Opinions on best bubblegum strain?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Looking for the best bubblegum with the true BG taste and smell. I've tried nirvanas bubbleicous and it's not what i was looking for. Any comments are greatly apperciated!
nirvana isn't exactly known for their superior selection and quality, especially these days.

i would expect that serious seeds has the best bubblegum. as far as i know, they are the originators of all of their strains, so then you'd be getting your bubblegum "straight from the source', but it's possible that some other breeder has upped the flavor by crossing it with another strain like bubble berry and then back crossed it.

the euphoric part of that strain's buzz sounds interesting, but not so much the stony or skunky aspects. while NOT hat you asked about, i REALLY love DNA genetics' sweet haze. it's so much fruitier than generic hazes that have similar euphoric & up clear headed motivational highs, but it adds genuine trippiness too. i bet it has more flavor as bubblegum is a pretty mild flavor and am positive it has a better high.

if you want a REALLY authentic candy flavor, try durban poison! it tastes like straight up licorice! i don't like that flavor myself and it gives me dry heaves, but durban has a nice generic haze kind of buzz. another REALLY authentic flavor is the tutti fruity of highland thai as in sativa seeds' full moon. that plant is way too much of a pain to grow casually as it's slow, demanding and can turn hermie on you, but man, it brings back memories of rainbow candy, much like your not too PC avatar and chilhood. juicy fruit and fruity juice are supposed to both have tutti fruity flavors too.

i would go with serious seeds if 100% top quality was more of a concern than price unless someone has worked on improving it
Hazy is not right about Simon being the Bgum creator. And i think people are getting fed up with you hijacking threads to tell people you realy love DNA... Are you affiliated with these??

Adam at THseeds was the first to bring the clone to amsterdam, give it to Simon at serious. Then his clone house got burgled and THseeds lost a majority of the Bgum P1s.

Serious Bgum is one of the best Bgums you can get. But its not the only good one.

Nirvana crossed theirs with skunk#1 probably why its hit n miss on the phenos.
White label sell IBLS from P1s Simon gave to White label. (all info is obtainable via their "seriouse" forums) Only thing people moan about with these is germination. So make sure their new stock if you try these.

So if you want Bgum try THseeds, Seriouse or Sagamartha Ive also read a few great posts on females Bubblegumer (Femed Bgum)
Original bubblegum is american strain created in the 80s and then brought to the dam by serious, i heard that mosca seeds has the original indiana bubblegum clone and that they crossed with their old time moonshine create old time indiana bubblegum...Though i would make some pheno hunting in serious too, heard great things on this strain, and i wouldnt rely too much on the energetic high story, around 60 days flower with a pretty strong kick in the ass...
TH seeds is the indica side, serious is more sativa. Both had originals but took there lines in different directions.
Hazy is not right about Simon being the Bgum creator. And i think people are getting fed up with you hijacking threads to tell people you realy love DNA... Are you affiliated with these??
speaking of affiliations... all i know is greenhouse seeds, vancouver island seedbank, reeferman, vancouver island, KC brains & barney suck. fucking trolls!

holy crap! right after you make a scene that i'm a DNA schill, you fucking AGREE with me that serious IS in fact good shit! "hazey isn't credible, but he's credible" :lol::lol:

OK, serious DIDN'T invent bubblegum. fucking A! i'm pretty fucking sure they invented kali mist at least and think they did AK-47 too. regardless, they're still respected if expensive breeders as far as i know. i know that their ORIGINAL crushed red pepper tasting version of kali mist was the best fucking tasting strain i've ever smoked and was the second best high i've ever had since gold in the late 80s all the way up until last fucking year when i got truly high again of 8 miles. it's too speedy to be fun for anything but activities, but i offered $120 for an eigth of it before i gave up bidding after a freebie gram tease.

i report favorable on DNA because all 3 strains i've tried have been seriously above average. they didn't produce my FAVORITE strain though, that would be TGA's jack's cleaner two. yet again, i have to stuff a sock in some fool troll's mouth proving i've tried what i've tried...

