the sugar/molassas (sp) tricks


Well-Known Member
yes I know of it, and have been doing it for the last 2 waterings and have come to find out that this shit really does add some good fucking weight!!!
(black strap mollassas) almost a little too much weight

b4 none of my colas weighed so much that they just simply pull the whole plat to its sides but, now about a week later, Ive got 2 trees falling over and on the rest.... even the mini buds are just falling over!!

heres a couple of pics of the little buds... my phone doesnt do to well w/ the HID lights so I couldnt get a pic of the "falling over" plants, but trust me

Mollassas+water+weed=heavy weed



Well-Known Member
Good to know, Graf. I'm still in veg state and used molasses the last watering (along with Superthrive). Other than a couple burnt leaves from my lights here and there, the plants still look generally healthy. In fact, I am seeing tons of new growth all over the plants.

What kind of lights are you under?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply but, I was told to use mollasses in the final 4 weeks....
dont know if it really matters but thats what I was told..

lights 1000w hps and a 400w hps over 12 trees



Well-Known Member
Nice looking colas there! I read where introducing molasses after the 4th week can actually help the plant. I'm monitoring the babies closely, so if I see any adverse reactions, I'll discontinue.


Well-Known Member
look at my cola !!! i can't wait. it looks sooooooo good. do you need my address yet?

very, very nice.


Well-Known Member
How much are you using mate? I'm just mixing up a feed now, my usual flowering nutes plus a teaspoon of molasses per 3 litres. Whaddya reckon?


Well-Known Member
GraF dude, those are looking so sweet! You know the best part is...wait til you taste em! You are gonna be buying molasses by the truckload.

MaryJane, about a tablespoon should do it nicely.


Active Member
clay, do you have any links or info on exactly what happens by adding molasses? seems to me if it is just because you are adding a thick natural syrup, why couldn't you use pure maple syrup, or honey, etc ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, you got to be careful on this one, as the nutrient suppliers are hip to molasses too. It is not uncommon for a supplier to add molasses and charge you 4x the price for it, sure it'll work but at what price? Also some of the suppliers are using further refined products, which is not as good as real blackstrap molasses. Molasses is around $4.00

As an example: Ingredients: Glucose, Xylose, Aribinose, Maltose. The product that has these ingrediants is $12.00, I think it's the carbo-load that you mentioned. There's nothing so wholesome as Grandma's Molasses. lol

Grandmas molasses:
Highest grade, pure molasses available
100% pure, natural sugarcane juices, clarified, reduced, and blended to get just the right color and consistency (no sugar removed)
Slightly sweeter and lighter in color
Unsulphured – contains no additives
Kosher Certified
Available in 12oz. and 24oz. jars as well as 1 gallon and 5 gallon foodservice jugs

Is that better then using something like "sweet" or "carbo-load"? I guess they would do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
good post videoman some of the nutrient suppliers "secret ingredient" is in fact sugar.... good to know


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yes, it must be CANE sugar, which molasses is, and Blackstrap Molasses is the pure kind.

You can use cane sugar, and citric acid together, and those are the main ingredients in Sweet.

HTH :mrgreen: