For the fappers I spose

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Well-Known Member
He will murder me for this, but I'm pretty sure Tip Top would beat you all.

Yup, not you Rainbow...

Men are visual-oriented creatures when it comes to naughty things aren't they? I don't really see the appeal in these photos of not particularly attractive girls with their mouths all distorted. Even if I was a guy, or it was pictures of girls being eaten out. Maybe I just don't like in-your-face WOO GENITALIA. More artsy, or lingerie.

Anyways, I love you Rainbow and love the fact you're a mature, sweet independent woman who isn't sexually repressed nor lacking dignity, class nor morals. Pretty darn hot, too.

Come to England with your hubby for a 4 way date <3

UncleBuck, I actually like you too but leave her alone. Rainbow is 100% genuine guaranteed. You can't fake a personality like that. She's frank and honest and a really nice person... And it is up to Rainbow to post pictures that she wants to when she feels like it.
Well that's pretty damn sweet.


Pickle Queen
So I get you're all pissy and whatnot.. maybe it's that time again.. But just stay quiet.
Aww trying to fit into some bit boy pants, freaking adorable u are :) "snuggles"

Give it a few yrs yet, ur words are as threatening as a bunny in a puppy custome, but I admire ur persistence, again adorable :)


Well-Known Member
Aww trying to fit into some bit boy pants, freaking adorable u are :) "snuggles"

Give it a few yrs yet, ur words are as threatening as a bunny in a puppy custome, but I admire ur persistence, again adorable :)
You should probably stop your little insults..


Pickle Queen
You should probably stop your little insults..
LOL this again? I am free to compliment any member I desire, i'll quote some of ur past comments about me if we wanna talk about insults, i've got cookies and stickers ready for ur newest buddy ;) U seem u really like each other when u stalk and insult me, dear the truth is only insulting if u suck at life...... ;) lol


Well-Known Member
LOL this again? I am free to compliment any member I desire, i'll quote some of ur past comments about me if we wanna talk about insults, i've got cookies and stickers ready for ur newest buddy ;) U seem u really like each other when u stalk and insult me, dear the truth is only insulting if u suck at life...... ;) lol
Funny, you think you're that important.. Take another look.. You threw shit at me first..

Again, you should probably stop your petty insults.


Well-Known Member
And I finally found the reason we never hit it off...

Too explicit... Turn off
Titts are cool and everything, but i'm an extended labia man myself...I like em big & Beefy
Someone deleted my post, thats extreme, I have refrained from posting pictures of GG Allins penis, and have been keeping things tasteful, now someone removed my post and a picture of a beautiful well endowed woman, her camel toe was supreme was someone intimidated by her and her womaness?
Its ok if you don't like me, though I wish everyone did, and I guess we didn't hit it off, I don't really hit it off with anyone, people just aren't that into me, makes me kind of sad but that's life. But I was within rules and don't see why my post was deleted, whoever took it down trolled me hard, I wonder if someone was jelouse of her beefy vagina? I wonder if when you have a small skinny vagina and you see a big beefy one you feel less of a woman? Is it like penis size for men? Whatever mod deleted the camel toe, please find and post a picture of a even beefier camel toe or GG Allins penis to make me feel better-
Thank you
Beardo the unpopular


Well-Known Member
Young man, I want you to go outside and apologize to the nearest tree immediately for wasting the oxygen it spends it's life producing.
But trees also keep internet pedo dick pic collectors alive.. Please don't chop it down :(

Dang, I said I was done with you.. For real this time though.. I promise

Crosses fingers


Well-Known Member
That one where she looks up at the camera totally looks like me lol. I was like staring at the floor, didn't recognize it, staringat her shirt, nope, her bra, no...never owned one like was the one showing the top of her hair that first let me know it wasn't me (never done it like that...not that Buck would know that though) and then the one of her up on her hands and knees I could tell for sure. But I can see how if you'd only seen pictures of me and never actually seen me in person you would think it was the same person.


Pickle Queen
Funny, you think you're that important.. Take another look.. You threw shit at me first..

Again, you should probably stop your petty insults.
No u assumed my comments were about u, lets get it straight, if i'm gonna insult someone i'm going all out, ur just not worth it sweety, I might say things u don't like but they are all facts, the truth....
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