91 chemdawg


Rebel From The North
You know i was eyeing some of rd gear but something just kept me from pulling on some!
hmm maybe it was the lack of test grows And no pic! And now this nonsense with riu
being a bunch of 15yr olds! Is a total lack of respect! Serves got his issue but dam! You
make him look like a saint!

I hope the door hits you right in the ass as you make your way out of this forum :)

Thanks for playing!


New Member
wow. another interesting thread on RIU. since Iv'e already been called most of those cute middle school names I guess I will chime in here.

First thanks swerve for validating the 91 used in some of the the strains I hav. And I believe it is your deadhead x tahoe OG that is half of the homeless purple.. Good shit. One of my guys likes it so well he has a 2 foot leaf of it tatted on his body. Thanks

second RIU. Mrs. RD picked this site for a fresh start for their fresh company. I think she thought y'all where cute n cuddlie. When I came over here to read some reviews,cute n cuddlie had turned into a bunch of shitters n spitters. Passive agressive bullies you know who you are. Now you are stuck with RD MI and myself. You lucky fuckers!

next RD MI. he is a big boy who can defend him self,but he is also a donor and a friend so let me straiten a couple of things out. I am twice his age and will gladly take any advice he offers. Hell I have been growing longer than he has been around,still I would value his advice. Noob? hardly...Abrasive yeap. so what.. I have read all sorts of comments about him and I but I can't seem to find where we are wrong??? As far as setting back the community?? OMG!! WTF!!! He carries proof of his commitment to this cause every where he goes. Don't like Him? fine.How would that effect how a seed grows???

@ fresh I will treasure your award. It will always have a special place here under the bridge


Well-Known Member
Hey if you grab a bull you get the horns mango! That goes for anyone!
The fact is this place is full of bull! :D
Most of these lame assaults on oneanother are avoidable, sure, but they bring out the truth many times. That can be good irrespective of the frenzy it creates. However I don't see how you benefit coming up in the bulls and telling them their space is shite and they are ALL lumped to immature and unintelligent hooligans, that is absurd. There are plenty of mature, intelligent, and enjoyable people here and it's sad that you (RD's) can't help but join the least common denominator here. Just because you see a post that is objectionable doesn't mean you have to object. Have you not heard that it is better to be thought a simpleton than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I am glad this RD-MI is a good guy and is a champion for the compassion movement, that didn't stop him from coming up in here and making an ass of himself. Respect is a two way street, one person at a time.


New Member
Oh I did not mean ALL sorry..I work for some of the members from MI...who are also donors to the proj.

Damn thats a great avay!!!!!


Active Member
^^ basically why I'm here. rius strain info forum seems much more active too

whoops this was a reply to freshtodeath a lot has happened since then...haha


Well-Known Member
I'm sure TR and his Colorado crew have it, I bet CBF has it, I remember him doing a pictorial with all of the chems a few years ago.

This must be why everyone thinks you sourced every OG to the community, cause they are kids and didn't watch things go down back in the day on overgrow. Stop pretending yo be the king of OG Kush. I haven't seen anything worth a damn in the dispensaries out here that was grown from your seeds. 6 different deadhead OG batches, not one has even a hint of OG to it. Must be like hitting the jackpot to get an OG expression in those.

lol you came out of nowhere talking shit to swerve and claiming that your buddys still have it. lets see some of your work or grow logs or anything that would lead someone to believe you know actually know anything about growing. all i have seen come out of your mouth is bs or makes you look stupid


Active Member
Do you mean "they're"?

This thread is unintentionally hilarious, unintentionally confusing, and unintentionally hard to read. I mean, everybody can spell shit wrong sometimes, but the complete lack of punctuation makes people's thoughts appear as confused, muddled, and barely coherent. I try not to judge, but you all are making it damn hard.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont even bother reading things that are all crammed together like some of the above posts. People can make fun of grammar nazi's and yes some can be overboard. This is a form of communication and if you want to be taken seriously, you must be able to communicate in a way that is somewhat readable.A misspelling or typo is going to happen, and sometimes frequently, but anyone with enough sense to "correct" someone clearly understands what they were attempting to communicate. That mess above is in no way worth trying to decipher though.


Active Member
Communication in forums like these depends on one's ability to write. Writing sensibly requires some effort. If that effort isn't there, it probably is best to skip it. I mean, for short posts, who cares, but for longer ones that try to explain the intricacies of breeding and strain crossing, well...I think you get my drift.


Well-Known Member
Communication in forums like these depends on one's ability to write. Writing sensibly requires some effort. If that effort isn't there, it probably is best to skip it. I mean, for short posts, who cares, but for longer ones that try to explain the intricacies of breeding and strain crossing, well...I think you get my drift.

