The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nice gaff bill not to different to the 1 i stayed in last year our apartment was just across the road from mellow yellow.
And on another note I was told today that some little cunt was around the back of my new yard last night looking to rob the place i hope they come back tonight because little old 3eyes will be there waiting with his favourite tools it'll be like kill bill by the time i finish!!!


Well-Known Member
Good chance of that with a samurai sword and a kookri also got some brass knuckles for a bit of hand to hand if needed lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck I remember I smashed a cunt with brass dusters in Edinburgh. An uppercut right on the button. I shit myself when his chin opened like the predators. Still feel sick about that. The guy was drunk and I knew he was starting. Best delivery in my life


Well-Known Member
What you sending out then pukka lol all this giving out shit with out me lmao !
Grape kush x clone only seeds mate all gone near enough tho soz lad but im sure a snip of any keepers will be about for ya ;)

lol missing all the good stuff, that'll prob be last grow convo for another couple of weeks lol
still haven't come mate prob 2mo now we had mail earlier but was just a gas bill and some junk mail, I'll have a look at that number you gave me in the morning if they don't arrive , should do that will be about 3days then I think.
you know what it's like down yer in wales mate maybe the postys sheep broke down or something lol
Haha dont listen to chedz bro he knows nowt about coco lmao!! might need to ph if your waters hard as fuck like you say, mine comes out at 7.8 after rhiz goes upto like 9 lol the other stuff brings it down to 7-8 mate so way to high, once i stop with the rhiz it comes down to like 6.3-6.9 so if i dint use the rhiz i probs could just get away with not ph'in but i always do, just think the plants do better with it. an if my tap was lie 7 say id probs be bang on perfect, some peeps are just lucky fucks lol

Lol fuckin sheep haha ya mad twat, im gunna take a peak where its at to mate.


Well-Known Member
Grape kush x clone only seeds mate all gone near enough tho soz lad but im sure a snip of any keepers will be about for ya ;)

Haha dont listen to chedz bro he knows nowt about coco lmao!! might need to ph if your waters hard as fuck like you say, mine comes out at 7.8 after rhiz goes upto like 9 lol the other stuff brings it down to 7-8 mate so way to high, once i stop with the rhiz it comes down to like 6.3-6.9 so if i dint use the rhiz i probs could just get away with not ph'in but i always do, just think the plants do better with it. an if my tap was lie 7 say id probs be bang on perfect, some peeps are just lucky fucks lol

Lol fuckin sheep haha ya mad twat, im gunna take a peak where its at to mate.
so your saying with the rhiz i should ph after i done my rez? maybe thats why ive had sum discolouration of leaves in the past,,ph is a big pain in the fucking arse tho


Well-Known Member
so your saying with the rhiz i should ph after i done my rez? maybe thats why ive had sum discolouration of leaves in the past,,ph is a big pain in the fucking arse tho
Yeh probs so, what ive noticed with the high ph mate you get them little 3 bladed leafs, then them little twisty fuckers come, got some on me wee psycho, mixed some food ph'd it to 6.2 but had it for a few days, ph must of shot up,cos the dodgy growth come, then clicked what it was, tried the ph after the same time it was 7.2 lol
or you need abit of calmag mate, if you got the rust spots an shit.


Well-Known Member
Fuck I remember I smashed a cunt with brass dusters in Edinburgh. An uppercut right on the button. I shit myself when his chin opened like the predators. Still feel sick about that. The guy was drunk and I knew he was starting. Best delivery in my life

They'll do that all right, that's why they only come out on special occasions lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh probs so, what ive noticed with the high ph mate you get them little 3 bladed leafs, then them little twisty fuckers come, got some on me wee psycho, mixed some food ph'd it to 6.2 but had it for a few days, ph must of shot up,cos the dodgy growth come, then clicked what it was, tried the ph after the same time it was 7.2 lol
or you need abit of calmag mate, if you got the rust spots an shit.

yeh i need to buy summor nutes out of boost and cana start pff expensive shit man


Well-Known Member
ph is a big pain in the fucking arse tho
Piece if piss once you get used to it bro best thing to do is get a dairy or a pad, fuckin owt an write down the amounts your puttin in to how many ltr with what nutes to get you where you wanna be, then you can look back to save time so you no ruffly the right amount then after abit you just sus it an you know how much to go in with out lookin, takes about 5min max then, thats what i did mate.


Well-Known Member
well ik just use a 10 litre bucket and feed em once every 3 days or summet wenever they need it, got ph pen and ph down so its not a problem more of a pian,, wat is it for coco about 5.8-6.2 or summet?
cant wait to get started,,, fuking ordered a new bulb for me veg box so i got abou 100 watta blue spec for early veg and fuking thing hasent even been despatched,, so i messaged the knobs!
u know i use a 10 litre bucket rite( eaiser for me as all levels are per 10 litre) would it be better to have a airstone in ther or not?


Well-Known Member
They'll do that all right, that's why they only come out on special occasions lol
I got 1 for me right hand its fucked, boxers fracture in the same place about 6 times big egg on the cunt, i only jab with the fucker tho, old left does enough damage as it is lol