wilma 9 big pot first timer help!


Well-Known Member
have you thinned out the bottom m8? if, as i expect, you're approaching the end of week 2 @ 12/12, strip the lowest couple of nodes bare, use them for clones. those clones are now automatically monster cropped, by the end of your grow, your babies, kept under a t5 or similar in the meantime, will be ready to go straight in on 12/12 the day your girls come out. i would keep best 5 clones and place them in no. 5 on a dice formation, you could also lst, pinch and top them all when they been rooted and vegging for 2-3 weeks, giving them 3 weeks or so to recover from their surgery and really shoot out some new growth. looking great so far m8, just thought i would throw in my 2 pennies worth..... lol..

p.s. you would be looking at approx 4-6oz+ per plant using the method i suggested for your next one, this time, you should get 2-3 minimum, hard to say as ive never used those nutes, but have used several others with that being the average yield. ie canna, dutch pro (crap, IMO), and even miracle grow in my first grow years ago, (not recommended) lol currently using advanced nutrients line and although there are loads of products and they are not cheap, they are well worth it..... there are many haters on AN out there and maybe with good reason, but for me, they are the bomb, regardless of price, etc.

hi mate cheers for help also if i take cuttings mate whats best way to keep them been thinkin about it but dont wanna bugger them up? also all seem's good with the plant magic range with it been made in uk its helps with tap water been up and down apparently its been tester up and down the uk with great result only time will tell


Well-Known Member
cloning!!!! ah, it can sometimes feel like a fine art at first but the only way to get it right is trial and error, what works for you m8. i've tried from heat mats for rodents to windowsills and wardrobes with a normal energy saving household bulb. the main thing to remember is they dont need that much light when they are rooting so dont put em too close, even to a T5 flourescent, it'll just encourage more growth than rooting....... this is my way that works for me lol...... in a nutshell, take the top of lowest branch, count down 4 nodes and cut @ 45 degree angle with sharp clean sterile blade, take off bottom shoot, dip straight into clonex or similar rooting hormone and place into rockwool cube/jiffy pellet, etc. < pre-soak rockwool cubes for 12-24 hrs in ph'd water with rooting stimulator of your choice rhizotonic/voodoo juice etc. trim off ends of all formed leaves, apart from showing new growth, it helps with plants transpiration when they have no roots, place them in misted humidity dome and spray them once when they go in. keep an eye on em every day and mist once a day if they need it, if they get droopy to the point of you losing her, just water, same water as you soaked the cubes/jiffy's in, straight onto the stem. i only do that if they look like dying though. otherwise just let em root, get 95-100% success this way.

my pre-soak and first week mix

2ml per litre..... voodoo juice
2ml per litre..... no shock
1ml per litre..... grow A+B

ps. dont get carried away and pot them as soon as you see a root pop out, wait a few days til there are several shooting through, again all this is just MY way but i have no doubt there are far better ways on here, its just finding them lol....
all da best man!
tidy mate sounds like a plan im at the shop tomorrow will be buying some and getting them started will update mate and let you know again thanks mate
orite mate the doing mint budding sites alover them now ive also added another light so now running a 600 and a 400 watt over 3 has one turned to male was gutted but bright side is only 1 down got 3 healthy girls will try and upload some pics just hard with lines on camera screen with lights on and welshman done what you said got 10 clones will see how the go over next few days also just started with the booster plant magic see how it goes........


Well-Known Member
i took 6 super cheese clones 2 days ago, trying them just on bedside table, and windowsill when its not sunny, direct sunlight and they wilt in hours!! interested to see if they take longer than under the prop. light and if yes as i expect, how much longer? quality of the roots when and if they pop? etc. outdside temp about 10-16c at the moment so extra test for them... and me.

also now taken 2 white rhino, 2 white shark and 2 bella donna..... just to throw a few different strains into the mix lol.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd nice grow iv only grown in soil and thinking about getting a wilma for my 1.2x1.2 tent with 600hps air cooled with 5" extraction. I'm just unsure what wilma set up will suit my tent best the big 4 or standard 9 any help please also I will be training them to keep canopy low so was thinking the big 4 but that is longer veg??? Then the standard 9 would take to fill the space any help please
hi mate myns the wilma big pot 9 set up but would only recommend 4 plants in the 1.2x1.2 tent and i did i few little soil grows and in my opion the was realy slow didnt get much bud dry but time will tell wi the wilma system buds are coming on a treat now


Well-Known Member
iv got these in soil in my 3x3 cuboard 6 of them been kept small and done a few differnt things with them

  • here is some pics with a little more info of whats been
    to which plant,​

  • 1st 2 pics the one i been making into 4 main colas
    2nd 2 pics are 1 i started to tie down once i flipped to 12/12
    3rd 3 pics are the one i trained from start and super cropd 2nd week 12/12
    4th 2 pics are 1 i trained from start
    5th 3 pics are another i have trained from start
    6th 3 pics are of 1 i have super cropd and trained from flower​




Well-Known Member

I have commented a few times so thought i'd post my effort, day 15 of 12/12.
1 x 600w hps
advanced nutrients range nutes
bella donna, white rhino, white shark, white widow and blueberry strains
1 normal, 1lst, rest topped and/or fim'd........

they're at day 29 now, these were taken @ day 15 though, i'll update when i take more soon.