Did you do anything productive today?


Active Member
No shit? What do you do? I sometimes work with my close friend at his Iphone repair shop. :P

It was labeled degenerative disc disease. I went in for what was supposed to be a routine clean out (in May) with some pieces of disc removed and whatnot, and worst case one level fused. Instead, I ended up being on the operating table just under seven hours, had three ( THREE!!!!) levels fused together, both discs completely removed and cages installed in their place, pedicles cut off and replaced with titanium pedicle screws, cracked ligaments repaired/replaced, then he crushed my pedicles and mixed them with mosaic bone putty to seal the cages in place. Like drywall mud.
The first 6 weeks after were wheelchair and hospital bed in my living room. The last 6 weeks I went from the chair to a walker for a couple weeks, a week or so with a cane and now I'm walking fine on my own. Just not very far. =) I also have three days a week physical therapy, three days of aqua therapy and he just sentenced me to occupational therapy yesterday to see if there is any kind of work I might be able to do in the future, but that hasn't started yet. I'll be in therapy until at least Thanksgiving and have to wear an electro magnetic orthotic brace 4 hours a day until Valentines Day. Weeeeeeeeee...eeeee...ee...e?
That's a mouthful. LOL. Nothing like MJ and swimming though... love it.


Well-Known Member
I just completely rerouted all my media and network cables. Took 3 hours and I lost my nice 16" spade bit in the damn floor. Or ceiling depending on your perspective. Funny you should ask.


Well-Known Member
since "today" started at midnight, i was pretty productive. i fertilized all my flowering plants and transplanted 6 new ones. pulled any dead leaves near the base and staked up a few of the blueberry plants that pack on too much bud for their own good. also staked the G13. then i masturbated.

i need to go out and pull leaves on the outdoor ones now. i'm putting that off.


Active Member
I just completely rerouted all my media and network cables. Took 3 hours and I lost my nice 16" spade bit in the damn floor. Or ceiling depending on your perspective. Funny you should ask.
Pull out a magnet and a string... XP

since "today" started at midnight, i was pretty productive. i fertilized all my flowering plants and transplanted 6 new ones. pulled any dead leaves near the base and staked up a few of the blueberry plants that pack on too much bud for their own good. also staked the G13. then i masturbated.

i need to go out and pull leaves on the outdoor ones now. i'm putting that off.
Pictures! I love looking at new buds.


Well-Known Member
i traded info to my job consultant. looked threw college websites. paniced when i saw i wont be in colorado by end of december(then again who knows) freaked when i found out i have a possibility for paid internship. worked up a storm in my head over how to make as much of my credits transferable and double up on classes at the right time.


Active Member
i cleaned my room then cleaned the pool then blazed and then played video games for hours. i just made myself a quick fries n eggs dinner n now i'm bout to hit the sheets.


Well-Known Member
Finished painting a 2 story house today ....
If youre in the bay and need any painting/patch/carpentry work done I'm your man.
I might even smoke a j with you when I finish lol

This house used to be a ugly ass orange color

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Mowed the lawn, planted some agave I bought from walmart at 50% off, crushed two large trash bags full of cans to recycle, fixed a lawn mower I got from the city dump (3.8HP self propelled, had to replace carb and clean magneto, spark plug etc.), did the laundry, dishes, took out the trash and went to work for 6 hours. I spent an hour of the six playing zombocalpse while waitng for the last class to let out. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i cleaned my room then cleaned the pool then blazed and then played video games for hours. i just made myself a quick fries n eggs dinner n now i'm bout to hit the sheets.
Fries and eggs. Any kind of potatoe I can chop over easy eggs in is alright by me.


Well-Known Member
Finished unpacking boxes in my apartment; then I smoked a bowl and ripped some buttholes asunder in Darksiders II. Later, around mid-day, my mom brought me my new couch. After we moved it in we ordered a pizza and drank some beer and watched the Packers game. Not a super productive day, but a good one nonetheless.


Ursus marijanus
Finished unpacking boxes in my apartment; then I smoked a bowl and ripped some buttholes asunder in Darksiders II. Later, around mid-day, my mom brought me my new couch. After we moved it in we ordered a pizza and drank some beer and watched the Packers game. Not a super productive day, but a good one nonetheless.
Are you trying the couch lock now? cn


Well-Known Member
Mowed the lawn, planted some agave I bought from walmart at 50% off, crushed two large trash bags full of cans to recycle, fixed a lawn mower I got from the city dump (3.8HP self propelled, had to replace carb and clean magneto, spark plug etc.), did the laundry, dishes, took out the trash and went to work for 6 hours. I spent an hour of the six playing zombocalpse while waitng for the last class to let out. :mrgreen:
show off......


Active Member
cn - That's quite an accomplishment, mate!

Infidel - I had fries and breakfast tacos for breakfast this morning :P

XOJ - That house looks awesome, good work!