The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i wonder how many non rangers and celtic fans read it dura? lol....what a pile of pooh, you lot canny see the bigots fae the beer bellies, come on, you can't now start saying Celtic is more bigoted than Rangers. I am an outsider, I can tell you, YOU ARE AS BAD AS EACH OTHER, get over it, it makes the West coast what it is. I mean, you seen the Edinburgh team playing at bigots, they just don't do it as well, too much Rugby!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
thats wot the lil ladies r for. haha blame and moan at. i hate having no tent up. i feel odd. pipes fixed tomoz then back on it like a slut from hell


Well-Known Member
ah well todays shaping up to be a good day, got my student loans all sorted and im defo gettin it and ive beenttold when and how much, my dole money is sorted and ive got my back dater as well also expecting another giro tomorrow, paid off my charlie bill, got the cash to get my coco and nute and i'll be goin up to my grow are later to get it all organised so the plants can be transfered and potted up tomorrow, just gonna veg them till the end of september and that means i'll have cash for chrimbo. and business is goin well and all my punters are happy and (mostly) paid up. fuckin nice when shit like that all happens together.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
apparently my mate got it from some grower in my area newuser,from your neck off the woods some chubby john terry but balding look a like. ring any bells??? hahahah na im fucking about matey. but still tho im quiting smoking after weekend, im going fitness mad till xmas and i ent buying from plums again. well mayb tonight only haha if mr pyscho about.
i reckon the cheese bud i got was cfl grown really bodge job and was doing rounds at 240 an o???? hence y i got a lil sample bit 1st.
should b getting ufc tickets later this year for the uk event cant fricking wait man,my mate best not let me down as he gets half price tickets these type events


Well-Known Member
apparently my mate got it from some grower in my area newuser,from your neck off the woods some chubby john terry but balding look a like. ring any bells??? hahahah na im fucking about matey. but still tho im quiting smoking after weekend, im going fitness mad till xmas and i ent buying from plums again. well mayb tonight only haha if mr pyscho about.
i reckon the cheese bud i got was cfl grown really bodge job and was doing rounds at 240 an o???? hence y i got a lil sample bit 1st.
should b getting ufc tickets later this year for the uk event cant fricking wait man,my mate best not let me down as he gets half price tickets these type events
Lol that's more like it m8,

240s seems to be a pretty standard price round here, I charge a few numptys it and they always smile n beg for more.

I aint watched ufc in ages dunno why but just went off it, had followed for yrs n yrs aswel, where's the uk ufc this year?


Well-Known Member
And as for looking like john terry lmao I told ya I was at a tube station yrs ago slimmer and with spikey hair, n the bloke behind the kiosk counter looks up saying in my best paki accent "omg I thought u was john terry" to which I replied yeah m8 that why I'm at stratford tube station buying 10 embassy filter.

I look nuffing like that chelsea scum, tbh I'm even uglier lol


Well-Known Member
and just to improve on todays good news ive just found out that the junkie fucker on the bottom landings been evicted!!!! fuckin superb day ive had, got my grow room all ready, coco and nutes bought and coco into pots so tomorrow i'll transfer them in and i cant start another new grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!happy fuckin days...only black cloud is i cant drink coz im still on these fuckin pills!!!


Well-Known Member
Just 7.5 off me last girl, gotta say i was hoping for more but no bother ill be chopping again in a few weeks. Looks like its just .5 for me as i didnt hit me goal lmao, ave to take it easy till next crop.



Well-Known Member
okay gents whats the best booster to use with coco, im using canna nutes.?
Hammerhead is supposed to be good, has better pk ratios than the bog standard pk boosters. I aint used it but theres a few that like this stuff and there results are good enough for me to give it a go. Ive just been using Overdrive in weeks 5 and 6 and this is pretty decent gear. Cant say ive used one tho thats really stood out from the rest yet.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
dam nice pic jim. man id b fucked if need pull more then 7 off a plant or i woodnt get any sdmoke.
sambo i think my mate said shef or nottingham?? think the later, i no its north of us tho.mate a bbj scrapper and mma trains so he got links in that area. hes a nutty lil fucker to same age as me smaller lighter but dont give a fuck at all. he was told as a kid he wouldnt see 18 as got cystic throbsis(cant spell) well hes 30 now a one tough lil conte

max green


Rangers I meant Newco, sorry Oldco, no Sevco, no whatever that shiitty team which got put down is called full of those smelly orange cunts, this is their new strip. Suit em fine, good to give a description of the team on a strip. lmfao.

In Green and Whyte we trust.... ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
dam nice pic jim. man id b fucked if need pull more then 7 off a plant or i woodnt get any sdmoke.
Hahaha, no man i just keep a little really to keep me going, besides i cant toke like i use to so no point in holding back shitloads. Was hoping for more cause the last bigun was nearly 10 but that sat more or less under the lamp, this girl was shoved to the side so knew i wouldnt hit what i had previously. Last of the biguns, medium sized girls are what its all about for me now.