Marijuana and Ascension

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Well-Known Member
Yes but here's the question. Does a sixth sense necessitate an extra dimension? cn
Not exactly. What we hear and see can be perceived as an imaginitive brain function. This is why people get put on meds. Im normal, as told by my dr. No need for meds in my case but some schizos were put on their meds because thwy were deemed "crazy."


Ursus marijanus
Not exactly. What we hear and see can be perceived as an imaginitive brain function. This is why people get put on meds. Im normal, as told by my dr. No need for meds in my case but some schizos were put on their meds because thwy were deemed "crazy."
That gave me a belly laugh. "The operation was a success, as the autopsy will show." Doctors. Still giggling. cn


Active Member
Emotion isn't a dimension. Just as spirit isn't energy. cn

<add> A vote to move this to SS&P.

that's actually quiet debatable depending on the definition of dimension, energy, or spirit you are using. There are a lot of interesting theories out there that we have no way of testing or proving currently, despite unexplainable but repeatable phenomena.

it is also interesting to note that by our current understanding of energy and the universe around us we are missing 86% of the energy required for the universe to function the way it does. Currently our best explanation suggests that we are currently unable to measure or observe this energy despite its constant existence. How they came up with that I have no idea. Why we assume that there must be this massive amount of magical energy to make everything work, and not that our definitions and laws of physics are inconclusive i don't know, but i can only assume that someone much smarter than me has provided some reasoning that supports it.


Ursus marijanus
that's actually quiet debatable depending on the definition of dimension, energy, or spirit you are using. There are a lot of interesting theories out there that we have no way of testing or proving currently, despite unexplainable but repeatable phenomena.

it is also interesting to note that by our current understanding of energy and the universe around us we are missing 86% of the energy required for the universe to function the way it does. Currently our best explanation suggests that we are currently unable to measure or observe this energy despite its constant existence. How they came up with that I have no idea. Why we assume that there must be this massive amount of magical energy to make everything work, and not that our definitions and laws of physics are inconclusive i don't know, but i can only assume that someone much smarter than me has provided some reasoning that supports it.
I hew to the physical definitions for energy and dimension. As for spirit, I doubt that it is even definible. As for the extra energy needed, I have not heard a well-formulated account of/for that, and so am not in current need of invoking magic. cn


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am new to this forum. Glad to be here.

I'm sure you have heard of the Ascension we are all going through until December 21, 2012....where we are all shifting from 3D living into 5D living.

My question is this....will smoking marijuana keep you from ascending to the 5th level? Will it effect it in any way?

Thank you.

It will cause you to miss the 4th dimension completely;
so you wake up really thirsty at dimension 5 with wet pants.


New Member
Hey guys, I am new to this forum. Glad to be here.

I'm sure you have heard of the Ascension we are all going through until December 21, 2012....where we are all shifting from 3D living into 5D living.

My question is this....will smoking marijuana keep you from ascending to the 5th level? Will it effect it in any way?

Thank you.
I don't want to call you retarded. But I definately can't call you the opposite of retarded. So are you retarded? It's not for me to tell you if you are or aren't. It's only for you to realize on your own...


Well-Known Member
lol you guys are funny, I like this forum.

I dont take any pills!

Seriously though, will it hinder your progress? I think its important to know because if it does then you might not live to experience Earth in 5D.

Serious answers please lol
WTF ar yu stoopid dood?
I told you what will happen.
When I said Depends I didn't mean depends.
Get a colonic on the 20th just in case...


New Member
Hey guys, I am new to this forum. Glad to be here.

I'm sure you have heard of the Ascension we are all going through until December 21, 2012....where we are all shifting from 3D living into 5D living.

My question is this....will smoking marijuana keep you from ascending to the 5th level? Will it effect it in any way?

Thank you.
Oh yeah and for your whole "mayan" prediction, the calender they were using was off. We have already passed the predicted "end time". So yeah, quit living in pokemon and digimon land, and get your head out of your asses. I'm tired of seeing retarded people like you not being led off to the slaughter house. It really pisses me off knowing that we don't have population control yet.


Well-Known Member
Well cuz Ive heard that marijuana puts you in 4D living, the emotional realm. And based upon all the research I have done, we surely are moving towards 5D (its already in progress and happening).
All you got to do if it happens is bang your anodes real hard with a hammer once.


Active Member
I hew to the physical definitions for energy and dimension. As for spirit, I doubt that it is even definible. As for the extra energy needed, I have not heard a well-formulated account of/for that, and so am not in current need of invoking magic. cn
well i can't say that i understand or support any form of the "string theory" (the theory about what inside the stuff that is inside protons, neutrons and electrons that requires various numbers of dimensions if order to understand it, or pretend to) myself but a fair few respectable physicists do. As far as know there is no definition of energy that is not "physical". "Potential energy" is one form that confuses a lot of people, not implying that it is the case with you, but it was only in the recent past that we realized the "law of conservation of mass" and the "law of conservation of energy" were flawed, because we have now confirmed that mass can become energy and energy can become mass making both "laws" pointless unless adapted to incorporate each other.

personally i use the word dimension to refer to any attribute of something that can be measured

I don't disagree with you, I'm just sharing some theories i have heard that might internist you.


New Member
well i can't say that i understand or support any form of the "string theory" (the theory about what inside the stuff that is inside protons, neutrons and electrons that requires various numbers of dimensions if order to understand it, or pretend to) myself but a fair few respectable physicists do. As far as know there is no definition of energy that is not "physical". "Potential energy" is one form that confuses a lot of people, not implying that it is the case with you, but it was only in the recent past that we realized the "law of conservation of mass" and the "law of conservation of energy" were flawed, because we have now confirmed that mass can become energy and energy can become mass making both "laws" pointless unless adapted to incorporate each other.

personally i use the word dimension to refer to any attribute of something that can be measured

I don't disagree with you, I'm just sharing some theories i have heard that might internist you.
Everything we have percieved is broken down by the chemical make up of our brains. There is no extraterrestrial or ghosts, it is your mildly autistic brain functioning incorrectly which leads you to percieve a "false reality". In other words, you are retarded. We as a society look down on people who throw out "bad words" but after all this time, bullshitting you all. I believe it's time to come clean and just tell these people that they are teetering on retardation. For example, we got those sand monkies over in whatever shit country they are in, looking at us, and basing everything they do off of what we do. They have nothing of their own, no original thought, just the retarded ramblings of some "prophet" that they relate to. Just like christians and any other religious cult, the people involved are in fact, retarded. We have come to accept it as the normal. But that's fucked, if we don't make them realize that they are just retarded, then we will continue letting the retards do what they want.... I don't know about you guys, but I'd stop the 3 year old child running with scissors, would you?


New Member
lmao at all you bitches tryna be tough through the internet calling me names. Dumb little bitches, go do your research
This is you trying to act cool online btw... Here, let me show you. Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining orprojecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

So, instead of coming here and talking like a retard just to later project your insecurities at us while making yourself look like a special ed student is not very nice to yourself. I for one am not going to stand here while you mentally barrage yourself with hurtful words. so stop picking on yourself, and move on.


Well-Known Member
that's actually quiet debatable depending on the definition of dimension, energy, or spirit you are using. There are a lot of interesting theories out there that we have no way of testing or proving currently, despite unexplainable but repeatable phenomena.

it is also interesting to note that by our current understanding of energy and the universe around us we are missing 86% of the energy required for the universe to function the way it does. Currently our best explanation suggests that we are currently unable to measure or observe this energy despite its constant existence. How they came up with that I have no idea. Why we assume that there must be this massive amount of magical energy to make everything work, and not that our definitions and laws of physics are inconclusive i don't know, but i can only assume that someone much smarter than me has provided some reasoning that supports it.
Dark Energy: think of it like your brain on drugs.
The White Matter is the 'smart' part, the Grey Matter is the 'dumb' part.
It's takes a lot of dumb parts to support the smart parts.
It's also really, really, important that there is room in between the smart parts for the quarks and neutrinos.

A neutrino here, a neutrino there, and pretty soon you're all fucked up man.
I mean nothing can travel faster than light. Right?
And nothing can be in two places at the same time? Right?
Fucking neutrinos can be both at the same time!
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