Struggling to take big bong rips


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I'll get straight to the point how can I improve my lungs for bigger rips. I know about cold/hot water, ice, blah, blah. My buddy said he has been ghosting hits and now can take bigger bong rips. I just want to be able to take a big bong rip hold it in and exhale without dying.

Thanks buddies,


Well-Known Member
Try hyperventilating before the hit. Maybe about a minute or so. That way - your body has plenty of oxygen so when you do the massive bong hit you'll just be getting the smoke and not cough trying to get air. That works.


Well-Known Member
I figured it just would come from experience. And yes I'm not super active running would obviously help. I do smoke all day, on my guess an 8th or more a day, but that is not how I came up with the name. And I will try the hyperventilating.

Thanks to those who were kind, to others, I don't have any interest to proving anything to you.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Google lung exercises. I think blowing up a balloon is one.
Don't hyperventilate yourself or force too big of a hit. You will cause more breathing/health problems than what it's worth.

Start waiting longer in between smoke sessions. If not you will fuck with your tolerance and start asking dumb questions on rollitup

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Jogging, proper nutrition, taking breaks from smoking for lung repair, quit smoking anything other than weed, etc.

Or do like i do, ditch the bong and get yourself a vape.


Active Member
Don't ghost your hits dude it's pointless and bad for you. Most or all of the thc is absorbed within 7 seconds. You said you know but try hot water, the steam always makes my lungs feels better.


Well-Known Member
What's the point? To show off? You just wasting shit. Take more smaller rips.... Ive collapsed a lung smoking blunts with some brothers.. dumb fuckers still had tobacco in the third one. Nothing like gasping like a fish out of water but not able to draw a breath. I was burping up smoke for hours.