The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that sucks mate, the cops were basically ok with me, i wasnt in when they raided i was still in custody on the drunk driving and valium possesion at the time but they came into my cell and showed me the warrant. they took 8 plants and a full tent set up but missed 4oz i had in the freezer and a half gram of charlie sitting on my book case, they obviously didnt bother to check anything else in the house coz there were no signs of disturbance anywhere.
gutting mate, they had my shit a month ago.


Well-Known Member
gutting mate, they had my shit a month ago.
its totally shit, ah mean ffs theres birds gettin raped, old people gettin mugged, kids gettin abused and these fuckin clowns are wasting time and money on fuckin full grown adults that are wanting to smoke a bit of weed, fuckin priorities twisted to fuck.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
how the fuck do ya capture a lion safely without armed police??? is prob just some fat house cat anyway lmao
If you can shoot it with a real gun you can shoot it with a tranquelizer gun, especially if you're rocking around in a helicopter wherethe lion can't do shit all :)

Hell, if they can take down a t-rex on a ship with a tranq then they can take down a lion in a field with one :p


Well-Known Member
Batties absolutly recked outta me skull.the sniff just does nt work any more ha well he goes the next en lmfao were is the squidey wen u need it lmfao??? ;-) and yo no jkes there either lnfao


Well-Known Member
IC3 did you get any of the green crack seeds ?
the state im in atm no and tbh mate im full up now,, didnet realisw how big these 10 litrwe airopts are.. i figured theyd be smaller than the 11 litre wilma pots BUT NOOO fuk im at capacity at 6 pots now wer i could easilyy get 10 in bfore! ffs


Well-Known Member
the state im in atm no and tbh mate im full up now,, didnet realisw how big these 10 litrwe airopts are.. i figured theyd be smaller than the 11 litre wilma pots BUT NOOO fuk im at capacity at 6 pots now wer i could easilyy get 10 in bfore! ffs
I have eard a few people talk about how big these airpots are


Well-Known Member
I have eard a few people talk about how big these airpots are
yeh ther fuking huge!! they come flat and u have to roll em up and screw a plastic think in to hold em togtehr.. qwite tricky till u done the first one then ur laffin! till u realise u done half backwards hahaha

ther about 1ft+ tall and nrly a ft wide fuking huge.... i had 12 in my garden before now and now i can fit 6 MAX

well i may be going in hospital,, see what the qwaks say tomorrow,,, i cant cope with this shit nor more guys im past it and just dont know wat the fuk to do! i was all good a week or 2 bak now im in fucking agony! no sleep past 4 nights hardley,,last nite well havent been to bed yet! if theyd just taken the foot at xmas last yr id be well on my way to healing,, now its taken a trun for the fucking worse! il get a pic wen the nurses get here no shit it looks like i got a rotten stake stuk to the side of my ankle! i gues i t wouldnt be as bad if wasent over a moving joint (ankle) ffsa