Myceliumbox easy shroom grow - 3 strains, first time


Well-Known Member
Well this evening has been pretty eventful. i got home and most of the Orissa have opened up so i made a make-shift ddrying box by connecting an unused pc fan to a cardboard flap over a plastic box to draw air out of it. And layed the bottom with chicken wire so no shrooms would be touching the floor. Well, about an hour later (stoner) i started to pick my first ever shrooms lol (exciting) I filled up the small box and had to upgrade to a bigger box. I can't beleive i got so many....what the **** am i gonna do with all these lol Anyways it was sketchy as fuck pulling them out, I was like Joe Dirt when he was working at the oil rig (hehe) "heeeeeeelp im neeeeeeeeeeeew". I think i did it right, they came away best in large clumps. When i tried to remove just one from a clulmp it just tore away leaving a horrible jagged, blue/green stump, so i decided to pull the other few out with it, thanks to canddo ^ tellin me the stumps can get contaminated. Well, i think its impossible that box didnt get contaminated in that major operation, i washed and gelled my hands and forearms and wrapped a cloth round my mouth etc. but it just felt way too intrusive i had to get the box out the growbag etc. and yeah it was just stressfull.

I have a few newb questions of things i read off google search that i just need confirming please,

1) I pulled the shrooms that had just broke the veil, or were in a clump where most the shrooms were breaking, or near to it. All thats left now are a few clumps where there was one or two just breaking veil but 3 or 4 others that were still 'pins'. And a load of other clumps of 'pins' on there own. SO THE QUESTION lol : Is what i pulled in just now regarded as the first flush, or will the first flush be completed once i harvest the others that i left in the box?

2) is there gonna be a constant stream of shrooms now popping up? Coz when do i decide to resubmerge the substrate in cold water and repeat the process?

3) Ive got my shrooms (i dunno how many but i got a LARGE sandwich box thats full) drying in a box with a fan pulling air out. Will that be enough to dry shrooms or is it essential to get stuff like silica packets or something? I know weed can dry at room temperature just sitting on my desk, so is the same for shrooms? Basically, can i dry them casual or is it a race against the clock before they rot?

sorry if these q's are newb but any help would be much appreciated


^ they are just sittin on chicken wire with a little gap in the top left of the lid. The fan is pulling air out. I hope this enough to dry them quick before they rot or get infected or something


Active Member
your best bet for drying is to get a large box fan, sit it facing down on a trash can or something and put your fruits on the screen part of the fan. Or if you plan on doing this again, buy a $40 food dehydrator from walmart. If you dont feel like doing that, i would recommend putting them on paper towel newspaper with a fan blowing on them. then when they are getting dry put them in the box with the fan. its best to get them as dry as possible before you put them in a sealed-like-container. Ive tried so many different methods for drying, and hands down the best (aside from a food dehydrator, thats the real best :bigjoint:) is the up-side-down box fan.

as for the flush question, it is ideal to pick your fruits when the veil begins to break, but often i find myself impatient and when i pick the majority of the fruits i just pick them all. of course i will pick the big ones that are ready early though. and the teeny tiny pins that never develop, i leave on. what you need to ask your self is, is the remainder of fruits that are not ready yet worth waiting for? if so give em an extra day then pick. if not just pick them. As soon as you pick them dunk them for at least 24 hours. then drain, and put back into fruiting conditions.

hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
your best bet for drying is to get a large box fan, sit it facing down on a trash can or something and put your fruits on the screen part of the fan. Or if you plan on doing this again, buy a $40 food dehydrator from walmart. If you dont feel like doing that, i would recommend putting them on paper towel newspaper with a fan blowing on them. then when they are getting dry put them in the box with the fan. its best to get them as dry as possible before you put them in a sealed-like-container. Ive tried so many different methods for drying, and hands down the best (aside from a food dehydrator, thats the real best :bigjoint:) is the up-side-down box fan.

as for the flush question, it is ideal to pick your fruits when the veil begins to break, but often i find myself impatient and when i pick the majority of the fruits i just pick them all. of course i will pick the big ones that are ready early though. and the teeny tiny pins that never develop, i leave on. what you need to ask your self is, is the remainder of fruits that are not ready yet worth waiting for? if so give em an extra day then pick. if not just pick them. As soon as you pick them dunk them for at least 24 hours. then drain, and put back into fruiting conditions.

hope this helped.
Thats just what i wanted to hear grape7 about the flush, thanks alot :) But about the drying, I dont have any more money to spend for a couple weeks so if i can get some cheap silicon tomorrow ill get some but if not then ill just have to wait and see how my DIY box does :-/ cheers man


Active Member
just lay them out in the open with the pc fan blowing on them and they should be good in a day or 2.