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh DERP! look at all of those TWO DNA strains!!! no... i don't grow high quality seeds, CH9, rokerij, john sinclair, black label, holy smokes, kannabia, joey weed, short stuff or female seeds..... nooooooooooo.... i only grow DNA because i'm an operative with an agenda!

go start a threat calling DNA a hack in public their einstein and see what happens! i'll let everyone agree with you

by the way... ALL of the strains were good and smoked WAYYYYYYYYYY fucking better than that stony shit cash cropping fucktards vomit. y'all like getting high? i've got an app for that! CH9's jack was pretty darn good and potent, though more as a cash cropper type strain with a stony edge i actually BOUGHT a second time to give it a better looksee as it was overshadowed by sweet haze which absolutely WAS the best fruity haze in the grown including my own super cali haze x C99 cross & C99bxes by a longshot in EVERY department, so yeah, i make sure that all my peeps that want to get high and can't find decent smoke reports know the best of the. best i've tried and i play favorites with my favorites.

i can't wait to try sannies' jack f7 either. it's supposed to be top quality and i hope it's even better than anything i've grown so far. john sinclair's STL? it smoked like an average fruity haze... clear headed, motivation & euphoric and light on the trippy, but it flowered like a mofo leaving everything else but the masterkush autos in the dust for productivity so i made a point of BUYING a pack of that after the impressive freebie. i gave his skunkers away just as i did my 2 LAcons. those aren't my style at all, but go ahead and riff on those too! everyone tried to talk me out of gifting them.

low odor, high & trippy are my gig exclusively and yeah i've grown gear that gets me there and will keep promoting the best of the best so anyone that has to put up with uppity cash crappers that don't make gear that gets them nice knows at least SOME of the better gear.

hey, if you know of gear that's better at getting people high trollboy, share your apparently infinite fucking wisdom with the rest of us because i keep fucking asking a dozen ways and don't get as good answers if i even do to begin with than i give. some member keeps telling me ace seeds panama is the real deal, so when i decide it's time to tackle more intensive IBLs, i'll give them a try too.

i'll try ANY freebie i get as long as it's low odor and not stony too. short stuff's super cali auto is nice! their disgusting tasting diesel has an awesome buzz too. if you don't like it when someone tells it like it is, hmmmmm who has the fucking agenda now?!!! my grows are all over the map breederwise, and i've bought nirvana, spice brothers, SERIOUS SEEDS, uhhh... and a few other breeders too in the past without looking everything i've tried up.

the only two strains in the grow that were up to sweet haze's quality were JC2 & malawi gold. i love high quality seeds' haze skunk, but their thai skunk was generic in this company. TRUE FUCKIN' DAT!!!


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I know you intend to creat a strain by doing one seed hacking.......


you say you dont use so and so but i see a few of their seeds...

How did you hack them ?? I bet smell started around week 2 and you shot them.

I didnt agree with you that serious created it but they do have a good Bgum.

Your agenda is floored. You dont have enough genetics, you wont find the ultimate pheno by just doing 1 seed.
i'm not anal retentive like that. i'm not trying to create the beststrain in the world, bribe the judges at the cannabis cup, and win a trophy. i'm just growing to have the kind of headstash you can't get from useless cash crapping fucks that keep perpetuating the bag appeal myth. other than DNA's too stony for my tastes sour cream, black label's even stonier masterkush though both are at least functional and GHS' slow mutant super lemon haze, i liked EVERYTHING i grew just fine. as long as i'm not couchlocked, i'm happy. stink and stone are my enemies.

other than that, i like to pick the best of the best for what i do grow. i only had one sweet haze seed, and it EASILY kicked everything's ass as far as fruity hazes go... EASILY. it was stickier, fruitier... i already had a woody for it even before i blazed it, and it was the very first fruity haze i blazed that had some trippiness too and that includes the 1/2 gram of supposedly real haze that i was gifted and the super cali haze freebie i really liked last year. i'll put my SCH x C99 sross up against any fruity haze, jack or thai i've grown EXCEPT sweet haze and take that pepsi fucking challenge! i think it might even have been a little better, but it could have been a pride placebo effect. i KNOW my sweet haze x (C99 x A11) will definitely be a little better than all the so sos that are still good.

i'm growing for my own headstash and nothing but my headstash, so i'm the only person that has to like what i grow and i know what i like.

a SECOND TIME, instead of fucking trolling, offer some suggestions for gear i haven't tried that's better. i'm open to ANY suggestions. it's just like the thread i created for ANY opinions on wreckage or trainwreck & SAGE... not one freakin' reply. even when you ASK for info on strains that get you high, it's hard to find it as not too many put quality over quantity and i know those here doing actual IBLs have even better gear than i do, but that's OK. you can get too much of a good thing too. HQS is SO potent that it WILL give you the room spinning dizzies if you overdo it. i'm happy with a mellower high, especially if it does have the kind of psychoactivity that makes music & movies etc. seem more real.

