what to do


New Member
Allright, So i am basically married. Thats great. Anyways. There is this 21 yr old cuban girl that asked me to go trip shrooms tomorrow night. Banging. Looks like salma hayek but shorter.
The thing is she didnt really want me to come over for the shrooms, and I am afraid that being how lithe and accentuated as she is, I might have to succumb to the temptations of the flesh.
I wouldnt even consider it if she wasnt so hot. She is one of those girls that is trpphy material. Give me some advice people. It doesnt even have to be good advice.


Well-Known Member
Take her picture and beat off to that. Otherwise, if you're really going to do that (and I recollect you saying you have a toddler) then re-examine your marriage.


Well-Known Member
Don't go, not if you care about your marriage! If I were her, and I invited you over to trip on shrooms with me, just the two of us...well, I know what would be on MY mind...but I'm no angel.

...but it sounds like niether is she, so yeah, bad idea. BAD idea!


New Member
Take her picture and beat off to that. Otherwise, if you're really going to do that (and I recollect you saying you have a toddler) then re-examine your marriage.
Whoa, i didnt know if it was like that. I try not to take anyone picture and beat off to it later. That would make me feel like I was a whole different kind of creep.


New Member
its not like that:mrgreen:. i just want actually to hear that it is bad news. My friends will just say do it. My wife would say no, but can't tell her or she'll kill me in my sleep. Maybe i should turn this into a poll.


Well-Known Member
lol, if you do, make it public, so I can see who votes for you to cheat on your wife and mke the shame shame gesture at them *brushing my right index finger along the top of my left index finger, which is poited at the shameful person*


Active Member
Don't do it. Nothing good can come of it. No excuses even if you're days away from having a divorce finalized or she cheated on you.


New Member
how come only the chicks are chiming in. chick looks like this, but much younger. I feel really bad that i am even put in this situation.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I know what... introduce me to her, I'm single... and you and your wife, her and I... can all go lolligag through the forest tripping on shrooms! Whatever happens after that is up to the mind! hahaha


Well-Known Member
its not like that:mrgreen:. i just want actually to hear that it is bad news. My friends will just say do it. My wife would say no, but can't tell her or she'll kill me in my sleep. Maybe i should turn this into a poll.

i think you answered your own question. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Allright, So i am basically married. Thats great. Anyways. There is this 21 yr old cuban girl that asked me to go trip shrooms tomorrow night. Banging. Looks like salma hayek but shorter.
The thing is she didnt really want me to come over for the shrooms, and I am afraid that being how lithe and accentuated as she is, I might have to succumb to the temptations of the flesh.
I wouldnt even consider it if she wasnt so hot. She is one of those girls that is trpphy material. Give me some advice people. It doesnt even have to be good advice.
if you love your basically wife,,,then the answer is clear,,don't fuk up a good thing,,for a one time thing

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I don't see it as being disloyal to your wife as much as it is being disloyal to your child. Divorce is something that is sometimes inevitable. I will never forgive my father for cheating on my mother and supporting another woman instead of his own sons. It may not be the same situation, and you may not have a kid, but think about that for a quick minute. A father is something everyone should have.


New Member
Allright, didnt trip shrooms with her. She has my phone number however and is now texting me about lingirie and shit. Seems so bizzaro. Guess it shouldnt seeing as how i could be a model, but to have a super hot chick swinging kinda feels like a setup.
I dont even really want to sleep with her, but I like being chased like a tramp at last call.