What did you accomplish today?

Sorry, Bear. Had no idea this shit was going on. Personally, I know you would never do anything that petty. Hopefully he will figure that out and offer you an apology.

Thank you, Carne. But it's clear that some have judged me otherwise. DSB and FAB are friends irl, not just online. It's odd since I thought that DSB and I had parted amicably, since I understand the primacy of being loyal to one's friends irl (and told him as much). But to see him prove to be indifferent to the truth of the matter, especially when that indifference directly assails my integrity, does hurt.
It's possible that he's trying to provoke me into reporting him, since he believes I did that to FAB. I won't, of course ... but if we consider the logical straits of trying to prove a negative, it's an accuser's market. ~sigh~ cn

Moving on....

I forgot to mention that I saw a herd of pronghorn today. It's been a long time since we've seen any in this area. I guess the fires up north are bringing them back down. I hope they stay.
I was driving home from where i like to hike about two hours ago, and I saw a pickup pulled over on the other side. When I came past. I had to jam on the brakes, because the pickup was in the road, stopped, facing a bewildered calf. Two other trucks came from opposite directions and joined the first guy, but by then i was past. I don't know from livestock, so my stopping and offering to help would have been useless. But if those two other trucks had not shown up, i would have turned around, because I could have at least been a sheepdog. cn
Why has it been a long time since you seen any? are the numbers declining? can't imagine anything can kill them except a mountain lion...ever see any mountain lions?

Seen a few out here a few years ago on a ranch, if you ever want get the hell scared out of you listen to one cry/roar nearby. You could hear it all night from the bunk house we were in, nobody slept a wink. Sounds like a demon woman screaming.

It's quiet out here in the country but there's things like that roaming around here too.
Why has it been a long time since you seen any? are the numbers declining? can't imagine anything can kill them except a mountain lion...ever see any mountain lions?

There was a power plant that was built in their main grazing area. The constant traffic plus the loss of habitat caused them to move up north.


When my mom was still alive we used to walk together. I refused to let her walk by herself. One day we were on our way home and pretty close to our property when we both watched a mountain lion slink across the road (from our property) and down to the river. It was the most beautiful and terrifying thing I've ever seen. We have bears that go after our trash too. Damn things.
Just finished up cutting 30 fence poles. Had to cut them to length and put tips on them, I'm putting up barbless wire before snowfall. Earlier this Spring I cut 100+ tamarac trees that were encroaching onto the field.


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Just finished up cutting 30 fence poles. Had to cut them to length and put tips on them, I'm putting up barbless wire before snowfall. Earlier this Spring I cut 100+ tamarac trees that were encroaching onto the field.

You're the man I've always wanted to be. Lol. Looking good. That's awesome you're recycling the timber. Is that a Poulan Pro? I think we have the same saw.