Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
hell no . i made 2 carbon filters, u coudlnt smell it unless you were in the room, and trust me with the 400 bucks worth of nutes i had they were def dank. im an hvac/electrician by trade. so duct work and electrical is cake walk for me. dont be nervous man just dont show or tell anyone. pay your bill on time and your golden. larry is the town bum like i said , in the police report it was CI-69 ,confidential informant. and it said the person called the local police departmnet and wanted to know if there was any reward money offered for info leading to a narcotics arrest. it also said it was someone i told that i switched all my bulbs in my house to energy efficient. i remember telling 3 people that and i can only remember one of the people. not many people knew i did that to my house lights.


Well-Known Member
wow. just shed a tear for u man. stay strong its just a plant. we all forget sometimes society looks at weed the same as it does heroin. its all disgusting drugs and to us its a ciggarette or a beer. and the reality is its even less harmful than those but its like religion. You only know what youve been exposed to.


Well-Known Member
and i wasnt supplying anyone buyt my mason jars. i was sick of buying a dub and smokin it all in one setting. but they think i was gonna hit up the middle school kids. WRONG! or the local weed dealers! WRONG AGAIN. it was for myself, purple power, silver haze and blue mystic, ! MINE not anyone elses.


Well-Known Member
exacttly. all my friends and friends parents saw it on tv when i was in jail, and they all told me the exact same thign when they saw it '' man what a waste of weed'' since they were gonna burn it in spokane. to me its just likea cigg or a beer. now the hard drugs i have never tried and thats what they shoudl be after.


Well-Known Member
wow. put it behind you. beating somebody up just makes you look like a real criminal. Even though once again it is the proper thing. Cause that was just fucked up. In your own home with a legit job and a girl and a kid and so sad so sad.....


Well-Known Member
sad very sad. i hate myself for telling people. i wasnt endangering my kid. not like i was cookin up dope where the fumes coudl affect her. if anytihing the smell l (if any_ made my daughters appetite increase which is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
i think anyone would rather have a stoner around than someone drinking. But yeah one has billion dollar companies and the other doesnt


Well-Known Member
and yeah the only thing is lit weed shouldnt be around kids. shouldnt let them smell that. but buds of weed. now that is more beautiful than roses and id let any kid see and smell that. you gotta smoke in your room with the ventilation though.


Well-Known Member
with a prior felony for delivery prolly a year n a day with 1/3 for good time. im pissed i never got to smoke it
I am deeply sorry you have to deal with this shit. I know how bad it sucks. My heart goes out to you and your family. You say you told too many people. If you don't mind... How many people did you tell beyond you and your wife/gf/fiance?? Do you know who ratted on you? maybe its just better not to know... I hope you try to stay positive despite the next 2 years. Then move to Norcal, thats were I will end up.

Marijuana Prohibition ONLY hurts the innocent.


Well-Known Member
Thats rough man=( sorry to hear bout that.

You know you said a while back you had really bad anxiety, and pains r sumtin like that?;);), You can always argue that point of view, That you use marijuana medically to help relieve those symptoms, and that its the only thing that works for you.


Well-Known Member
Real bummer Bro ... Thats why you dont tell anyone .. its that simple .. Good luck with your legal issue . Kiss and hug and squeezze that baby ...


Well-Known Member
shit man. thats heaps bad
as of today ima tell all my mates my plants died.
as for larry, he's an interfearing c*nt and he probably helped get you caught


Well-Known Member
wow, that is a real shame. Some assholes man. Just like this government, slander and lies. Sorry to hear about that, sucks you never even got to smoke your girls. Best of luck, this is something I would want to take to the highest court, because it's stereotypical slander on a safe natural drug.


Well-Known Member
shit man. thats heaps bad
as of today ima tell all my mates my plants died.
as for larry, he's an interfearing c*nt and he probably helped get you caught
same here, as far as my friends goe, they knew they had a problem so imma just tell the few That do know, that they died cause I couldnt figure the problem out!


Well-Known Member
Hate to chime in with my first post.....on this topic.

Keep your head up man, sounds like a railroad job to me, friggin media the way they spin stuff....and the popo. Funny how they pick what looks like the town drunk and not the neighbors that had good things to say.....ridiculous. If I was a betting man I would say it was Larry the neighborhood drunk that is their "source", karma is a bitch.....if it was Larry I wouldn't be surprised at all if he ends up getting a bad batch of homebrew and ends up blind or dead....
Keep your head up, get a good lawyer and start gathering "positive" character witnesses in case this gets real ugly.
Sorry for your loss :cry:


Well-Known Member
First of all firebrand, I'm so sorry for all your troubles. I can't imagine your hell right now. Stay strong.

Secondly, WTF is up with the media there? That story is chopped together like something I did in the 10th grade "Media Matters" class back in the 80's. Backwards, nonsensical propaganda. Such BS. And fucking Larry. It looks like God has already given that fat fuck a shit hand. My guess is that aside from that interview his misshapen head hasn't seen the light of day since he bought his 55 gallon drum of jack off lube in 1978 when he could still find his cock.

I second everyone's advice. You need a good lawyer man, they can work miracles.


Well-Known Member
hell no . i made 2 carbon filters, u coudlnt smell it unless you were in the room, and trust me with the 400 bucks worth of nutes i had they were def dank. im an hvac/electrician by trade. so duct work and electrical is cake walk for me. dont be nervous man just dont show or tell anyone. pay your bill on time and your golden. larry is the town bum like i said , in the police report it was CI-69 ,confidential informant. and it said the person called the local police departmnet and wanted to know if there was any reward money offered for info leading to a narcotics arrest. it also said it was someone i told that i switched all my bulbs in my house to energy efficient. i remember telling 3 people that and i can only remember one of the people. not many people knew i did that to my house lights.
damn i cant even be energy efficient no more?

cot damn!!!!!!


Active Member
So sorry to hear about the bust, you must be in hell, i hope that everything works out for you.