Active Member
i should have added, that the scilia gel packets and similar, are meant to be used in a sealed container after conventional drying to get the last bit of moisture out. in your situation right now they would be a waste, they will just absorb moisture in the air. so i would recommend laying out on a paper towel/newspaper and blowing the fan on them for a day or 2 and then put them in a sealed container with the scilia packets.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, yeah i just thought that when i woke up (i think ive been dreaming about harvesting shrooms LOL). Cheers for all the help much appreciated


Active Member
no problem man, its much more fun to watch yourself succeed with a little help the first time, than to have to go through trial and failure.


Well-Known Member
no problem man, its much more fun to watch yourself succeed with a little help the first time, than to have to go through trial and failure.
Yeah i figured once i know the fruiting process and things that can go right and wrong there, then i can focus on the harder bit afterwards and start developing my own mycelium.

I harvested the rest of the shrooms this morning. They had pretty much all dropped spores but there were still patches of underdeveloped pins. So i wasn't sure wether i was supposed to pull the small ones out too (like the one that are 1cm tall) because when i tried, i either couldn't pull the whole thing out (leaving a flat blue/green stump that i would have had to literally dig out) or i wouold pull the pins out and make little craters in the substrate undrneath them, which didnt happen when i would pull a big one out (kinda weird).

So ive left quite a few 1cm ones in there coz i didnt wanna contaminate the substrate, and some green/blue stumps that i couldnt easily remove. And then i have submerged the mycelium in cold water again and put the lid on. I will be surprised if mold doesnt grow out on this next flush. Does mold easily grow past the first flush or is it only a problem when the mycelium is first developing?

Thanks man, im learning alot. By the way my DIY dying box works really well lol they were all shrivelled up this morning so i transfered them to another container till i get some silica (i couldnt find any in the whole of town today)

Thanks grape7


Well-Known Member
Just got some good mix of opinions on, there are a few seemingly knowledgable people sayin that the stumps dont necessarily rot and that they normally turn back into mycelium! So im happy :D:D:D Gonna drain in a few hours and put it back in the grow bag! I got about 5 Thai shrooms coming up around the edges now. Still no treasure coast, but the company description does say that the TC normally take a lil longer to start pinning


Well-Known Member
Day 20

- There are about 10 Thai shrooms growing around the edge of the substrate, i thinkk only one of them looks normal. The others are only a couple inches tall and have half the cap opened like mutated. There are quite a few growing between the substrate and the side of the box so im gonna wrap a bit of foil round the edges of the box to stop light penetration :/ Dunno what to do about the half cap ones tho. Maybe its because of the light spectrum? Im using a warm bulb because this my weed closet, and the only place with stable temps around 23oC. I also used bleach to sterilizer my water sprayer but rinsed out thoroughly. Has anyone noticed that Thai Ban Hua are more sensitive to environment/chemicals than others???
- I can see some Treasure coast starting to pin!
- I dont get why the red spectrum bulbs should be avoided......the Orissa India gave a really healthy and vigorous harvest. Plus i thought the general time to pick shrooms was in the fall......which is when the sun rays arrive in the red spectrum right? Thats why people use it to flower weed plants, because it mimicks the natural spectrum of the end of the summer/autumn?

so, good news about the TC, but im puzzled about the Thai. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah i figured once i know the fruiting process and things that can go right and wrong there, then i can focus on the harder bit afterwards and start developing my own mycelium.