Some people give short answers as they have writen answers numbers of times.
How things have changed in way we research, well you know,,,,

I was a browser of OG,reefermans and a few other sites before joining, when I did join it was for things that ad not yet been looked at.
Today people cant be even bothered to run a basic google search.


Well-Known Member
just was on the mag combing through some threads, u know the usual ie csg, cvs, karma, horti and rd and look what i stumbled on https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=244060. now this isn't to start anything but i never did like the mag, so i rarely posted there, and this could possibly be the reason why. i also noticed that they tend to censor people unjustly and delete post and threads that expose them for what they are and about. but yet we got these grown man here screamin icmag. y u may ask, is because of the fact that some don't like when others isn't scared to speak their mind. it terrifies the weak, because no one is there to save them. i believe that if anyone can defend them self and is very sure of it would never accept the shit that goes on over there. i don't know why someone would (besides a breeder) suggest or even promote to bring the culture of icmag here or any site and it just baffles me. no disrespect, but i've been seeing some people (from such sites) screaming for admins and mods to police the site more and the more they scream for it the more it only shows that some just need that extra security blanket (that riu does not provide) to fully express themselves. one of the reasons why i like riu, every man for them self. there's no team (only i) here to try to shame and gang up on others because you got some mod or admin backing you up. man up because you are on riu.
main reason I left ICM was over their thread censoring. Mainly genuine qustions like.
How as Gypsy got seeds the breeder never even released. (many of the Gypsy brand are fakes)... Questions like that disapear , sometimes so does the user and any trace of them.

But the same thing happens on forums that have advertisers , look at uk420 same thing .


Active Member
And RD MI is speechless, dunno I don't get it.

When people finally catch on and people raise up and tell him how much of an idiot he is he seems to acknowledge the fact, yet in a few days or weeks hes up and doing it again, its like it goes in through one ear and out the other. In this case though its through one eye and out the other.


New Member
just was on the mag combing through some threads, u know the usual ie csg, cvs, karma, horti and rd and look what i stumbled on https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=244060. now this isn't to start anything but i never did like the mag, so i rarely posted there, and this could possibly be the reason why. i also noticed that they tend to censor people unjustly and delete post and threads that expose them for what they are and about. but yet we got these grown man here screamin icmag. y u may ask, is because of the fact that some don't like when others isn't scared to speak their mind. it terrifies the weak, because no one is there to save them. i believe that if anyone can defend them self and is very sure of it would never accept the shit that goes on over there. i don't know why someone would (besides a breeder) suggest or even promote to bring the culture of icmag here or any site and it just baffles me. no disrespect, but i've been seeing some people (from such sites) screaming for admins and mods to police the site more and the more they scream for it the more it only shows that some just need that extra security blanket (that riu does not provide) to fully express themselves. one of the reasons why i like riu, every man for them self. there's no team (only i) here to try to shame and gang up on others because you got some mod or admin backing you up. man up because you are on riu.
UUUUmmmmm HUH? Not sure what your point here is.If there is one...

yeap IC is over modded.I notice the Mods here pick sides also, so I see no difference. Threads get binned here also.


Well-Known Member
UUUUmmmmm HUH? Not sure what your point here is.If there is one...

yeap IC is over modded.I notice the Mods here pick sides also, so I see no difference. Threads get binned here also.
Mods here have experience in buying a growing seeds.
I dont think they take sides they share what they think.

Because RD is questioned about their grow info buy mods does that make them Biased?


New Member
Mods here have experience in buying a growing seeds.
I dont think they take sides they share what they think.

Because RD is questioned about their grow info buy mods does that make them Biased?
did not know any mods had..what did I miss

Mods Moderate. Picking a side is not moderation. I see things in black or white I'm told.. Never the Mods life for me ;), even tho some sites have offered.:0 ...I kno i kno it's because I'm so nice


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling he was just told to stay out of the swerve discussion. Crazy that a rep from another company would even deign to jump in a thread to start trash talking another breeder.

You can say whatever you want that he isnt an employee of Rare Dankness. But the Ms. has said that he is a highly respected friend and allows him to (de)rep the company even if he isnt getting paid (which is really nut-hugging if you ask me).

Rare D MI

New Member
And RD MI is speechless, dunno I don't get it.

When people finally catch on and people raise up and tell him how much of an idiot he is he seems to acknowledge the fact, yet in a few days or weeks hes up and doing it again, its like it goes in through one ear and out the other. In this case though its through one eye and out the other.
Or I have a life and don't always feel like feeding the trolls...