The history of this branch. This miserable little branch is growing off of my runt plant. I really should have killed this plant early on. All are clones from the same plant, all cut at the same time. This plant looked almost dead while the other three were sprouting roots and thriving. While my other three beauties had grown up to my screen and filled almost all of the 10 sf, this plant barely even got to the screen before I flipped to 12/12. The buds it has grown have been smaller than the others. The branch I'm about to show you was mostly under the screen and obscured. I was going to cut it off but I found that if I re-positioned it, I could put it under direct light. Now it looks like this.....
the other branches on this plant are lush and green. You can see them in the photo above. I'm almost at week 7 of flower.
What's the verdict?
the other branches on this plant are lush and green. You can see them in the photo above. I'm almost at week 7 of flower.
What's the verdict?