lights on 11 - off 13 Advice needed.


Active Member
My plants have been on 12-12 for 6 weeks , big buds and hairs are just starting to turn orange. Strain is 8-10 weeks flower time. Need to have this grow done in 8 weeks, have now turned the lights to 11 light - 13 dark . Would like some advice off more experienced growers that have done this before , would like to know if this will be an effective way of bringing my grow to an end in the time frame i got and any advice please, what are the bad points of doing this ?. first time i have had to do this.


Well-Known Member
wtf 11-13? im pretty sure your plant does not do much during the dark periods and most people do the 48hr of darkness right before the harvest.

if your plants are flowering for 11 hours of sunlight a day then youd only have around 9 hours growing time when your plant wakes up it has to convert pfr back to pr which unless you have far red lights, (700nm-720nm). so everyday that you use sspecifically just a normal hps 2100k 630ish nm? then it takes ~2 hours to convert pfr back to pr and then flowering will continue.

do 13-11 and not 11-13, do some research on lighting for plants and you will be introduced to a new ball game of growing.


Active Member
the longer dark period matures the plant more quickly as the plant thinks winter is coming and lifespan is coming to an end , might get less yield but they will ripen quicker and the trichs will amber and hairs recede which am sure other people will comfirm. need these done,no choice if i do what your suggesting with the lights, will be a disaster . if that was the case why not change them to 15 light -8 dark. Think you need to do some research dude. View attachment 2423512


Well-Known Member
i need to do research? 15-8? alright have fun inducing veg and creating a hermie, also more growth is done and a plant will finish faster at 12/12 with red light inducing, how bout you get some experience and come back to me comparing my 12/12 to your 11-13,


Well-Known Member
can take less yield , need these done and gone before santa comes. You think it will work ok?

it will be very close thats 4sure, i wish you the best of look mr...and im going to give you rep as this is not the norm....well done you ;-)


Active Member
15-8 was being sarcastic dude , 13-11 ,you understand . your advice is complete shit . your wrong , turning the lights from 12 dark -12 light to 13 dark- 11 light will make the plants mature quicker ( fact ) . Probably done bigger and better grows than you think . You been reading too much shite and not doing much else methinks kiss-ass:sleep:


Well-Known Member
wow, i gave you invaluable research which you have done no researching about and claim im wrong, you need more experience.

i gave you information that is backed by science and i have used this method many times and i have had strains finish in almost 35 days by using leds, hydro, and far red inducing. before you wig the fuck out about your 11-13 method why not try something that actually cuts time off your flowering and produces very healthy and larger yields, enjoy your less yield and shittier bud overall.

i also meant 13-11 with far red, thatll have you ready to harvest alot quick than 11-13....


Well-Known Member
alright, your just another ignorant grower like the guys at hydro stores, learn to do research and experimentation and you might grow better bud one day.

also you were asking for advice when you alreadh started 11-13 and then attack my post stating im wrong and 11-13 will mature faster? your an idiot, you claim you need advice and then attack my advice and then state your method is the best method, fucking hypocrite and a waste of a thread.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am also bored with the bad information.

Giving your plants fewer hours of light per day does not make them finish sooner, or think that winter is coming. What it does is cause less THC to be produced. Rob Clarke says in MJ Botany that giving plants 10 hours of light per day results in half as much THC as 12 hours of light per day.

So I flower my plants with 13 hours of light per day.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I am also bored with the bad information.

Giving your plants fewer hours of light per day does not make them finish sooner, or think that winter is coming. What it does is cause less THC to be produced. Rob Clarke says in MJ Botany that giving plants 10 hours of light per day results in half as much THC as 12 hours of light per day.

So I flower my plants with 13 hours of light per day.

if you introduce far red light for 15 minutes after the dark period youd be able to shave off many hours (dependant on strains flowering time) ive managed to run 14-9 and the plant finished alot sooner and had no hormonal problems.


Well-Known Member
alright, your just another ignorant grower like the guys at hydro stores, learn to do research and experimentation and you might grow better bud one day.
He's trying to do some experimentation, and you basically told him to stop and do it your way. How else can you learn but to do it yourself?
I've been trying this on my grow so I can cast my opinion on it later on. Yield isn't as important to me as energy costs, as I use LED's :)
I don't know if it will cut down on the yield or not as of yet, someone can beat me in the head with facts and figures all day, but until I try it
out for myself and I see what happens, I will never listen. A lot of people are like that.

12-1 Lighting Method AKA The Gas Lantern Routine - Save 30-50% on your energy costs!
Written by Joseph R. Pietri on 29 January 2011.

How to reduce the cost of growing cannabis saving 30-50% on your electricty bill using the 12-1 lighting schedule.

