My roommate thinks I tried to steal from him. Wtf.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
My roommate/dealer thinks I tried to get into his little lock box thing. Apparently some stuff inside was moved around to much and the little keyhole wasn't aligned like it was supposed to be.

2 days ago he said I could chill upstairs and watch the Olympics in his office thing when I wanted. So yesterday I was upstairs when he came home watching the Olympics. Everything was cool.

I guess later that night he got into his lock box but the keyhole wasn't aligned like it was supposed to be and when he opened it some shit wasn't organized where it was supposed to be. I guess he said he heard me set it down too? I dunno man.

I didn't try and steal from him or touch his shit but he won't listen and just keeps calling me a thief and a liar.

On top of the fact he won't sell me anything either. Come the fuck on.

Why would I steal from my fucking roommate? You don't shit where you eat.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. I hate to see friends fighting. You always seemed like a pretty good guy to me. Hopefully Yall can work this out.


Well-Known Member
yeah then fuck him up fer callin you a thief. no wait dont. just keep turnin that lock box thingy to fuck wit his head.


Active Member
If you really want to fuck with him, leave this up on his laptop.


Well-Known Member
bummer dude. i can't think of how you can convince an irrational person otherwise. maybe offer to let him search all your stuff, point out that nothing was missing?

that's a tough one.


Well-Known Member
Punch him in the ribs while he is sleeping.....that'll give him something to be mad about........fuckin dick.


Well-Known Member
if you can afford it, maybe offer to set up a security cam for him? i mean, it's going to be tough to make someone who is all paranoid and irrational like this trust you again, and being roommates and all can make it even tougher.


how much shit did he lose? One thing that came to mind is maybe he is trying to end the friendship purposely for whatever reason so he blamed you for some bullshit. I would say just offer to just give him the money for whatever it is unless its alot.... More likely though hes just a asshole... plenty of those these days smh. No offense to you or anything but this is kind of what happens when you don't really know who a person is...i would never room with anybody unless im very sure i know them....other then that drugs and friends dont mix... this is why its best to do things alone when you can


Well-Known Member
doesnt sound to me like anything was missing.. point that out, if you went through the trouble of opening the box dont you think youd take something


Well-Known Member
Your buddy took too much meth & it wreck is mind. Dump him who need buddy like that. He's lucky you're a too good dude personally I would have pound him

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Nothing was missing and he wasn't claiming it was opened. It's a really cheap lock box I could open if I pried with butter knife. He just thinks I attempted to break into his shit cause the key hole on the front wasn't aligned where it needed to be, and whatever was in the box looked like it had been "moved around a lot". He apparently "knows" I did it, because in the room he keeps it in, I was sitting watching the Olympics.


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like he set you up for something to bitch about, you been trolled real life style lol. you should just take his shit for like a day or two then give it back, then just be like "see how easy i could of got this shit" why would someone rob their steady herb supply just to have like an ounce or some shit then never get it again lol


Well-Known Member
Nothing was missing and he wasn't claiming it was opened. It's a really cheap lock box I could open if I pried with butter knife. He just thinks I attempted to break into his shit cause the key hole on the front wasn't aligned where it needed to be, and whatever was in the box looked like it had been "moved around a lot". He apparently "knows" I did it, because in the room he keeps it in, I was sitting watching the Olympics.
remind him of all the times you have kept his trust?

i don't know. the guy seems fucked up. is he going through anything and taking it out on you, perhaps?