we'll see how sannie's jack f7 compares to the known strains i've grown. if there's anything out there that's better and not named after the darkside's games, i'd like to try it and compare. that's one of the reasons i like trying new strains with each grow, so i can compare & share for the next person so they don't waste their money on lesser strains.

someone would have to be such an obsessive asshole to turn their nose up to sweet haze, jack's cleaner 2, haze x skunk, malawi gold or 8 miles high even that i wouldn't even want to know their uppity ass much less toss them some pride on the free tip. i'll admit i'm spoiled for getting high, but not THAT spoiled. any high = all good and a better high is even better.

i breed for me for my tastes because i'm the one smoking it all. i'll start sharing when i have more than i need.

i do know one cat who has a connection that choses not to meet new peeps so getting anything is a hassle, but whatever it is, it isn't too shabby actually. it's a mild high with just a twist of trippiness like something between a skunk #1 and a generic haze. my favorites are better, but every time i manage to score and dude is "apologizing" for $35 eigths... pretty average price, i make a point of saying eff that! i'd be happy to pay $50 for this shit man! it gets the job done, & makes me way happy. i'm not THAT fussy.

if you have a low grade strain to start with... no amount of pheno selection will make it any better. if you start with some way above average and consistent to begin with like DNA gear that has PROVEN itself as bred with love 3 out of 3 times with sweet haze, lemon skunk AND sour cream, then pheno fucking shmeeno! it's all fucking good!

TGA has proven himself to me with jack's cleaner 2 and is worthy of the rep & love everyone else gives him and will see repeat biz from me for sure as the third dimension is on my wish list, and i would be fucking surprised if sannies jack sucked when everyone else calls it a tie for best with $en$i $eed$ jack herer.

the best breeders get a rep for a reason. start with something awesome to begin with, and looking for that 1:100 mother that's just a little bit better is just quibbling with semantics. if i was REALLY that concerned with quality, i wouldn't mess with 9 week hazes & jacks, i'd go straight for mekong haze, old timer's haze (17-24 weeks!!!!) or even argue with my full moon highland thais again... too much fucking hassle for quality that's nice, but unnecessary. i don't want to be hassled with 5 gallon pots and all that crap.

a little indica isn't the worst thing in the world either i'm finding as long as it doesn't dominate as it does with original skunk #1... phtooey! 75% sativa my ass! LOL lemon skunk? OK... that acts better than a 50:50. i'm cool with that. anything better than a decent high is just icing on the cake, and screwing around knocking my ladies up just because i can and i'm sentimental thinking it makes them happy works for me. thanks for all this sticky goodness ladies. i wuvs you all baby and i wuvs yer babies too.

if all i had in the world to smoke was BXes of my super cali cinderella, i'd be more than a happy camper. fortunately, i can do even better, and that too will be more than good enough for me.

i bet i WOULD love mr nice mango haze. no doubt. i just don't like spending that much loot. i bet i'd love cannalope haze too, but again, even $70 is more than i want to spend when the cheaper strains i already love are good enough. if mr nice wants to live up to his name and UFO his mango haze, i'll make up an excuse to buy SOMETHING to get it! i always look out for newsletter hazes. i already have a blue haze, so i passed on the recent one. blueberry isn't my favorite strain, but as it smokes a lot like skunk #1, i'm hoping it's even better than haze skunk. testing will tell.

i'm always keeping my ears open for gear that gets me high that's top quality too. in many ways, haze skunk is actually BETTER than even columbian gold. it's stickier by far, more potent i think, actually LESS stony, especially after a month, longer lasting maybe (hard to remember the 80s that good) and definitely has better tolerance as even after a month of wake and bake with it built up in my system, it still was no worse than lead eye! the flavor sucks and it's not quite as visual, but BFD! i didn't have to give it up after a month when all it was was stony like i used to with gold. i defy any snob to call it shabby. for just $28? it's a fucking bargain!

