Obama gave us commerce by gun to your head; enslavement to health care sector


Well-Known Member


"We were promised. The president said we would keep unemployment under 8.5 percent (if the stimulus passed)." Since then, it has become frequent conservative talking point -- cited repeatedly by Fox's Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others. So we thought it was worth revisiting.

First, we could find no instance of anyone in the administration directly making such a public pledge. Rather, it comes via a Jan. 9, 2009, report called "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan" from Christina Romer, chairwoman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, and Jared Bernstein, the vice president's top economic adviser.
Their report projected that the stimulus plan proposed by Obama would create 3 million to 4 million jobs by the end of 2010. The report also included a chart predicting unemployment rates with and without the stimulus. Without the stimulus (the baseline), unemployment was projected to hit about 8.5 percent in 2009 and then continue rising to a peak of about 9 percent in 2010. With the stimulus, they predicted the unemployment rate would peak at just under 8 percent in 2009.

As Will rightly noted, it went higher. The unemployment rate peaked around 10 percent in late 2009 and is now around 9.5 percent. And Will is also right that the cost of the stimulus rose dramatically.

But what we saw from the administration in January 2009 was a projection, not a promise. And it was a projection that came with heavy disclaimers.

"It should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error," the report states. "There is the more fundamental uncertainty that comes with any estimate of the effects of a program. Our estimates of economic relationships and rules of thumb are derived from historical experience and so will not apply exactly in any given episode. Furthermore, the uncertainty is surely higher than normal now because the current recession is unusual both in its fundamental causes and its severity."

SO, Obama... Who said we wouldnt have unemployment over 8% if we spent a trillion dollars (it has not been BELOW 8% since then), the guy that said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term (the deficit has never been higher), the guy that said that American family's would already be paying thousands less in health care costs (which did not happen), the guy that said it would cost 900 billion dollars (while the CBO actually admits the number is over 2.7 trillion), the guy that double counts medicare cuts and transfers to Obamacare, the guy that tells the CBO to plug these numbers in and give him an answer not tied to reality....

That guy said it will be cheaper?? Whew.... I was worried there for a moment..
Repost from post #107, since you seem to be avoiding this I'll keep posting it until you own up it.


Well-Known Member


Repost from post #107, since you seem to be avoiding this I'll keep posting it until you own up it.
not gonna happen.

when you made a mistake the other day, you owned up to it.

when rightards like ANALEXCESSGAY1 make mistakes, they smear shit, cry, and run away.

at the very least, you get some amusement to accompany the exasperation that anyone could be so childish.


Well-Known Member
Fuck that! I'll be busy starting up my winter grow and harvesting our acre garden. LOL
i have one pumpkin, several watermelon, and a shit load of tomatoes left to harvest.

the second round of peas and carrots are coming along nicely, and the broccoli and cauliflower should start heading up any time now.

i'm ready to hibernate after this summer.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i have one pumpkin, several watermelon, and a shit load of tomatoes left to harvest.

the second round of peas and carrots are coming along nicely, and the broccoli and cauliflower should start heading up any time now.

i'm ready to hibernate after this summer.
Pumpkins, watermelons, casabas, honeydew, gourds, snap peas, pinto beans, jalapenos, hatch chili, crook-neck squash, zucchini, onions, garlic, 2nd crop of corn, burpless cucumbers, beefsteak tomatoes (for fried green tomatoes), cherry tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, dill (for pickling), chives, okra, bell peppers, .... I'm forgetting something. This is the family garden and everyone pitches in with the weeding and watering. We have a schedule. It's irrigation watered and it's on a slight slope so we have to build dams and breaks to water evenly. You have to stay on top of things or the lower half of the garden turns into a pond. LOL

Anyway, lots of work but lots of fun too. :p


Well-Known Member
ANALEXCESSGAY1 told me that he rubs peanut butter on his genitalia and lets his tabby go to town.
Never even heard that one before.

Is that the only pussy you can get since you are married UB??

I mean, it really isnt that sexy being married to a guy with a dead end job selling treadmills is it??? Hence the need for marital aids :P


Well-Known Member
more lies. i saved the PM where you suggested snorting meth and then lathering up the peanut butter. don't make me post it for all to see.
Well, then I would have to release the one about you forming a kindergarden pedophile ring because you were not making it in the treadmill business..