I harvested the rest of the shrooms this morning. They had pretty much all dropped spores but there were still patches of underdeveloped pins. So i wasn't sure wether i was supposed to pull the small ones out too (like the one that are 1cm tall) because when i tried, i either couldn't pull the whole thing out (leaving a flat blue/green stump that i would have had to literally dig out) or i wouold pull the pins out and make little craters in the substrate undrneath them, which didnt happen when i would pull a big one out (kinda weird).

So ive left quite a few 1cm ones in there coz i didnt wanna contaminate the substrate, and some green/blue stumps that i couldnt easily remove. And then i have submerged the mycelium in cold water again and put the lid on. I will be surprised if mold doesnt grow out on this next flush. Does mold easily grow past the first flush or is it only a problem when the mycelium is first developing?

Thanks man, im learning alot. By the way my DIY dying box works really well lol they were all shrivelled up this morning so i transfered them to another container till i get some silica (i couldnt find any in the whole of town today)

Thanks grape7

Leave the little one's alone - they will not grow but your futzing with them will infect the surrounding caseing or substrate. Aborts, I have found, are often a function of the failure of the mycelium to garner enough food. The mushrooms seems to begin many fruits and then select fewer that it devotes its energy to while shifting away from the others. The broader and deeper your initial substrate the fewer aborts you will find. Of course as your substrate ages you will see fewer aborts as the mushroom will not start large flushes only to "discover" that there is not enough energy to support all fruit.

The other cause of aborts is poor fruiting conditions, namely the humidity is too low or it has changed just after the pins set.

Of course - my theory could be all wrong but I have found that when the substrate is more than about 6 inches deep, aborts are very few. The pictures I posted actually had no aborts at all, even though some of the fruit was very very slender and very very tiny, perhaps no more than 1/64th of an inch in diameter at the base and two inches high.


Well-Known Member
Day 20

- There are about 10 Thai shrooms growing around the edge of the substrate, i thinkk only one of them looks normal. The others are only a couple inches tall and have half the cap opened like mutated. There are quite a few growing between the substrate and the side of the box so im gonna wrap a bit of foil round the edges of the box to stop light penetration :/ Dunno what to do about the half cap ones tho. Maybe its because of the light spectrum? Im using a warm bulb because this my weed closet, and the only place with stable temps around 23oC. I also used bleach to sterilizer my water sprayer but rinsed out thoroughly. Has anyone noticed that Thai Ban Hua are more sensitive to environment/chemicals than others???
- I can see some Treasure coast starting to pin!
- I dont get why the red spectrum bulbs should be avoided......the Orissa India gave a really healthy and vigorous harvest. Plus i thought the general time to pick shrooms was in the fall......which is when the sun rays arrive in the red spectrum right? Thats why people use it to flower weed plants, because it mimicks the natural spectrum of the end of the summer/autumn?

so, good news about the TC, but im puzzled about the Thai. :peace:

the reason fall is optimum is because it is the first time in months that the mycelium has gotten water, and the temperature has shifted, light is not much of a factor in growing mushrooms and many strains don't need it at all (agaricus being the most well known). It is postulated that light is used for directionality alone - or as a triggering mechanism. Imagine a vast mycelial mass underground and leaves. It needs to fruit in order to release it's spores into the wind but does not know where the ground ends and the air begins. One sure way would be for it to sense light and grow toward it, that would help it work its way through the leaves into the light. Dappled light is usually the most supportive for mushrooms, that is, the light on a forest floor. Your half caps may be a result of having grown up by the side of the container. Some times these mushrooms are permanently deformed when the eminate from confined or partialy confined locations. Your attempting to block the light is too late. Mushrooms have been found to respond to the correct spectrum of light (in the blue range) after only a tiny fraction of a second.

I have done such experiments in an attempt to get more fruiting mass. I noticed that with only a few minutes of light a day, the mushrooms grew very long stems and very small caps. I figured that if I starved the fruit except for the tiny amount of light they needed in order to establish direction the stems would wind up weighing more.

I later found that it was actually a combination of small amounts of light and high co2 that caused the long stems.