The biggest innovator in the history of cannabis in my generation is Reinhard Delp. Not only did he invent and is the holder of the patent for ice water extraction, he has been building flower forcers since 1992. His new solar powered Sun-gate is the leader of the industry. He was the first to feminize seeds and sell them in Europe in the late 90’s. His process was done naturally, without the use of any chemicals.

No one is more copied but seldom matched than Mr. Delp, who to me is the top grower of our generation. The first time he impressed me he showed me 2 plants, planted next to one another, 1 completely covered in powdery mildew, the other completely clean and beautiful. He was developing mildew and mold resistant genetics.

In the late 90’s Reinhard brought back the gas lantern routine that you find in any college grade horticulture book, and applied it to cannabis. Cannabis needs only 13 hours to stay in the vegetative growth stage. The 18-6 lighting schedule in vegetation, actually stress your plants, that never get that much light in one-day outdoors. Cannabis is an outdoor plant. Growing indoors you should copy how it grows outdoors. No Cannabis growing in Afghanistan gets 18 hours of light in growth pattern. Most strains today have some part Indica in their genetic pool. Even equatorial strains don’t get 18 hours of sun a day.

The 12-1 lighting schedule is as follows 12 hours lights on, 5.5 lights off, 1-hour lights on, 5.5 lights off, and repeat schedule. The 1 hour on in between off period fools the plants that stay in vegetative growth state! Your immediate savings are 5 hours in energy costs daily, as well as your bulbs and equipment lasting longer. But how do the plants react to this lighting schedule?

You see immediate growth response from your plants, they are happy from the added rest time. By day 14 the plants tripled in size. The plants are bushy with twice as many bud sites without topping or bending, In fact when you top and stretch your plants out, you get many more bud sites than you would have had under 18-6 using same procedure of topping and stretching plant, your growing bigger and better and faster.

12 - 1 light cycle gas lantern routine

So your saving 5 hours daily in energy costs, as well as your excellerated growth pattern which also saves you time and energy and equipment use.

In the flowering stage, never use 12-12, start your flowering period at 11 hours on 13 hours off. When your are growing outdoors each day you get less and less sun light, you should copy the way the sun acts naturally in your indoor grow. So first 2 weeks of flower you go 11 on 13 off, the next 2 weeks you go down to 10.5 on 13.5 off, next 2 weeks 10 on 14 off, next two weeks 9.5 on 14.5 off and the last weeks of flower you should be at 9 hours on and 15 hours off. You’ll get bigger and better buds by copying the way the sun light works on cannabis outdoors.

Cannabis is an outdoor plant and you should copy the way it grows outdoors indoors. The only thing that 18-6, and then 12-12 lighting schedule's do is make the energy companies rich as well as the people who sell lights and equipment, the more you use the more you spend. 12-1 lighting schedule is a more natural way to grow indoors and you well have the best results you have ever had and save as much as 50% in energy costs.

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Well-Known Member
i base my knowledge off proven science and experience, it doesnt matter how much darkness you give, go read the thread i started on pfr/fr, YOUR PLANT DOESNT GROW IN THE DARKNESS. this is a fact, i gave him proven science instead of bullshit theories on lighting. also from experience 12-5.5.-1-5.5 is just for people that are growing outdoors in the winter and they are trying to veg, you dont save power you waste more time.


Well-Known Member
i base my knowledge off proven science and experience, it doesnt matter how much darkness you give, go read the thread i started on pfr/fr, YOUR PLANT DOESNT GROW IN THE DARKNESS. this is a fact, i gave him proven science instead of bullshit theories on lighting. also from experience 12-5.5.-1-5.5 is just for people that are growing outdoors in the winter and they are trying to veg, you dont save power you waste more time.
Just like science and religion you have to break it down so people can understand it. Do I understand quantum physics, fuck no. So someone who knew quantum physics and tried to explain it to me would be royally screwed.
I don't understand anything you said about pfr/fr but I will go read it and try to understand it. To help someone to understand what they're doing is wrong, and telling someone what they're doing is wrong are two different things.
Everybody doesn't think like your brain thinks because we are all made differently and can adapt at different levels. You know that it's documented scientific evidence, but he doesn't. Hell I don't either, but give me a few minutes ;)


Well-Known Member
you cant just one day decide to make your plant harvest faster, it has to be done over time and the only way to actually speed it up is by inducing the dark period alot faster and save the plant time when it could of have been "sleeping" but instead it uses 2~hours of the dark period to try and fall "assleep" and then it turns a 12hr dark period into a 10hr dark period when if you give it far red light after the dark period it instantly will fall "asleep" and you can do a 14-10 schedule giving your plant more time to finish.


Well-Known Member
But you're saying that if someone isn't using specific spectrums this happens, but what if they are using the correct spectrums and go 11-13?