oh yeah... i DO have an agenda BTW... pushing afghanicrap back into the corner where it fucking belongs so people that want to get high that can't in so many places can again. that's my agenda and it's no big freakin' secret

bodhi, mosca, ace, DJ shorts, sannies, delta 9, gage green & world of seeds are all on my must try list too. i still have a couple WoS columbian x NL5s i wanna test and report on HONESTLY too.
i'm not anal retentive like that. i'm not trying to create the beststrain in the world, bribe the judges at the cannabis cup, and win a trophy. i'm just growing to have the kind of headstash you can't get from useless cash crapping fucks that keep perpetuating the bag appeal myth. other than DNA's too stony for my tastes sour cream, black label's even stonier masterkush though both are at least functional and GHS' slow mutant super lemon haze, i liked EVERYTHING i grew just fine. as long as i'm not couchlocked, i'm happy. stink and stone are my enemies.

other than that, i like to pick the best of the best for what i do grow. i only had one sweet haze seed, and it EASILY kicked everything's ass as far as fruity hazes go... EASILY. it was stickier, fruitier... i already had a woody for it even before i blazed it, and it was the very first fruity haze i blazed that had some trippiness too and that includes the 1/2 gram of supposedly real haze that i was gifted and the super cali haze freebie i really liked last year. i'll put my SCH x C99 sross up against any fruity haze, jack or thai i've grown EXCEPT sweet haze and take that pepsi fucking challenge! i think it might even have been a little better, but it could have been a pride placebo effect. i KNOW my sweet haze x (C99 x A11) will definitely be a little better than all the so sos that are still good.

i'm growing for my own headstash and nothing but my headstash, so i'm the only person that has to like what i grow and i know what i like.

a SECOND TIME, instead of fucking trolling, offer some suggestions for gear i haven't tried that's better. i'm open to ANY suggestions. it's just like the thread i created for ANY opinions on wreckage or trainwreck & SAGE... not one freakin' reply. even when you ASK for info on strains that get you high, it's hard to find it as not too many put quality over quantity and i know those here doing actual IBLs have even better gear than i do, but that's OK. you can get too much of a good thing too. HQS is SO potent that it WILL give you the room spinning dizzies if you overdo it. i'm happy with a mellower high, especially if it does have the kind of psychoactivity that makes music & movies etc. seem more real.

we'll see how sannie's jack f7 compares to the known strains i've grown. if there's anything out there that's better and not named after the darkside's games, i'd like to try it and compare. that's one of the reasons i like trying new strains with each grow, so i can compare & share for the next person so they don't waste their money on lesser strains.

someone would have to be such an obsessive asshole to turn their nose up to sweet haze, jack's cleaner 2, haze x skunk, malawi gold or 8 miles high even that i wouldn't even want to know their uppity ass much less toss them some pride on the free tip. i'll admit i'm spoiled for getting high, but not THAT spoiled. any high = all good and a better high is even better.

i breed for me for my tastes because i'm the one smoking it all. i'll start sharing when i have more than i need.

i do know one cat who has a connection that choses not to meet new peeps so getting anything is a hassle, but whatever it is, it isn't too shabby actually. it's a mild high with just a twist of trippiness like something between a skunk #1 and a generic haze. my favorites are better, but every time i manage to score and dude is "apologizing" for $35 eigths... pretty average price, i make a point of saying eff that! i'd be happy to pay $50 for this shit man! it gets the job done, & makes me way happy. i'm not THAT fussy.

if you have a low grade strain to start with... no amount of pheno selection will make it any better. if you start with some way above average and consistent to begin with like DNA gear that has PROVEN itself as bred with love 3 out of 3 times with sweet haze, lemon skunk AND sour cream, then pheno fucking shmeeno! it's all fucking good!

TGA has proven himself to me with jack's cleaner 2 and is worthy of the rep & love everyone else gives him and will see repeat biz from me for sure as the third dimension is on my wish list, and i would be fucking surprised if sannies jack sucked when everyone else calls it a tie for best with $en$i $eed$ jack herer.

the best breeders get a rep for a reason. start with something awesome to begin with, and looking for that 1:100 mother that's just a little bit better is just quibbling with semantics. if i was REALLY that concerned with quality, i wouldn't mess with 9 week hazes & jacks, i'd go straight for mekong haze, old timer's haze (17-24 weeks!!!!) or even argue with my full moon highland thais again... too much fucking hassle for quality that's nice, but unnecessary. i don't want to be hassled with 5 gallon pots and all that crap.

a little indica isn't the worst thing in the world either i'm finding as long as it doesn't dominate as it does with original skunk #1... phtooey! 75% sativa my ass! LOL lemon skunk? OK... that acts better than a 50:50. i'm cool with that. anything better than a decent high is just icing on the cake, and screwing around knocking my ladies up just because i can and i'm sentimental thinking it makes them happy works for me. thanks for all this sticky goodness ladies. i wuvs you all baby and i wuvs yer babies too.

if all i had in the world to smoke was BXes of my super cali cinderella, i'd be more than a happy camper. fortunately, i can do even better, and that too will be more than good enough for me.

i bet i WOULD love mr nice mango haze. no doubt. i just don't like spending that much loot. i bet i'd love cannalope haze too, but again, even $70 is more than i want to spend when the cheaper strains i already love are good enough. if mr nice wants to live up to his name and UFO his mango haze, i'll make up an excuse to buy SOMETHING to get it! i always look out for newsletter hazes. i already have a blue haze, so i passed on the recent one. blueberry isn't my favorite strain, but as it smokes a lot like skunk #1, i'm hoping it's even better than haze skunk. testing will tell.

i'm always keeping my ears open for gear that gets me high that's top quality too. in many ways, haze skunk is actually BETTER than even columbian gold. it's stickier by far, more potent i think, actually LESS stony, especially after a month, longer lasting maybe (hard to remember the 80s that good) and definitely has better tolerance as even after a month of wake and bake with it built up in my system, it still was no worse than lead eye! the flavor sucks and it's not quite as visual, but BFD! i didn't have to give it up after a month when all it was was stony like i used to with gold. i defy any snob to call it shabby. for just $28? it's a fucking bargain!

oh yeah... i DO have an agenda BTW... pushing afghanicrap back into the corner where it fucking belongs so people that want to get high that can't in so many places can again. that's my agenda and it's no big freakin' secret

bodhi, mosca, ace, DJ shorts, sannies, delta 9, gage green & world of seeds are all on my must try list too. i still have a couple WoS columbian x NL5s i wanna test and report on HONESTLY too.

Noone answers you because they know strains that get you high are past you. Past 4 weeks flower...

Your not realy going to get that best head stash from just one seed dude.
Try breaking the bank and buying a full pack, then maybe someone will take you serious. But all we seee is you repeating info you obtained from others and passing it on like as if your "Don genetiko" when you aint even got a finished plant to your credit. You openly admit to chopping around week 4-5. You cant expect people to take you serious untill you actualy prove yourself. Not a tray of seedlings, full flowered BUDS.
God I really hope no one listens to this guy. Listening to him is like watching a train hit a cow. You want to look away because you know some scary shit is about to go down, but you have to watch because some scary shit is about to go down.
God I really hope no one listens to this guy. Listening to him is like watching a train hit a cow. You want to look away because you know some scary shit is about to go down, but you have to watch because some scary shit is about to go down.

Wodehouse voice: Right?
IM growing some bubblebum right now...ill post pics in a pit - they are clones from Harborside
Your not realy going to get that best head stash from just one seed dude.
Try breaking the bank and buying a full pack, then maybe someone will take you serious. But all we seee is you repeating info you obtained from others and passing it on like as if your "Don genetiko" when you aint even got a finished plant to your credit. You openly admit to chopping around week 4-5. You cant expect people to take you serious untill you actualy prove yourself. Not a tray of seedlings, full flowered BUDS.
HEY, then don't take me seriously because my priorities have nothing to do with yours. in the past, i've refused to take pics on purpose out of protest of all of the annoying reports people do that are all pics you can't smoke, detailed stats on temps & nutes like i could give a flying frog, and in the end, at the part that matters most, the smoke report... nada! maybe a pointless "this shit is dank!" that probably means it's just more stoner crap with no deeper use of adjectives or comparisons between strains

fuck all that anal shit. i created a thread about it. it's OCD to me. i don't need the last word in ultimate pheno expression. as long as i'm not stoned, it's all good, but some strains are better than others. if you want a report from some big commercial grow with 50 plants, then my grows won't have the info YOU'RE looking for. if you want a lowdown on how VARIOUS strains that get you high compare, then you might be interested in my experiences.

if you look at my starters, i used multiples of many strains and i DO buy packs as well as fems. i'm still learning how to grow as well as what strains i want as keepers. that's my prerogative. you grow what the eff you want the way you want and don't try to tell me what to do in my room... there's that OCD control freak thing again.

