LSD purity


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm just interested if anyone has a general idea about acid purity is on a street level these days. (I'm in Australia)


Well-Known Member
It not really a matter of purity... Most of the LSD is great. It is a matter of how much they put on a hit. What you have to worry about is all the stuff that is not LSD. I don't know about getting test kits where you are but I'm over eating anything I have not tested. Some bad bad shit that can be passed off as LSD........ LSD it self is fine, if you know you have LSD.


bud bootlegger
and yah, like said, i'd think all lsd is pretty pure, and like already said, it's pretty much down to the individual dose size more so then potency..

and also like said already, i'd be more worried about someone passing off an rc as lsd then i would getting unpure lsd..


Well-Known Member also has test kits (Marquis, Mecke, and Simon's reagents). Ideally you want those and the Mandellin reagent that bunkpolice sells.
The issue with LSD is that in the last few years RCs of similar potency have been discovered and are sold on blotters aslee frequently. The wildly different dose response curves of the phenethylamines from LSD has led to many problems, including fatalities. While there is no readily available reagent test for LSD, but there are several that will react with the various PEA derivatives like DOx, bromodragonfly, and the NBOMes.


Well-Known Member
I'd get the Mandellin. It can test for MDMA, and LSD... along with everything else. I have/ use the Marquis for MDMA though.


Well-Known Member
I'd reccomend all of them. $70US isn't much for 50+ tests and the ability to tell apart most everything. If I had to pick one it would be Mandellin as it can tell PM(M)A from others. Chems that act as monoamine releasers and inhibit monoamine oxidase are bad news.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with most LSD being around the same purity, and just less or more per hit. Some acid is cleaner.... some more visual... some more mental... you can just feel the difference. Then again, every trip is slightly different... so it could just be in my head But. It seems like most of the acid is marketed as "fluff" or needlepoint. you rarely see anything labeled less than silver....

from my experience.... fluff is the best. but needlepoint is more pure.

I've had some that hurts your stomach... hurts your muscles and joints... and some that doesn't do any of that.

sometimes it's almost TOO clean.


Well-Known Member
No two trips are the same, and the difference is frequently more than you could tell about purity.


Well-Known Member
Seems its almost all fluff and needlepoint anymore. Been a long time since I ate a dirty hit. The last 5 years or so everything is so nice, and even before that most were still super clean.


Well-Known Member
All LSD is not the same. All a test kit will do is tell you if it is LSD. Leave a sheet of acid on your dash at airport parking in phoenix during july for a week and try some then tell my all LSD is the same.

The guy who made 80+% of the LSD in the world got caught and sentanced to life back in the 90's. Anything floating around out there now is suspect.

I've had nasty ass blotter and I've had liquid. The two don't compare.


Well-Known Member
Well if you leave a sheet out in a hot environment like that it will cease to be LSD as heat degrades it. Particuarly in aerobic conditions.
Also Pickard was not busted in the 90s not did he make 80%+ of the worlds LSD. Oh that's right the DEA said he did, and we all know what a truthful and reliable organization they are.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I don't know anyone who deals in needlepoint or fluff. Its all just LSD to most people I know.
Also, the production of needlepoint is almost of mythical status these days. Its quite possible in my opinion that it's not being produced any more.


New Member
I could always tell right away if it was amber,lavender,white fluff,chek,or np.I guess I had alotta
anybody know what ever happened to this guy?