The UK Growers Thread!


RIU Bulldog
fuck me long time amigo, where were you? did your donkey throw a shoe in the now a full time student at a top scottish university studying politics and still pimping your sister maria?
Well I tried pimpin in Scottland but nobody wanted to fuck those ugly broads. Something about the smell idk...
I'm glad to hear you pulled yourself out of the mire my friend. As for me, I got hemmed up so I had to call it quits for a while.


Well-Known Member
Well I tried pimpin in Scottland but nobody wanted to fuck those ugly broads. Something about the smell idk...
I'm glad to hear you pulled yourself out of the mire my friend. As for me, I got hemmed up so I had to call it quits for a while.
sorry to hear that mate, ive been takin it easy myself , still full on party animal whne i do go for it but i dont do it so often. too costly on the body and soul. you not growin atm?


RIU Bulldog
sorry to hear that mate, ive been takin it easy myself , still full on party animal whne i do go for it but i dont do it so often. too costly on the body and soul. you not growin atm?
Nah man, I'm heartbroken. The one thing I was sort of good at too. Court on the 21st, or 22nd or something. Just marking time.


Well-Known Member
what is it you need to know lad?
Just after a bit of advice really DST, want to brush up on me camera skills haha and am looking at a bridge camera. Looking at a sony as its within budget , this any good or is there something better for my money. I suppose its mainly for close up bud shots for a while till i have time to shut down shop and take a holiday lol. Just after a good allrounder to get me started mate.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, I'm heartbroken. The one thing I was sort of good at too. Court on the 21st, or 22nd or something. Just marking time.
you expecting jail? long time since i was last in myself, must be about 12 years. i try to fly under the radar these days.


RIU Bulldog
i got probation and community service but i was dui as well. pain in the arse but at least its not jail.
Yeah, be careful around here man. I think they got a lot of info off RIU but I haven't said anything cause I can't be sure yet. I got a hunch tho... They new intimate details of my growroom. I've never showed anyone the inside of my growroom...except here. You're probably safe being in the UK tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, be careful around here man. I think they got a lot of info off RIU but I haven't said anything cause I can't be sure yet. I got a hunch tho... They new intimate details of my growroom. I've never showed anyone the inside of my growroom...except here. You're probably safe being in the UK tho.
ive no doubt at all that they monitor this over here as well but im strictly small scale so it'd be a costly operation monitoring and busting me for nuthing more than a small scale grow. christ they dont ahve enough cash to keep my local cop shop open 24/7 as it is, theres no cid in my local area(detectives) just a few uniforms in cars .


Well-Known Member
got the same at the mo meself spoon 6 under 1200 more light the better aslong as u can control the temps

how we all doing anyway?

dus any1 play football manager aka championship manager aint been called that for years but still that was the original, i been playing the fucking game near 20yr now lol 92/93 season on the amiga 1200 i started cantona n lee chapman lmao

still play it tho, done the treble 1st season quadruple second season and now in the 3rd looking at the qaud again with spurs of course lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
got the same at the mo meself spoon 6 under 1200 more light the better aslong as u can control the temps

how we all doing anyway?

dus any1 play football manager aka championship manager aint been called that for years but still that was the original, i been playing the fucking game near 20yr now lol 92/93 season on the amiga 1200 i started cantona n lee chapman lmao

still play it tho, done the treble 1st season quadruple second season and now in the 3rd looking at the qaud again with spurs of course lol
think was prem manager 90 sumthing i played as peterborough got constant promotion to top and took 2 years win prem and champs league, then went on to football manager and lma manager, i am th man on that style game and war stratergys. footy manager has made me loose jobs and women tho as was on it for weeks at a time.
my proudest moment in my footy manager gaming was getting cobblers winning prem and beating filthy mancs in champs final


Well-Known Member
i fucking love it mdb near 20yr i been playing it hard but nuffing but championship manager or football manager anything else just feels like cheating makes me feel all dirty like lmao

hows ya detox going m8?


Well-Known Member
got the same at the mo meself spoon 6 under 1200 more light the better aslong as u can control the temps

how we all doing anyway?

dus any1 play football manager aka championship manager aint been called that for years but still that was the original, i been playing the fucking game near 20yr now lol 92/93 season on the amiga 1200 i started cantona n lee chapman lmao

still play it tho, done the treble 1st season quadruple second season and now in the 3rd looking at the qaud again with spurs of course lol
yo sambs wots happenin bro ? fuck me and the fuckin scousers in here aswell thought u was on detox lmao??

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i fucking love it mdb near 20yr i been playing it hard but nuffing but championship manager or football manager anything else just feels like cheating makes me feel all dirty like lmao

hows ya detox going m8?
was doing well matey th detox but had few issues that ment was best if have a j or two a night.
few more weeks will detox again, sounds stupid i no but i gotta b calm and collected at moment and me in detox is hairy as feck. loose cool over such mina shite its unreal.
u no wen we finally meet for few js i may have show u up on the footy game also haha.
hows things tho chap, u been quiet here for while hope alls well


Well-Known Member
was doing well matey th detox but had few issues that ment was best if have a j or two a night.
few more weeks will detox again, sounds stupid i no but i gotta b calm and collected at moment and me in detox is hairy as feck. loose cool over such mina shite its unreal.
u no wen we finally meet for few js i may have show u up on the footy game also haha.
hows things tho chap, u been quiet here for while hope alls well
i will go days n days without smoke no worries but i just drink instead lol i no im a raging nutcase without a buzz tho, fucking sad really 30yro n not much changed i.e habits in near 20yr lol

told ya plenty of times mdb ya always welcome at mine for a smoke, but u will never beat me on football manager hahahah thats just too funny im the fucking MAN at that game honestly been playing it non stop near 20yr, playing a game as i type lol


Well-Known Member
i will go days n days without smoke no worries but i just drink instead lol i no im a raging nutcase without a buzz tho, fucking sad really 30yro n not much changed i.e habits in near 20yr lol

told ya plenty of times mdb ya always welcome at mine for a smoke, but u will never beat me on football manager hahahah thats just too funny im the fucking MAN at that game honestly been playing it non stop near 20yr, playing a game as i type lol
ya fuking NERD lol i been playing on my ps1 today and fuk thjem graphics are bad :)

talking of detoxes try a subbie and pregab detox,, FUN times

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha man think wood b more upset if u out managed me then out smoked me haha. been awhile since played a manager game have been temped by the new ones but i no if i brought it i wood become a hermit
anyways hows the grows chaps anyways? any1 got any bud porn for a slow friday?


Well-Known Member
Alrite chedz yeah all good m8 just same ol shit different day, getting so boring between grows even been finking bout a real job lol only finking mind tho lol