i WANTED more than one malawi gold, but one or 2 succumbed to mold and.or drying in their tightly packed pellets under my humidity dome and mat and the first 3 or 4 remaining ones as seen in the pic were males. can't do much about those coin tosses

i'm still looking for strains that best suit my tastes and goals as there isn't enough info on strains that get you high. the last time i checked, only 3 of us on the entire internet have something to say about rokerij amnesia haze.

besides, i'm a go against the flow kinda person in general. people want to grow stony strains under closer to infrared sodiums... i'll start out with a closer to UV halide instead. i think halide might be better as i got more grape flavor out of my super cali haze & C99 under my halide than the cross under a sodium. that's probably why dr atomic has a metal haze.

it's just nitpicking trolling trying to find ANY excuse to discredit me because of some agenda that can kiss my ass. lying doesn't work anymore as i DO grudgingly take pics to show what seeds i bought as well as what stuff looks like for those who only care about pics. BFD! pics ain't nuthin'! a lot of schwag plants look great and something like trainwreck might be fugly but smoke awesome. just like with people, the REAL beauty is inside. that's what i'm STILL looking for, one strain at a time.

now stop schilling for whatever schwag punk ass breeding hack i don't grow for because they have lousy reps. i'll keep sticking with breeders i see respect for like TGA & sannies as well as sample cheap fems or freebies of interest. i grow for VALUE above all else, and i like almost everything i grow. even grudgingly stony sour cream because it's delicious and it's nice to keep at least one stoner strain around for those that need them if i ever have extra to carry & share.

i'm not a master grower or breeder, just a guy looking to get high and have fun sampling everything i can at the buffet. i wouldn't want to go into some uppity gourmet restaurant anyways. elitists are scum and quite annoying.

oh yeah... selecting a keeper mother is a non-issue anyways as i don't have room for a 24h room to keep mothers in for one, and i don't get into the idea of clones much either. i'm doing my own thing and pretty much EVERYTHING i grow is better than the BEST afghanicrap i've wasted money on between 1988 and 2010, so i'm doing just fine thank you
Dude your posts are OCD.

Sagmartha's bubbleberry is one of my my fav strains. Supposed to be more bubbleicious than even the original bubblegum. The smell is so amazing.
well, blueberry is a flavor i don't care for to begin with even in it's natural state. berries in general are bitter and nasty to me. berries and seafood are the nastiest flavors to me, so there's one reason right off the bat for me not to like BB. i can't say WHOSE blueberry i even smoked either. it could have been nirvana's for all i know. the artificial grain of sugar flavor both times i've scored it was pretty weak too. the taste of whatever pineapple strain i smoked, for example, was much stronger as well as authentic. finally, i just don't like stony strains one bit, so blueberry offers me NOTHING of interest. it's true that it is "the most popular strain" according to a 2005ish survey i tried to do a stat analysis on. this is why i grow my own. i don't like what everyone else does.

i assure you too i'm NOT OCD. i'm not a germophobe, gambler, drinker, or junkie and haven't had sex in a few years by now. i just get in the face of lying trolls. that, and i do tend to make long posts in general whenever i have something to say.

i also don't go around talking shit to individuals like an insecure self loather out to attempt to acquire status on the cheap like so many us and them poop flingers who kowtow before whoever they think is in charge, usually some piece of shit talking down to someone. i stomp instigator necks and piss in their faces. i don't start shit, i end it. the more that are against me, the more likely it is i'm going straight for the instigator. that isn't OCD i assure you.
i like how there's an argument going on in between USEFUL debate on strains! maybe more bubblegum idea's ya bloody arguers, were all interested in that more, if your arguing with people on a growing forum, on the internet, have think about some things because real life is up in your face so i cant imagine how much that pisses you off!

i think i tried the same nirvana bubblegum and im on the "authentic" tip too, that master bubblegum looks good punker, whats the taste like? give hazey the over-dscriptive words he needs on the subject? Pz
I think I am pulling it tomorrow. It smells fruity as all hell. I know that Harborside clones have a so/so rep but I like this bubble. Ive had problems with the bubble and alien og due to a broken ph meter but I have them cloned and will be trying a different method on my next grow.
Good luck with them punker. I got the serious version and it is a nice strain. I only have 1 version tho so not going to guess which one is better, i like to know what i am talking about :D