And - although the stems were much longer, sometimes over a foot, they were thinner and no extra mass was evident.

bleach will affect your mycelium very little, and your fruit only a tiny bit more. What you have to worry about is petrochemicals, any oils or solvents will cause a condition known as "rosecomb" where the gills grow on top of the mushroom, you have caps growing on the ground and the stem growing into the air, or you have double caps,one running into another.

I wouldn't eat them but that is because I am superstitious annd not because I am worried about the effect.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it makes alot of sense that they are deformed from growing against the plastic. I sprayed the centre a bit more just incase it was a case of being too dry in the centre. I coated the outside in foil anyway just so that no more develop going sideways or downwards in the sides. The rosecomb shrooms sounds fucked up i dont think i would eat those either, i always pick out the weird tumor looking bit in cooking peppers that some have. I read this thing once that RNA (ribonucleic acid) from your food can be traced in blood, but regardless of that i have got cautious about what i put in my mouth, food wise. I hate mutated stuff and GM foods, it just seems a bit too cocky to me.

So about the blue does it exactly benefit the shrooms over the red spectrum? Like i said, it seems a bit weird that shrooms naturally would be popping up around autumn, but isnt the sun rays in the red spectrum by then? Thats why weed growers use red spectrum for flowering right :/ but i guess if its just a fact its a fact

Thanks for the info man!


Active Member
mutations are mostly genetic.

the strain that i have been working with for the past year (mazatapec, cloned/isolated etc), the first run with it (from spores) the first flush was all mutations, then the second flush was normal. i cloned from the second flush and ran it a few times (very few mutations) then i isolated on agar. the sub-strain i work with now rarely mutates, but every now and then ill get a first flush of weird mutants and then the rest of them flush's are fine.

genetics is very interesting.


Well-Known Member
Day 13

-my good camera is broken till its fixed next week, so theres no point posting crappy pics from inside teh growbags, ill wait till harvest
- the Treasure Coast is pinning like crazy!!! wahooooo, and they will be ready for the weekend hehehe im goin treasure hunting!
- the Thai Ban Hua are fruiting slightly heavier than the last update and all the new ones are properly formed. Think i will be harvesting most the first flush by tomorrow afternoon
- Some new activity for the second flush of the Orissa India, i can see some pins forming and working upwards through gaps in the vermiculite

Hopefully some pics soon!

EDIT: ok my camera cant focus but i got some pics anyways that are ok


^ Treasure Coast first flush

SDC11078.jpg Orissa India starting second flush

SDC11079.jpgSDC11080.jpg Thai Ban Hua First flush (you can see a weird one that is half open coz it grew up against the plastic rim! crazy. I just pulled a few ripe ones even though they were part of a larger cluster, i figured the others are gonna be pulled by tomorrow anyway so screw it!


Well-Known Member
Tried my first shrooms on friday, the orissa india, and then i had two finger length thai shrooms yesterday. I think i did underdose alot, but i have no scales so i didnt wanna make a big mistake. From eating two nice meaty finger length thai shrooms i have to say that i like shrooms ALOT. I know i had a low dose because i was not hallucinating or seeing bright colours or making patterns in my mind. But the amount i did i deffinitely felt the effects, i felt like being stoned on weed even tho i wasnt smoking yet. It was like a full body stoned and a comfortableness that goes right down to the centre of the bones. Music was reaaaaaally good, and i had a gurn on LOL i seriously felt like i was coming up on MDMA, i had a gurn and my eyes were kinda gurnin too, me and my mate were havin a deep and energetic convo about freemasons and illuminati and corruption lol he's well into that, i think its cool to know but youtube just tears the arse out of it, gettin into annunaki an all that, its a like an episode of stargate. But anyways, im gonna get some scales so i can weight out my dry shrooms and im gonna do 2g dry, which should be a good dose to see some trippy shit and get a heavy gurn on but hopefully still be in control of it. But yeah, the mushrooms felt like i was on MDMA execpt i wasnt compelled to dance i jus wanted to sit there n chill like i was stoned, but my body still had the satisfying 'gurn' feeling from MDMA, altogether a really nice combo. I rekon my dose that night was around 1g dry or so. Dunno. Im goin raving this weekend and gonna do more shrooms but i dont think they are gona give me the energy to get thru till 7am, so i might get some actual MDMA to get on around 1am. Ill see how it goes tho, if i can survuve on the shrooms ill just stay on them.


