The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Naw m8, few days left yet. Aye u could give them the boost and see, I give mine extra ripen the last dose cos no yellowing leaves after the first, seem to be able to take all ye can give them, mine do anyway
lol yeh for sure mine too, soo t her bak on full boost and 50 ish ml of ripen, got it in a old canna bottle for conveniance, i go over the 10 ml line and i get no yellow leave,, no more than normal anyways can come qwik enough, theselast feww weeks seem to be dragging and the plants dont seem to be doin much, but thats just me in ther everyday, fed em today fiirst day in 3 i have done so,, trying to get sum of that lot of water build up in the pots gone, 3 days did the trick, can have em sat in mush,, hence y i think ther growth slowed down, feed evryday? yeh sure only if they aitn swimming in water! lol advice of unlucky,, i upose he does need all the help he can get hahaha and unlucky nobody knows wer cheds is prolly jet setting sumwer in the caribean


Well-Known Member
Fucking el mg u so bored ur taking growing tips from unlucky lol

See unluckys even been even asking yman, good on ya let by gones be n all that.

Where's the bb crew??? They aint sold there arse to arjen av they? U no what that fuckers like at cc lmao

Oh yeah me o lil o me lol chopped n donated now thank fuck, bout to flower 3 white russian, 2 pineapple express and 1 exo all in coco and the 6 under 1200 hps.
​hello chunks hows you, mmmm white russian i might run with them when i get this room up and running ;-)


Well-Known Member
Fucking el mg u so bored ur taking growing tips from unlucky lol

See unluckys even been even asking yman, good on ya let by gones be n all that.

Where's the bb crew??? They aint sold there arse to arjen av they? U no what that fuckers like at cc lmao

Oh yeah me o lil o me lol chopped n donated now thank fuck, bout to flower 3 white russian, 2 pineapple express and 1 exo all in coco and the 6 under 1200 hps.
Lol, didn't u read my username m8, don't need no growin tips when u got buds like mine lol. Gotta give it to ya m8, the exo buds look amazing. Is it foxtails r sumthing they call them things look like calyxes on top of each other or something, what ever they call them there fuckin massive, never seen them things get that big before

sounds good the new one m8. Mine will be a little break between, just gotta wait on two mothers fatten up to get clones of again. There good size at the min probly couple more weeks the start this cloning malarchy again lol


Well-Known Member
What can u do m8, had to be done. U get them all trimmed up then?
mostly trimmed mate, when they dry tidy its easier to snap the smaller leaves off being as thier dry. 23hrs it took me, i was fucked lol

how much have you been feeding the exo in the wilma mate? if they sort my shit out on the house before my mate flowers ill be running them and maybe the one that might be tuttie in some oxypots. i should be having the windows fitted tomorrow, then an aspestos check next week and then the insulation on the outside of the walls in a week or 2. with a bit of luck i should be back up and running by xmas :-D


Well-Known Member
mostly trimmed mate, when they dry tidy its easier to snap the smaller leaves off being as thier dry. 23hrs it took me, i was fucked lol

how much have you been feeding the exo in the wilma mate? if they sort my shit out on the house before my mate flowers ill be running them and maybe the one that might be tuttie in some oxypots. i should be having the windows fitted tomorrow, then an aspestos check next week and then the insulation on the outside of the walls in a week or 2. with a bit of luck i should be back up and running by xmas :-D
In the wilma with ionic nutes I never start with a small dose and up it gradually like ppl say, straight in there with the full dose. Fed one system last night with the proper dose of ripen, just ripen. An fed the other system with nearly 1 1/2 times the dose of ripen just to see what it does, only a few days left for me and then the work starts, fuck I hate trimming m8, there's no real easy way is there like


Well-Known Member
In the wilma with ionic nutes I never start with a small dose and up it gradually like ppl say, straight in there with the full dose. Fed one system last night with the proper dose of ripen, just ripen. An fed the other system with nearly 1 1/2 times the dose of ripen just to see what it does, only a few days left for me and then the work starts, fuck I hate trimming m8, there's no real easy way is there like
not that ive found yet lol. let me know how much you get out of it, hopefully id be able to come close with the same set up


Well-Known Member
not that ive found yet lol. let me know how much you get out of it, hopefully id be able to come close with the same set up
Should know next weekend hopefully mrt, they'll ave been hangin a week then and that's all there gettin. I will post a few pics this wknd when I start pulling them out. Defo lovin the buds on the exo


Well-Known Member
Fuck sambo u gone all healthy m8 lol. Nice salad and the few bits of bread with half an inch off butter lol
lol no really isnt my lunch mg was just looking for a pic on this laptop, i just had a ham n cheese roll with a exo joint for afters.

your online a lot recent m8 u not been working?