Really sick shit there Bucky...

Stop sending me PM's pimping little boys... KTHXBYE!


Well-Known Member
OOh, my very own stalker.

*pulls mr2sham's string*
If I was stalking you I'd be pm'ing you crazy shit, I'm not. Simply trying to get you to man up to spreading lies. I did, why can't you? Are you that full of yourself?


Well-Known Member
Well, then I would have to release the one about you forming a kindergarden pedophile ring because you were not making it in the treadmill business..

Really sick shit there Bucky...

Stop sending me PM's pimping little boys... KTHXBYE!
too bad you can't post that PM because it doesn't exist.

it doesn't exist in the same way that poor people will not face a tax penalty and obama never made a claim about unemployment going above 8%.

now you understand what a lie is? a lie is what happens when you open your mouth and spill hannity splooge all over.


Well-Known Member
If I was stalking you I'd be pm'ing you crazy shit, I'm not. Simply trying to get you to man up to spreading lies. I did, why can't you? Are you that full of yourself?
You have 0 credibility. You are a joke... I dont take anything you say or you as a poster seriously. You dont have my respect. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. Just go look at the crap you have posted recently.

Seriously, you are one of the last people who should be demanding anything close to the truth.


Well-Known Member
too bad you can't post that PM because it doesn't exist.

it doesn't exist in the same way that poor people will not face a tax penalty and obama never made a claim about unemployment going above 8%.

now you understand what a lie is? a lie is what happens when you open your mouth and spill hannity splooge all over.
He just loves to make up bullshit doesn't he. Then he has the audacity to make a post calling me out saying "how can people take you serious" with my casual jokes. At least I'm not lying in just about every post I make on this board. What a shitmop.

You have 0 credibility. You are a joke... I dont take anything you say or you as a poster seriously. You dont have my respect. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. Just go look at the crap you have posted recently.

Seriously, you are one of the last people who should be demanding anything close to the truth.
You know the hilarious bit about that. What I posted wasn't even from me. It was directly from a fact checker that proves what YOU said was a lie. I simply reposted it. Don't take me serious, I don't fucking care. At least be a fucking man and not some pussy hiding behind a computer screen and own up the fact that you are spreading bullshit lies.


Well-Known Member
too bad you can't post that PM because it doesn't exist.

it doesn't exist in the same way that poor people will not face a tax penalty and obama never made a claim about unemployment going above 8%.

now you understand what a lie is? a lie is what happens when you open your mouth and spill hannity splooge all over.
You make shit up, I make shit up... You lie, I lie.... You spin, I spin..

And you are chasing me around like a yapping dog! ROFLMAO! Keep dancing Bucky... This is all for my entertainment!



Well-Known Member
You have 0 credibility. You are a joke... I dont take anything you say or you as a poster seriously. You dont have my respect. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. Just go look at the crap you have posted recently.

Seriously, you are one of the last people who should be demanding anything close to the truth.
You have 0 credibility. You are a joke... I dont take anything you say or you as a poster seriously. You dont have my respect. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. Just go look at the crap you have posted recently.

Seriously, you are one of the last people who should be demanding anything close to the truth.


Well-Known Member
He just loves to make up bullshit doesn't he. Then he has the audacity to make a post calling me out saying "how can people take you serious" with my casual jokes. At least I'm not lying in just about every post I make on this board. What a shitmop.
I understand why you get pissed off when the same shit you do gets thrown back in your face...

The problem for you is I dont give a fuck...


Well-Known Member
I make shit up... I lie.... I spin..
this would make a great sig for anyone interested.

thanks for admitting that you lied in this thread. was that so fucking hard, child?

now if you can point out where i have lied in this thread or elsewhere, besides the part where i talked about your peanut butter habits to illustrate my point, that would be great.

good luck, liar!


Well-Known Member
You have 0 credibility. You are a joke... I dont take anything you say or you as a poster seriously. You dont have my respect. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. Just go look at the crap you have posted recently.

Seriously, you are one of the last people who should be demanding anything close to the truth.
BWAK!!! Look guys it is the Bucky Parrott!!! He probably learned that from a 3rd grader and is so proud he uses the tactic in every thread... Probably while fapping furiously to the sound of his own screaming at the computer monitor...