Well-Known Member
How much more shrooms should i take next time to feel some trippy effects like colours? Is the whole colours thing exaggerated, or is there literally a show of colours? Last time i ate two fresh thai shrooms about finger length and was relaxed and had a slight gurn in my jaw and was rushing a lil bit. Should i double or triple the dose next time? Thanks

As for the myceliumboxes, the treasure coast are still pinning, they are developing soooooooo slowly, i dont think they are gonna b ready by tomorrow, but thats kool cos i can eat my indian and thai shrooms and ill save the TC for rainy days in or camping or beach or something.
I completely harvested all teh shrooms on the India and Thai boxes and gave them a cold water soak and they are now back in the grow room. Im not sure if the last soak worked, because after soaking the India box, about 7 shrooms developed quite fast out of the sides but not much else. So not sure if that was just the proper end of the first flush or what. I was expecting a lil bit more tbh, ill see how they get on now :peace:


Well-Known Member
I took about 4grams dry on saturday night, started with a gram on Orissa India at 8pm then did a gram of Thai at about 10.30 then another gram at about 1am and another gram at about 4am. I also had 0.35g of mdma in 5 wraps of rizla that i took throughout the night. I didnt trip on the shrooms coz i think i was dancing and rushin from the mandy, and i must have drank about 7-8 small bottles of water (the rave was from 10-7am with an xtra hour so 10 hours long lol) So i think my body was pissin the psilocibe out before it was building up.

My mate on the other hand i sold 3g dry to, and he took them from about 8pm-5pm but he just stayed at home that night by himself to do the mushrooms. He said that every shroom he took was like getting closer to the clifs edge and at 5am after his last shrooms he said he started trippin. He said he had a good trip but it was very intense, he tried listening to music but it wasnt visualy stimulating enough so he watchd some mighty boosh and loved it. He was thinking alot and he felt like a bubble or a blob of energy and he was licking his lips trying to kiss himself lol but said other stuff but i wont go into too juch detail. basically he said they are good shrooms and he did just the right amount to trip but not have gone too far. He spaced 3g dry over about 7-8 hours and was smokin weed too. The first time he took shrooms his mate stiched him up just handing him handfuls and he said it took him a ferw months to recover from the trauma, but this time he said "round two to me" lol

Day 19

- The Thai Ban Hua are producing the second flush, its pretty sparse compared to the first flush but im gonna see how big they get
- The Orissa India box is still empty, i think they are on the third flush now so i duno how many to expect
- The Treasure Coast are still growing, there are about 3-4 that have opened up, but wow they really are TINY even when the veil has broken, NOT like any other TC pics ive seen on google. I can see blu staining through some stalks though even tho they aint bruised. I reckon another day or two at the most left for the rest of them

2012-10-29 13.18.05.jpg2012-10-29 13.29.01.jpg
^ Treasure Coast first flush
I used to do pf tek. If you want to trip harder I suggest using a booster. Not many people use them, but only experience teaches.
A booster consists of a vitamin C-containing substance that, when mixed with the psilocybin, causes a heavier trip.
Take a blender, mix 7-15 grams of DRIED mushroom and add orange juice. Try drinking it all very quickly. Enjoy your conversation with God

NOT to be taken if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or anxiety


Well-Known Member
I used to do pf tek. If you want to trip harder I suggest using a booster. Not many people use them, but only experience teaches.
A booster consists of a vitamin C-containing substance that, when mixed with the psilocybin, causes a heavier trip.
Take a blender, mix 7-15 grams of DRIED mushroom and add orange juice. Try drinking it all very quickly. Enjoy your conversation with God

NOT to be taken if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or anxiety
Doesnt vitamin C stop the trip? I thought thats why people drink orange juice if they cant handle it. And 7-15g dry of these shrooms and i dont think you would be coming back from narnia....think ill just do the 3g dry max tek and space that shit out lol i can handle writhing around on my bed trying to kiss myself till 6am but, 3x that = not for me lol