has anyone ever grown with someone and split yield?

arc tyler

i have a cousin that wants to get into growing with me, and ive been thinking about it for a while so we started talking about it and i am starting to think its not a very good idea to grow 6 plants then split the yield, but i change my mind often so im not sure, he said he will go halves on everything, seeds and soil, it is going to be a outdoor grow, with ak-47, and i also worry about the yield we are going to get, if 3 plants each is really going to be enough to keep me supplied for the whole year and able to sell some to make a couple bucks


New Member
i didnt read the whole thing but i have grown with who atm was my best friend anyway we had bout 60 outdoor plants scattered all over, we went together every time to take care of them. one day i went to get him to go water and all his shit was gone and the neighbors said they moved out, im like wtf. went straight to where the first patch was, gone. same at every spot. the bastard took everything didnt even have enough courtesy to leave me any. so no i would never grow with anyone no matter how much you trust them


Well-Known Member
i agree with slayer that would just be a liability there isnt that much cost anyways when growing out door so the real question is why get a growing partner if your cuz gets mad at u he might steal or snitch out ur grow no matter how much you trust him he would also proabbly be bringing everyone and there mother to your grow it is not a good idea at all you crop will get snatched up by him or by one of his frinds that he shows the grow to just tell him nothing personal but its not a good idea i mean you dont relly know if he can keep his mouth shut under pressure no one does untill the shit hits the fan !


Well-Known Member
I grow with a partner. We split profit not yield. I bought the lights and stuff. She helped with nutes and the house. Then we started making money and used hat to upgrade. So now after we take out the bills and nutes needed for the next grow. We hold back a little for any problems. But then split what is left. Be it little or alot. I would only partner with your cuz if he is willing to split the cost and work. And fully understands that it's not a sure thing that you will harvest.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a good idea if your cousin is not 1 to discuss this to people not involved.Don't let the greed of wanting more effect your decisions. Instead of splitting 3 plants just split total yield so it wont be any mishaps. Me personally i do it by myself at all times!!!

you only get what you put in to it.


Well-Known Member
i started my first grow with a grow partner he WAS a REALLY good friend.We both paid for lights,soil,nutes to get us started(bear in mind we were naive).I was to be in charge of the grow and split the yield at the end not plants as some plants yield more than others.anyway as the grow progressed we needed more lights for vegging 1st problem he said "fuck that ive put my half of the £'s up) so i thought fuck it i paid for more lights.then came transplanting..we needed more soil 2nd problem again he said "fuck sake u need more money" (it was like trying to get blood from a stone).so again i paid for it.Then the cheeky bastard started saying i was cutting bits off the plants for myself to smoke(we were only in week 3 of flower) i said to him "fuck u after this harvest im going it alone".then when we harvested the first grow he said to me "right lets weigh it so i know how much is there"(it was wet) so we did it was 243.3 grams(wet) it dried to 91 grams.then he stared saying i stole all the weed cos it lost all its weight.stupid fuck didn't realise it lost weight while drying.Moral of the story unless u both know EXACTLY what it envolves just go it alone.Need less to say i dont have that friend anymore!!!!!! he started up a grow on his own too and because I done all the reading and learning he fucked his grow on the 3rd week flower(karma's a cunt aint it) and gave up. I still grow and am on my 5th run now on my own!!.And 2'z right up to him lmfao.well thats my story i thought we would be pals forever but oh how people change!!!!


Well-Known Member
The best advice I was ever giving about growing was "loose lips sink ships"
My main worry would be him getting excited and telling people.


Well-Known Member
Been there, done that. Absolutely NEVER go partners on your grow. You are asking for problems with money and operating costs, paranoid bullshit with trusting each other, and most importantly security. It wasn't a week into our grow and he had other "friends" at the grow areas. Needless to say it ended badly and plants were missing. Grow alone or dont grow bro.


Well-Known Member
i have a cousin that wants to get into growing with me, and ive been thinking about it for a while so we started talking about it and i am starting to think its not a very good idea to grow 6 plants then split the yield, but i change my mind often so im not sure, he said he will go halves on everything, seeds and soil, it is going to be a outdoor grow, with ak-47, and i also worry about the yield we are going to get, if 3 plants each is really going to be enough to keep me supplied for the whole year and able to sell some to make a couple bucks
yeh but ive known him forever and we are pretty good friends, i dont think i got any worries
LOL WAT.... Isn't that generally how it is? You know, being cousins and all you should know each other for... let's say forever? Honestly, you seem like you're going to do what you're going to do despite some really good advice given to you. aka, the tards that have to learn the hard way. Do you plan on sharing a jail cell as well?


Well-Known Member
i didnt read the whole thing but i have grown with who atm was my best friend anyway we had bout 60 outdoor plants scattered all over, we went together every time to take care of them. one day i went to get him to go water and all his shit was gone and the neighbors said they moved out, im like wtf. went straight to where the first patch was, gone. same at every spot. the bastard took everything didnt even have enough courtesy to leave me any. so no i would never grow with anyone no matter how much you trust them
damn man thats cold


Well-Known Member
what benefit do you get?

seed money? help tending the crops?

6 plants? I would go solo.
6 fields? hire illegal aliens.
In 44 years I have had that arrangement hundreds of times. Not once have I received my cut. Imagine this, I acted as expert wittness for a man in Colorado who was a MM patient, most believe 6 plants is the limit. He had 71, tad over. I was his expert, and his only wittness, AND did it Pro-Bono FBI brought in their expert, city of Aurora, CP brought in theirs. Day two I took the stand, after flustering th DA they asked judge for a day to prepare further. Judge said you've had six months, I'll give you 15 minutes. They came back with this question "Mr May is algea a plant?" and then rested their case. The next day the dismissed the case saying they could not overcome the testimony of Mr. May. The Defendant who's initials were KEVIN DICKIES, had an arrangement to split a harvest after i built him two state of the art grow rooms and stiffed me on my half. So far I'm 0 for 100 plus. Unlucky trying to pm you, left my email, would like to contact if you'd like

i have a cousin that wants to get into growing with me, and ive been thinking about it for a while so we started talking about it and i am starting to think its not a very good idea to grow 6 plants then split the yield, but i change my mind often so im not sure, he said he will go halves on everything, seeds and soil, it is going to be a outdoor grow, with ak-47, and i also worry about the yield we are going to get, if 3 plants each is really going to be enough to keep me supplied for the whole year and able to sell some to make a couple bucks