3 week old seedling has stopped growing. HELP!!!

Hi all,

newbie here. This is my first grow and it seems as if my seedling has stopped growing. This is its third week in veg. The strain is LSD.
Germinating went well and i planted it in schultz potting soil.It is growing in a secret jardindr40 grow tent so its a small space- 4 feet tall by 2 by 2.
There are 4 vertically hanging fluros at 40 watts each and hanging above about 2 feet is an 80 watt led. humidity is 40% and heat is about 80 degrees.
ph is perfet as well. here are a couple pics:





Well-Known Member
It looks a week old not three weeks. The floros need to be close. I keep my t-5 a few inches above the plants. How long ago did it stop growing?


Well-Known Member
yeah those look about a week old like dude said mine are about 2 weeks old and much bigger and I'm only running 2 32w and 2 23w cfl :-/ I'm using MG soil and have no nutes yet , lights should be very close and try to get a fan in there if you could !! Lord knows I need one


Well-Known Member
Ph is perfect? The PH of the soil, the PH of the runoff water or the PH of the water/nute mix your giving it? And when do you check the PH or which ever your checking?

Some plants also grow a little slower, sometimes they work on the root system then explode in growth.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks? Huh...scratching my head.

Brother, need to get them close to your light source.

Good luck:weed:


Well-Known Member
If the light was too far away (which it is so what im about to say should be happening) the plant would stretch not stay like that. Marijuana plants reach for the light and they will stretch for it which in turn will give you long internode spacing, which isnt good because that hinders your overall yield. Light is a problem but its not the problem at hand.
It stopped growing about 1 week ago. I will say that I transplanted into a larger pot( taken the advice from a friend) and I couldn't believe the size of the roots. Very long and lots of them. Maybe it needed more space?
The lights i have are 4 vertical fluros in the 4 corners of the tent at 40watts each. Them hanging about 1.5 feet above are the 4 led bulbs at 20 watts each. Is this enough light?should I buy new lights? The dude at the hydroponic store thought this would be plenty of light for such a small space.


New Member
20121028_161735.jpg...these are 14day old plants....u should prolly trash that one n start over Bro....ull.never bring that thing around...if u throw a new seed in the dirt n do it right the new one will outgrow this one before u can bring this one up to speed....sorry Bro...we all make mistakes starting out....just some worse than others....
I'm going to trash it, it looks pretty screwed up to me. In y'all's professional opinion, what would be my best option as far as lighting for veg and flowering in such a small grow tent?
It is 3 weeks and I pulled just yanked it. Looked like shit, the roots didn't look great either. gonna start fresh. I thought I had ok lighting, guess not. Any advice for my next grow would really be appreciated. Small grow tent- secret jardin dr40 in a closet.