin boy.
Somehow you've determined that you have the right to force YOUR beliefs on others, and then try to pretend those who resist your demands are somehow villains?
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